In the sauna, Linda and Sofia are just super, maybe someone will do similar projects, there will be 100% demand.
They perfect 10s, both of them. It's crazy how talented some bois like Pixil and Coriolan are, considering their renders are way better than a certain scammer's, and ppl still pay the scammer to scam them instead of commissioning these two guys or other talented artists like them to finish Milky City.

Anyway, leaving that aside, I liked this 'game' and hope to see more quality content from Pixil in the future coz his art is definitely worth keeping tabs on.
I do hope you will do your own game. Lots of skill shown here.
I second this. Artists like Pixil would definitely be worth supporting for the high-quality renders alone. Don't know how good he is with the coding, but that's not a big minus.
A fan game better than the original
Yeah, in terms of visuals AND content, even this one sex scene is waay better than most of the sex scenes in Milky City lol, which says a lot about its 'story' and SCAMcstor's 'hard work'.