1- Okay...i guess.
2- When hormone therapy is mentioned in the game? screenshots please, bc i don't recall any mention, just Jamie's desire of changing genitals and then he gets saved by MC, and they live together, and he fucks more than MC
3- I don't believe in the "i identify as [name of something] so it means i am", without solid proofs, i can claim i'm a transdimensional alien with 5 penises, but i can't prove it. It's bigotry? Maybe, but i'm too realist, and i don't like play pretend, my mind is too glued to "prove what you claim, otherwise you're a liar or you belong in an asylum"
4- Nope, because his way to talk reminded me of a person i knew who was in his similar situation, and yes turned out he was gay, i saw the similarities and i decided to be accepting.
Extra: jamie for being a girl(like you say), he/she uses his/her penis a lot...weird considering that he/she using genitals that he shouldn't either like or accept to have.
Conclusion: i'm done with you all, answer, but don't expect a reply, be glad if i read at all. Goodbye