Sterile perhaps, but not impotent
Sadly, one of the larger English language dictionaries lists "sterile" as a synonym for "impotent"... If the dictionaries can't even figure it out, how can mere speakers (native or ESL).

medially, well... that's a whole 'nuther ball of wax.
I have stated in several posts
What?!? You actually expect people to *gasp* read. previous. posts.????

If only every forum out there, somehow would prevent comments until they've ensured
every previous post has been read. Suggestion, though: If you've already [and you have, time and time again] said it, ignore those who ask. Seen far too many times (on f95 & elsewhere) the answer is one or two posts above their question. Save yourself the stress.
My suggestion would be "none". But, well...
some people don't seem to have their own that they listen to... not something I'll ever understand. (Part of this is due to my headphones being too damn good, and
some games have the volume so loud that even 1% volume is ear splitting. Not saying that's yours, just explaining why "none" is my pref.)
Moving on, though: There was an earlier question (forgot to quote it,
might've been back from the Prologue release) about the volume sliders not working. Was that issue fixed in the current release?
BTW: Thanks for the release, and even more so, for creating decent looking characters. This is one of the few, where the MC (& other men in the game) don't look like they've shot steroids but still look like men, not tree trunks. So mad props for realism. Really hard to play a game where the MC has fingers the size of an arm and no neck. (It's fairly rare that a game dev on here creates ugly females, and yours seem to be among the better ones. It's getting
both right that seems to be very rare.)