If anyone is interested in more details, he took on the task of reworking Nora (and adding a sequel) to make it look more emotional. In previous scenes, her facial expressions left much to be desired, and her face seems to have become better as you can see in the picture. In general, everything together with Alice and Ruby should have become the basis of the update, that is, Ruby's house. But the author, due to the voting system of subscribers on Patreon, made his work difficult. Tailed wanted to make a realistic chat for Alice's stream, but something went wrong with him, and it dragged on for several months. He decided to cut Alice out and add her in the next update, I don't know the details about the technical problems of what he wants to do. Apparently, he doesn't want to take the easy way, but to give us the best experience of seducing Alice (my opinion), I would actually like something like that too. Personally, I was pleased with these secondary characters in the future update. Although he added Melissa quite recently, I personally really liked her, I didn't expect that the next update would continue her story