This is a great game, with awesome animation, artstyle, good soun, basically, I love it! BUT, there are some VERY big issues with game design.
It needs a real overhaul to make it FUN. It is NOT fun having a floor trap followed by a ceiling trap, with 2 crawling monster coming at you at the same time. The run attack is barely usable. Its frames appear to get crawlers as well as normal monsters, but it doesn't. the wind up is too long, by the time your attack reaches the enemy, there may be a crawler on that space that interrupts your attack.
Crawlers take 3 hits to down, and you have to wait for their "get up" animations before they're vulnerable again, leavbing you standing quite a while. Low kick is kinda crap, as sometimes you're caught mid-animation(legs already splayed out, as if the enemy should've been hit) and get fucked.
So, basically, make attacks feel worthwhile, with ACTUAL tells as to when you'll actually hit an enemy, dont make the hit connect at some unknown point in the animation. Improve your randomizer for enemy types in order to avoid some types of enemies spawning with others(junping floor traps only to get caught by a zombie right as you land is bullshit) and take away the zombie's invulnerability window, also, 2 hits MAX for crawlers, as you're locked in a position in order to hit them, Ah, ALSO ALSO, ENEMIES THAT ARE ON THE FLOOR SHOULD BE EITHER JUMPABLE OR MADE TO BE RUN THROUGH, otherwise, you're caught in an invisible wall with a guaranteed enemy grab. NOT FUN.
Again, I did love the story, animations, etc. They're exciting to look at, facial expressions are erotic and well drawn, enemy design, though I'd say it'd probably be best with 2/3 more enemy types, are varied and great, with a couple of variations on animations for each, cutscenes are long and well made. Everything to be a winner, except the gameplay design.
P.S. Despite my gripes with gameplay design, I did like enemy feedback on hit, very nicely animated. If I were to make a sequel to the game, rather than a runner, I'd probably make a beat'em up. You could even reuse a lot of assets, AND most of the framework is already in place. Just need some more attacks, make the combat more fluid, and voila, COMPLETE VICTORY(even if there's no escape)