This is the first time I write Review

Pardon me for my English skill.
After playing chapter 5, I can say this is one of the best VN I've ever played. The starting is usually mixed with the morderns and the nostalgia, sometime I feel it carried a deep feeling and emotional. Beside some small problems, AoA had lots of things, that the other VNs didn't have. Well that explained why AoA didn't have to create too much "Chaos" to make me in love with this VN.
With the ingenuity in building the characters, the dev let me know about the innocent school romance, "College is the place of love,". In my area, the chance to get to know about this ~0. Now thanks to the VN, I knew how boys and girls will react when they have their first love, first kiss, even first 'make out'.
1) Yeah, well, the girls played an important role in the VN, make the story and the renders became colorful and awesome:
By building the "Jenny's Gang", I can feel the importance of team making, and then become a family. Each girl has their own story, their own path, their own scars in their minds. But they didn't give up, they help each other when they can. Their reunion now undimmed by the time, unbounded by the situations. Not only that, in them i can see the true-right of a citizen: the desire for justice, the pursuit of hapiness, and the dreams of a better life.
By using "Ashley's Group", now I can see what's normal college students's life. Optimistic, Girlish, Cheery are the right words to describe them. Especially, when they're in love, it could be a bit cheesy but sweet. When seing friends in trouble, they're not hestitate to be a helping hand, when they could
The characters "Elizabeth, Aurora,..", now I believe: No matter how stressful they are, how busy their works are, it didn't turn them into a "dried" robotic girls. They are still so romance, and they both love the mc in their own way.
From the character "Jenny", now I realized that I have lots of things to learn from her. What are those? I think I'll let you guess then, it's not easy to say in words anyway.
Last, but not least, Adam... Slow down, you must think I'm completely out of mind, but just hear me out first. Do I hate him? Yes and No. By building this villain, Adam reflected the sadly reality. By their own benefits, some people wouldn't mind solding you out, no matter if he/she's your family member. Or putting your life in danger to exchange the power, etcetera.. I wasn't lying, some of you are reading my review chose to be this kind of person. What matter is, are you going to change?
2) Next, the background music turn the VN to a lively world:
Hello Love is the first song came to my ear. From the first chapter to chap3, the bgm was awesome. Each of them matched the stories and the situations perfectly: Sad, emotional, romance, sexy,.... But from C4, why do I feel like it changed? Where are my favorite bgm??
Well, I can list some of my favorite musics: Hello Love, Burried Treasure, Pacifica, So Good, Coastal, For the Moment, In the Sky, You Won't Find Me,...
In short, the bgm is amazing
3) The Renders fired it up!
- Each girl's emotion are so real, so deep, so good! I love his renders. Eyes colors, haircut,... mixed together, with their emotions, the characters became more delicate. This is one of the rare feature in VNs
4) Uh-huh, the bugs screwed it up... a bit...
- What a shame! Nobody likes bugs ofc. I saw some wrong worlds using, even wrong characters in conversations. What happened in chapter 5, maybe I don't have to talk about it. Hope the dev's going to fix it soon! I prefer a stable VN, no matter how long does it cost, I can wait!
- Moreover, in some sexy scenes, does the dev have to describe it "that" detailed? I feel it's unnecessary, but for some solo translators.... "Ugh, so f*ckin* long, so exhausted"... If the next update released with fewer details in lewd scenes, the translators could do their work properly with a fewer hiccups.
Well, this is an "almost perfect" VN, in my opinion. Wish the dev all the best and succesful in your life, and thank you for some "lessons" you taught me by this VN.