Unity - Completed - AD-Like Temptation [Final] [OtsuCollege]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game title is very apt. Much like the ads it parodies, it, too, isn't worth the download when you start playing it.

    Like others have said before me, the gameplay and animations both, are repetitive. You could play one level and know what the other three are like. Or better yet, you could come up with better shit in your own imagination. It'd certainly be more satisfying that way.

    Absolute waste of disk space.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Womp womp bad reviewer

    What is this modeling, the in game model is very poorly designed as it has barely any diference in the face model between female characters. The gameplay is also boring as it follows a endless grind to farm up levels and then just win, which makes the gameplay extremely tedious.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    So this game is wholly a one star experience, the only reason I'm giving it a second star is because I think the entire premise is really fucking funny. The game is a parody of those mobile game ads where you're shown a game (very similar to this one) and you download it to find a completely different one. This game takes that concept, but gives you the game shown in the ad and adds porn. It's a funny concept, and with enough refining, I think this could be solid, but as is, it's awful.

    The Pros:
    + simple concept and easy-to-grasp gameplay
    + funny premise

    The Cons:
    - Extremely Boring
    - Almost all animations are recycled
    - Absurdly easy, you really can't lose unless you allow yourself to lose
    - Very unpolished, it's really rough to look at
    - The gallery doesn't really work, it just shows you combat animations, and not actually any of the real H animations you can find in game. Though this is somewhat mitigated by fact you can skip to the boss with max stats at the beginning of every level.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Is the porn any good? It is not.
    Are the Graphic good? They are not.
    Is the gameplay good? it is not.
    Are the boss battles interesting? Nope.
    I the premise hilarious? Sort of, its these youtube Ads as a porn game.

    Feels like a proof of concept, which I sort of respect? With slightly less trash graphic, and boss battles where you can roleplay falling to temptation, this would be not trash.