I just wanted to say that if you don't like shape of the models, then maybe this VN isn't for you. There are many other VNs with different model figures
Think at this point, the mods need to step in and do some modding. I know a lot of the girls' proportions ore on the SF or plastic surgery addiction side, would prefer a lil bit of reduction here and there myself too, but if after the 11th update some users can't understand that either the dev or his fanbase loves this type of proportions and the rest is details, then maybe they should be moving on to porn game threads focused on lolis and/or women with normal/average Jane kinda proportions, instead of repeating the same few sentences over and over again after already seeing nothing's changed.
It's getting annoying and completely ridiculous at this point, so much so you'd think it's plain trolling or hating cuz of a lack of hobbies or better things to do IRL, smh.
Just a shame the immersion and the realistic feel is completely ruined by half the women having cartoon oversized boobs, doesn't make them look good nor sexy just makes otherwise beautiful and interresting characters look stupid
Fantasy themed adult VN in modern setting (!!)
Way to throw objectivity out the window there. Women here don't look attractive to YOU, not to me, the dev or most of their fans, for that matter, and uhh... realistic feel on what or where exactly ??

In a story focused on demons, witches who can turn into all kinds of animals, kids who can lift a few ton heavy boulder like it was a damn 20ibs dumbbell and the supernatural ??
Science might eventually prove me wrong on this, but so far, what happens in the story sure asf doesn't sound even remotely
realistic or at least believable for anything other than fiction to me.

And women with curves and big
assets are or look by default dumb to you ??

Cuz I'd argue here that this type of 'logic' goes both ways and it applies to those of us men who're too much on the buff side too.
My point is, nobody's forcing anyone to play a game like this one if they don't like the story or its characters. Instead of repeating the same complaints the dev obviously doesn't really care about again and again, you could either enjoy playing it how it is or ignoring it and moving on to other titles that cater to your tastes, like the rest of us do.
If big tits and asses are that much of a problem, simply exclude them from the search and only use the tags you like. It's this simple to avoid games with content or characters you don't like, why try to 'force' devs to do what y'all want and not let other ppl enjoy variety or the exact type of content they like too and pay for ??