DevinHesi posts many renders/fanart from discord every day on 100s of different threads. I've never once since him try to claim credit for the work. Most people are aware he's being a good guy and just sharing stuff that some would not get to see otherwise.

I didn't want to point fingers or blame him to do a bad thing here... I only wanted to state my Point of view and as I'm not that active in that many other (Fan Art) Threads I don't know him that well.

I hope he doesn't hold a grudge now - again, just m2c about just posting a Picture without mentioning a Source is a bit strange to me. I was an Admin once on a Windows 7 Theme Page way back and we had the Policy that when Posting something that's not "made by you" you have to post a Link and mention the Original Creator to honor his Work properly.
Now that I know that he's known for posing these Pictures like he does it's all good and fine with me.