VN - RPGM - Completed - Abaddon: Princess of the Decay [Final] [Sakuraprin]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I've come across this game many times when I've been looking for something to play, but I've always stayed away because of the weird previews with 90s-style graphics. When I finally had nothing to play, I decided to give it a chance, and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at first, but ultimately disappointed in the end.

    Well, I'll start with the good things about the game, that got me interested, and end with the bad things that made me drop it without going through to the end. So, It is up to you to decide how critical this is for you and whether it is worth downloading the game.


    The driving force of the whole game is the narration, and the dialogues of the characters. This is the strongest aspect of the game, and kept me moving forward no matter what. The characters feel alive, their reactions are realistic and quite logical. However, there are characters with typical anime archetypes in the game, but the girls I chose to team up with at the beginning kept me entertained. I also liked the main character's answer branches, which allow us to more or less roleplay our character. I feel that I have completed the game, somewhere around 70-80% (although I could be wrong), but I generally enjoyed the story I managed to see.


    Horror atmosphere.
    The horror atmosphere is a bit hit and miss. I only felt tension in the prologue, afterwards the game didn't surprise me much. The graphics and sound effects could have been a lot better, and there wasn't enough art to back up the scenes that should have made us feel uneasy.
    I can't say that the lack of frightening or suspenseful moments bothered me too much, because overall I found the story interesting and I enjoyed following the characters trying to figure out what's going on. But compared to similar horror games made with RPG Maker, "Corpse Party" would be more tense, but the plot and characters are much weaker than here.


    The game has terrible pixel graphics, and the camera is positioned so that you see the characters from above from a very odd and unfamiliar angle. Because of the poor graphics, the game has a lot of conventions that you, as the player, will just have to put up with. However, thanks to the well-done text descriptions, I didn't really want to close the game. Even though I used to the graphics with time, the feeling of playing something primitive never left me throughout the game. The game could have benefited a lot if at least the RPG MV engine was used. There is also a real lack of in-game artwork to accompany the scenes, but I've already mentioned that above.

    Sexual content.
    I managed to romance one girl who acted like a tsundere bitch, as she just seemed more interesting than the other two. As for the others: the first one is a typical childhood friend who's always asking if you're okay and looking out for you, and the second one is an enigma. The second one doesn't talk much and by the time the game gives us the chance to choose a second companion, I didn't really learn much about her and took her only because I didn't want the clichéd lovey-dovey first girl. Later on in the game, when you have a team of two girls, I found it odd that the only person you talk to throughout the game is the one you first took on your team. In my case, it was Bitchy tsundere. I probably should have tried swapping the formation of the squad, to see if the girl in the tail would stay silent and you could talk to the one closer to you, but I didn't want to experiment and focused on the Bitchy tsundere.

    Basically, the whole romance takes place when you're sleeping in rest areas with limited use, and it's done in a very clumsy way. Were you chased by a bunch of monsters trying to kill you? Did some girls faint from fear? Don't worry about it! Now it's time for a break! As soon as you choose a girl to talk to during your break, the music changes to a cheery romcom tune, her mood shifts by 180 degrees, and she immediately starts flirting with you. Honestly, it completely ruined the atmosphere for me. While the first resting scenes were tolerable, the more often you rest with a girl, the more you feel how forced these scenes are. But with the bitch tsundere, I felt that I was not emotionally ready for such a connection, and the dialogue leading up to the sex scene did not help at all. It felt like the sex scenes were just thrown in, so people would download the game. The sex scenes are short, with a very sharp transition to the act itself, and there's hardly any buildup or foreplay (and this is something that's generally a sore subject in most erotic games). They might chat for a bit, take off their clothes and go straight to fucking, right away. The art is actually pretty good, but the way it's set up is terrible. There's 1-3 pictures with loads of text explaining what's going on and no animations. So as a porn game, it didn't really work for me.


    And finally, I'd like to say that's the reason I ended up playing this game. Random battles. I think that most people who have played a fair share of games on the RPG Maker engine will agree that this is the most disgusting mechanic that can be in the game. In this game, they've taken it up to 200%, maybe even 300%! Some games have a variant with wandering monsters that you can just run away from, and there's a variant where the game has a script with random battles, and when it's executed, you get attacked. This game uses a script variant. By the time I got to the end of the game, I was getting attacked literally every three steps. I was swearing into my monitor by this point, and I thought I was going to lose it. I was so bloody sick of it. Add to that limited number of character lives, the low number of healing items on the map and you've created a recipe for disaster! It's just about the most disgusting gameplay you could ever hope to experience. These fights have no impact on the story and their only purpose is to make you kill time and press the button to start a new game+ with the loot you have earned during your playthrough.

    Probably one of the more positive features of the game is the variety of storylines. Not only can you choose different characters for your team, but even the areas you explore are different. This is all very cool and all, however, the combat mechanics have completely killed this feature. If it's annoying at first and becomes unbearable by the end. There's an escape button, but it doesn't even help late in the game, as enemies have time to damage you before you can run away. And a few meters away you'll be attacked again.

    In general, I would say that if you can find cheats for this game, or if you don't mind spending an extra 3 hours going through the game again, but with good loot and powerful heroes, you can give it a try. I had no such desire. In the late game, I got stuck and was left without any healing and without the ability to properly explore the location where I was missing something to progress the story, as the monsters were constantly attacking my team and they were already on the edge of death. Loading the save 10 million times just to find a shortcut to explore the area and advance the plot was, frankly, exhausting.

    In short: Good story and dialogue, disgusting combat system and weak pixel graphics.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Abaddon is an awesome horror/porn game. I struggled a lot and some parts are terrifying, specially when you are being chased lol

    Both the porn and the more uncomfortable scenes are top quality. The mansion really feels haunted!
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. Cofman

    "Hihi~ I like that Yuki girl~"
    "As if looking into the mirror~ ?"
    "Say that again and I'll become a Yachika for you!"
    "No! Not the bitch!"

    Welcome to the Dollhouse of Hopeless Bisexuals!~
    Trapped in the isolated mansion filled with monsters and ghosts...
    Where anyone can die anytime...

    Yes! You have heard right!~ Pick a partner and be sure to make them safe... be it a girl or a boy!~
    And then...
    take care of them~
    Oh, they already have someone they like? Oh boy!~ NTR time!~
    Not satisfied with one partner? Harem route is unlockable!~

    Or... just try to survive and escape?
    Or... just let them all die :3

    But once you are satisfied... try to become more serious...
    And... find Yuki...
    Don't forget... your Yuki...

    "Pfft!~ Another "Find Alice" story~"
    "The cycle continues..."
    "Oi, giving up again~ ?"
    "Not at all, I did find the story refreshing..."
    "Bah! I should've just put you in the wheel as if some squirrel and you would still be happy! KYAHAHA!~"
    "...I wonder where is the difference."
    Fucking miss clicks. I'm writing this review for a third time.. ahhhh!
    *sigh* If you liked this game, perhaps you will enjoy
    this too~
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this game. Has a dreadlike atmosphere and a lot of replay value. Has Netori, Netorare, Vanilla and everything in between! Would highly recommend. 100% would like a sequel or a new game made.

    Only thing I'd get rid of is the random encounters ngl. It seems to me like it's really just added in at the last minute just because. The boss battles and chase scenes however were quite good and added some tension.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a very curious case. On one hand, it caters to just about any fetish you might think of. On the other, most of the "really bad shit" is entirely avoidable - or you have to initiate the game going down that route first. Among those are (NTR, Rayona and even Tentacle Rape), also Yaoi or BL has a toggle to just turn it off and never see any of it too. That is a very interesting option to see in any vn.

    Yet still there is hardly a question about this game stumbling over itself so many times with trying this hard to emulate the NES era of gaming and taking inspiration from capcom's "Sweet Home" which came out in 1989 and in turn laid the foundation for the first "Resident Evil" game soon thereafter.

    This game however came out in 2014 in Japan and now 2021 in English, so you have to ask yourself do you have nostalgia for either NES games or does a prototype RE game which plays like it's on the NES sound like it might appeal to you? If the answer to both of these questions is a no from you. You might only stay for the porn and sure there is plenty of that here, too (even full color variants after the fact are unlockable, and the scene replay has those as well.) But the game is an excessive grind with unlocking all of that, so be warned. There are a myriad of ways to unlock stuff, for example: Character party combinations are specific ways to unlock scenes, even putting characters in specific states and situations to get scenes in the first place. All of that does require you to use a guide.

    Hell, even if you are curious about the story here (like I was for most of my playtime) you will still have to play this game three times over for all of that too. The first play-through and second differ from each other in many segments, because you have to decide which way around the mansion to go first. Either "east-" or "west wing" - while the "main hall" segment is the same in both cases. But what does never change is the simplistic turn based combat and random encounter spam going with it - paired with inventory limitations, like in RE at every turn. However, you are never given a map to know where the hell you even are in this mansion at any time in the game!

    The one saving grace from a gameplay perspective is the "give up" feature.
    This, however, is not a "restart the game from scratch" option - like you might expect just looking at how it's worded. It's effectively a "new game plus" which carries over your player and party character levels. So... I would even say it is a good option to use, if you are stuck with no healing items and barely any health left. The game also gets a hell of a lot easier as you do unlock endings to progress, because suddenly the stash for your items carries over most of the ones you put in there per run as well. As a result of that, however, the game becomes pretty easy towards the last run. As for bosses, I would honestly say they are the only thing worth talking about in the gameplay department, and can even be challenging and fun at times!

    All in all, if either the fetishes or nostalgia are the selling points for you, go for it! If not, it might be better to just look for a let's play on some site.

    6 / 10.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The 8-bit ambience and great funny dialogue has potential but its wasted by puzzles being far too difficult to progress. I was stuck early game with nowhere to go. Frustrating. Once gallery is unlocked, the art is pleasant.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, sorry for my bad English, it is not my native language.

    This game is one of those "I came for the H stayed for the plot".

    Gameplay: 9/10

    The first run is hard, there is a lot of random encounters and enemies and very few healing items, so dont feel bad if you cant finish the game on your first try, there is a option to surrender and carry-over items/levels to next run. After you finish the game for the first time it becomes very easy to re-run, and you need to rerun it a lot to unlock all H-scenes. Also there is another 2 endings (True Ending and Yuki Ending) and 2 main routes (East and West wing)

    Story 10/10

    Not going to spoil anything about the story, but you need to play the game a few times to understand what is going on, also there is a lot of Memos, Diaries, Tapes, etc that you need to read, just like in the old Resident Evil/Silent Hill games.

    Lewl Content 8/10

    There is a Lesbian/Yaoi content that you can turn it off if is not of your liking also you can choose Pixel Art or HD.
    Each of 6 main characters has his own Love route / Ntr route, so you need to play a lot in order to unlock everything, the game has 100+ H-scenes so, good luck.

    Music 9/10

    The OST is great and immersive for a 8 bit game.

    Overall 9.5/10

    Do yourself a favor and play this game, you won't regret it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is worth to play alone without the H content. It's basically a horror-mystery puzzle game with RPG elements. The gameplay is very deep with lot of branches for the H (straight, gay, bi, harem...)

    -Gameplay: 10/10

    The puzzles are deep and interesting, but it's also veyr difficult to do all of them without a guide. You will definitely need a guide to get secret weapons and the extra/secret items. And they are useful for 2nd+ playthrough anyway. The first playthrough is hard, I had to restart/give up twice to carry my levels. But once you beat it the 2nd playthrouhg will be much easier.

    - Story 8/10

    Quite interesting with lot of confusions. It's very thrilling and mysterious to attract you tp keep exploring what's going on. I'm not really satisfied with its story though, feel like it could have done it better after completing all endings (normal end, true end, yuki end and true yuki end). However it's still very worth to play because the gameplay is done so well.

    - H content 6/10

    It has a lot of genres with various theme inclduing bi/gay content, but they are just static images. You will play this game mostly for the gameplay, though you can still enjoy the H because the theme fits very well. It could have been better if there are animations with sound. But the arts are nice and professional.

    - Music 9/10

    The bgm and sound are quite good for the horror theme. I'm surprised that 8 bit bgm can be that dope.

    - Replayability value 10/10

    If you are a completionist this game is for you because you will enjoy replaying it multiple times. There are 2 route: east and west so you do want to play at least twice to explore. And then there are specific scenarios that you might want to do it just to know what would happen, even when it leaves you disadvantages. There are 4 endings so you need at least 3 playthroughs.

    Summary: a very deep horror mystery game that will force you unsatisfied all the time to replay it.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Older style retro graphics and music but with modern art added to it for the scenes. The game relies heavily on horror and fear and the managing of said fear. You choose at the beginning who is on your team which creates different ways of playing and different events per playthrough so there is some replayability. Especially to get the True Ending.

    As expected of horror expect bats, spiders, zombies and more blobs than a Weightwatchers meeting. The fetishes are good too and feature a huge amount in terms of variety. NTR, gay, rape, urination, harem, horror, voyeur, lesbian, japanese game you name it!

    The gripes I have with it are not know what you are to do sometimes and the sometimes high amount of encounters that occur.
    Likes: GaRbS
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Before I begin: while I did finish the game, this review will focus on overall game play and gay parts of content(both m/m and f/f). If you don't like that stuff, feel free to skip this review.

    Gameplay overall:

    The devs did great job with this love letter to Sweet Home on NES. As someone who played that title, I found many nice nods and references to it, in both gameplay and atmosphere. Seriously, don't turn the music and sfx off and play with your headphones on, you won't regret this. When it comes to h-scenes and other 18+ content, the game does a good job again. But just like old games you'll probably need a guide to get exactly what you want out of this game. I also can understand people who got frustrated and opted to simply use save file instead. The game can be very confusing and frustrating at points(especially near the end of the game) and the overall game balance feels off. In conclusion, don't feel bad for giving up on this game, it was made with a specific audience in mind after all.

    Gay stuff:

    If I had to describe it as short as possible: denial land. Everyone is TOTALLY straight until they aren't. In case of girls, they go "ehehe, we're both girls, it's fine to grope each other and passionatly make out~" and the guys go "ewwwww, I'M NOT GAY, it's this mansion's influence, I SWEAR". But after finally getting past that, the scenes are surprisingly romantic and even wholesome(unless you're cheating on somebody or getting a bad ending). There are plenty of different scenes for every same sex couple(even the ones that don't feature MC). Everyone is bi and a switch, so no sex scene feel stale or repetitive. Another nice touch are epilogues for each potential couple, they range from sweet to funny af; Yachika and Rikana's in particular gave me a good chuckle. Speaking of Yachika, I honestly think she should've been a lesbian - her chemistry with girls is somuch more interesting than any of the boys! But maybe it's just me...

    I should also mention Harem stuff: m/m/m part of it was simply delightful. Funny, sexy and memorable. For the girls, I wish there were an alternative scenario with just three of them without Homura involved. But alas.

    In the end, it's just nice to see gay content not being a simple afterthought, but a fully developed part of the game, on par with hetero side. I wish more devs included same-sex content with that much thought put into it. If you're such a dev, please take this game as a good example of how to blend different types of content without one of them feeling lesser than another!

    Tl;dr if you don't mind a somewhat outdated gameplay and can get past "I'M VERY STRAIGHT, NO HOMO" part, I highly recommend this title. It's somewhat of a must play for the fans of horror too!

    A strong 8/10.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Story: 8/10. It's coherent and interesting, and it has its twists. Helps that the translation is rock solid.
    Gameplay: 9/10. Your mileage may vary. IMO, it nailed what it was going for.
    Content: 10/10. Heaps and heaps. Replay value off the charts.

    Your experience with this game will vary wildly depending on your love for games of this type (old school horror survival puzzle). If you can get past the (mostly pixelated) blood and gore, this game is a gem. Porn involving the MC is mostly towards the end of a playthrough, unless you f*ck up.

    Other stuff:
    Old school pixel graphics are neat, but if you don't like that it has more modern CGs for important scenes. Pixel animation is well done. It's a great horror/survival/puzzle game, but don't expect it to be something it isn't. The difficulty is punishing if you go in treating the game as a standard turn-based RPG. Learn to pick your fights.

    Slightly-edited quote from me:
    Replay value on this game is pretty high for the first few playthroughs (each of which is a couple of hours minimum, NG will take you twice as long), and there's a TON of content between different parties, routes, and the affection/relationship system, but it gets old quick once you've done both starting routes and obtained all endings. It'll take a minimum of three playthroughs to see "everything" story-wise, with a likely fourth to wrap up the quick harem ending of choice.

    Unfortunately, it's not at all worth scene hunting IMO, since most scene triggers are mutually exclusive and/or party-dependent (especially all the damn epilogues). Even if you knew all the scene requirements to start with and planned it out, it would still take an ungodly number of playthroughs to unlock everything, not to mention the lack of any sort of skip function. Play it for the story and gameplay, then grab the full gallery save when you're through.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    My favourite eroge so far. It mixes horroresque elements with erotic ones in a retro-RPG style. In addittion, you get a lot of different scenes (NTR, threesomes, harem...) and with both sexes (bisexual paradise! Just a note, you can turn OFF gay content in the menu and every sex scene is avoidable depending on how you play).