I really like this mini game.

And I can think of many places in the original game/novel that you could tell a little bit more.

I think many players / readers would have liked to see a few more cenes in some parts of the original novel. Even without wild sex scenes, just more teasing and naughty parts. Sex on these parts of the novel would destroy the whole story I think. But a few more pictures would definitely spice up the novel a bit.

You could probably make a mod that would complement the original novel a bit where you could collect some additional naughty points for example.But I don't think there is a mod for this novel yet, is there? I'm really surprised when I see how many fans this story has and when I look at the fan art there are many creative creators out there. A mod for this game is certainly a challenge but who knows.
Or is there already a page where you can find mods for this game? I do not know any. I haven't even found translations for this game and they are usually available very quickly. The best example is this mini game.