VN - Ren'Py - Completed - 23 Sisters [v1.0 Final] [Abere Lucifer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    John Malcom

    Well this was an interesting game, props to completing it with an ending, my personal opinion is that it starts off good and fun, but sadly the quality of writing and overall story/vibe worsens/goes crazy and becomes instant in introducing plot

    Good that it had so many scenes, and lots and insanely a lot of incest, and the mod with installed walkthrough works (despite fact that game is linear)

    Bad that scene quality is eh, story feels like (idk whatever you imagine), and although kinda funny, I still think it doesn't make it good because the story is too much too the point and with no buildup, and ending was whatever

    I rate it a 4 because of lots of incest but not a 5 because game felt iffy, overall a crazy but sometimes boring game
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    What the hell I just played through? Its like Waltons Incest Story mixed with Simpons, Rick and Morty and South Park. It was crazy and funny an weird at first and after a time it got more and more crazy. So crazy that it got boring and then the devs decided to stop the whole game , because they were out of ideas. 3 of 5 Stars
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fucken awesome.

    The plot and the outline of the story are very simplistic and fun (although, keep in mind that this is a porn game through and through, so it's never anything too serious). The main character has a clearly defined goal and moving towards it without encountering any resistance whatsoever (which would normally be a bad thing, but for a porn game it's just fine).

    At the the very beginning of the story the mc is given all the resources he could possibly need, and one might think, that would impair his character development. However in this game his development comes not through overcoming the challenges thrown at him by the author, but by his interactions with all other characters, which in turn shape his own personality throughout the story.

    The dialogue in the game is also very simplistic and always to the point, but holy crap is it well-written. The interactions between the characters all feel pretty organic (or as organic as the can be, given the setting). And the humor. Oh, the humor in this game is just amazing. I guarantee, you'll be laughing your ass off for a very healthy chunk of the game.

    The only two things I thought the dialogue was lacking are as follows. The delivery of information to the reader through dialogue felt like a huge info dump. When you're trying to tell the reader something through character interactions, it should't be instantly obvious that the only purpose of that interaction is to deliver you that piece of info.

    And secondly, a lot of the time the dialogue feels like it has no subtext whatsoever. And subtext is important! There always has to be something underneath the character's words. If you take the subtext out of the dialogue completely, you get Anakin professing his love for Padme by the fireplace scene. And we all remember how awful that was.

    Overall, the game is pretty amazing (even though it is based on a pretty objectionable fetish), and I highly recommend you try it out if you're into that type of content (even if you're not, it's worth a read).
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    If you just skip the conversations and go straight to the sex scenes, it's good material for fun. If you're looking for a decent story that doesn't seem like it was written by a pubescent kid who just discovered incest word, skip to the next game on your list.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand 23 Sisters. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical conspirology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Grant's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike 23 Sisters truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Grant's existencial catchphrase "It's incesting time" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Abere Lucifer's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a 23 Sisters tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Family eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    There's really only one thing that I'd say about this that I don’t like about it, although that's fine, because it was the first afterall, it's also the fact that I've encountered others with the same critique, which would be adding sound, music, or both. Other than that, if you want a...unique experience, then this is a recommendation! :LOL:;) (I don’t know how to put emphasis on things in that way they do in media) (plus there's incest, which is always a bonus)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Hoo boy, I seriously wonder if this guy played a certain OTHER incest game with a similar premise of the MC impregnating his family, since the background humor (or the movies /stuff in the news in this game) is basically that game's humor cranked up to 11, but designed to be a wider cone of intentionally offensive. Honestly, it was funny at first, but then it kinda got stale, as the game went on. Also, the fact that the story itself basically was that the story was becoming more and more incoherent until it kinda just imploded on itself was so mind-boggling that it looped right back around to being clever. This is a fever trip of a game, and you should know that going in.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is decent at some points but mostly it's pretty much drivel.
    The humor was pretty fun and fresh at the start but it never develops, it just pounds itself into the ground over and over, deeper and deeper.

    That is pretty much seen in every aspect of this game. It never develops.
    It's incoherent, mostly badly written and have a large variety in quality of renders.

    Models are very similar. The 20-ish girls have maybe like 3-4 base faces just tweaked a little. It's really hard to tell most of them apart. I had no clue who anyone was halfway into the game.

    Most characters have pretty much the same personality, combined with the very similar models it makes it even harder to tell them apart.

    The animations are not very sexy. Mostly just 1-2 second samey animation looping over and over at every sex scene. Just like the pr0n games were 10 years ago. Every sex scene could have been an animated gif.

    The story is basically a very disturbed mans fever dream scribbled down on used toilet paper using his ass. That toilet paper was later interpreted by a blind man using his tongue and made into a game.
    It did get me to chuckle a few times at the beginning but the humor is very repetitive and frequent.
    After a while I didn't really care about the story anymore, it's so all over the place and thin that it feels like if you try to make sense of it it will collapse into a black hole.

    -Bad to decent level of graphics.
    -Incoherent story.
    -Way to many characters
    -Very overused "special" humor.
    -Boring character gallery

    If you think it seems interesting, play the first third and then delete it. Nothing interesting happens after that, just the same drivel over and over.

    I really want to give it one star but it did get me to chuckle a time or two so I'll give it two non deserved stars as a nice gesture.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure if I gained or lost braincells trying to comprehend this story, but it was impressive as hell. I have to give it 5 stars for the writing alone. Animations are a lot better than I expected so despite how messed up everything is I enjoyed it. I probably need therapy.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Funny and some hot girls. Most of the story is good, but the ending kind of sucked, like the dev just wanted to get this one over with to do more on the other games where he's had more experience with making renders/games. Still really good for a first one.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7086536

    not a bad game.

    graphics meh, not my taste.

    strange ass story but still digestible i guess

    overall a weird game, but not bad, not sure if i would ever replay but it was an experience to say the least.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Xo Mo

    I typically avoid writing reviews, but this game has been in my play library so long, I felt the need to do so.

    At the start (early versions), Doc was still mastering the art of Chara crafting which has improved quite a lot over the years of development. Taking player suggestions and enhancing Tiffany and others really helped the game look better.

    Mid-development, the huge cast of characters simply felt overwhelming, with more and more popping up every "day"... I lost count of whether or not MC eventually fulfilled his quest or not, due to the variety of daughters/dauneices, cousins, etc.

    Playing to the ending, I feel like Doc kinda lost track as well, the way the game ends. I will not harp on that. I will simply say - it felt rushed, out of place, and confusing.

    Note that I am not a weeb, so most of the meta hentai/manga terms and references are completely lost on me.

    So it comes down to... should you play this game?

    • If you're seeking a wild and hilarious romp about drilling, filling, and inbreeding your sisters, daughters, cousins, etc, PLAY IT.
    • If you love "normal" body types on petite women? PLAY IT.
    • If you want something light-hearted to fap to? PLAY IT.
    • If you're looking for a fulfilling, story-rich game, you may be disappointed.
    • If you take things seriously, you will be disappointed.
    • If you want hentai watermelon breasts and MILFY huge curves, look somewhere else.
    • In short, it's funny, definitely hilarious if you're a WEEB and can let political satire wash over you. If you can't (like some other reviewers) then either ignore those discussions or don't play.

    What I was hoping for when I played this final version:
    • Better writing with spelling typos fixed (fail).
    • Build-up to an ultimate MC player choice to help or challenge MC's father - either helping him conquer the universe/multiverse or stop him. That would have been better than the odd collection of random stuff we got. But it is what it is.
    • Actually breeding 23 sisters (not sure if we even got to 20, much less 23).
    • Better haircuts. The buzz-cut women just do nothing for me. Either bob, shaven, or half-shaven: total turn-off for me. But that's eye of the beholder stuff and I understand having long flowing hair in CG is a nightmare of clipping.
    • Vaginal creampie dripping shots - there are about 3?
    • Improved sex animations. As they are, it's pretty much a loop of one or the other character's body sliding up and down, side to side, while the other is more often than not an unmoving mannequin.
    In general, it's a fun game if you just go along for the ride. If you're looking for story, it's nonexistent beyond "seek and inseminate".

    Up until the lights started flashing different colors, I was in. Once that started, I was lost and confused.

    Take this review as you wish. The game is fun, but lacking in the areas I have detailed above.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game definitely doesn't take itself too seriously, but it was a lot of fun to click through. I'm giving it 5 stars for being completed (which unfortunately seems to be the exception) and being a lot of fun though immensely silly.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Not sure how to even rate this one, other than boring, the stale content, discount store graphics the projecting and the lame political injections made it unbearable. I give it one star because zero stars is not an option
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    review for version v1.0 Final

    A complete mess, a super fun one tho.
    not the best lookin game or the best writing, most things make fuck all sense, but still one of the best times i had with a game in a long time, weed helped.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    creampie scenes which actually shows pussy not just text needs to be added.visuals can be better .story was kind of too much like really 23 sisters .so farfetched from reality .i know this is not real life but relevance to reality is what makes a story worth enjoying
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game went a little too off the rails for me.

    i played this game since the first version and i actually liked the concept at first. a good prevy story, silly premis, that makes sense for the characters.

    The problem is at a point it just got really random and strange. The name 23 sisters doesnt even make sense anymore, the half world including your mother (who didnt even get a full scene) are your sisters.

    That ending was way too meta, felt basically like a dev's story went too out of control and just had a meta ending to finish it rather then abandon it (bad ending still better then abandon)

    If the really random story is your thing maybe you will enjoy it.

    (also completely unrelated to my opinions on the game, it always is nice to see a dev so active in the forum)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally prefer actual gameplay rather than kinetic with the occasional choice, but the writing on this is just too hilarious. I don't think I've gone more than 5 minutes or so without laughing out loud.

    Design-wise, I could do without the amount of loli, but do like the amount of characters with smaller breasts; never was into huge ones, and ridiculously large seems to be 95% of the games out there.

    Definitely recommend this one, even if you don't generally like kinetic novels. Do keep in mind that there are bad ends, some with their own scenes, others just a tiny bit of text. I recommend saving and trying the wrong choices just to see them.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The Game is funny Characters are hot, story is bullshit (good kinda bullshit) overall I really like this game but the animations and the sex scenes are not upto the standards, they are not bad but they feels rushed or feels like the developer put low efforts to the animations . About the sex scenes, I think the developer really needs to read Kamasutra or a book on 'How to sex' or something, because there needs to be some intimacy before having sex like kissing, hugging, cuddling and touching each other then the sex is complete otherwise it doesn't feels right. If the developer improves the animation and sex scenes I will give a 5/5
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Story starts out pretty decent but it dosent take long untill it just goes crazy, MC gets a job to get hes 23 sisters pregnant which seems like a fun thing and it is to start with, but when pregnancy only last 7 days and kids born grow up in days as well to then also become pregnant you can see how fast you will lose track of whos who, so it becomes boring pretty fast due to never learning much about the girls and theres no real relationships with anyone, its just alot of girls standing in a que to get knocked up.

    I do enjoy a good pregnancy game and yes this does have a shit ton of pregnant girls but it just becomes to much.

    What supprised me is how the girls faces do look pretty unique to one another wich makes it a bit more fun as well and why i am not going lower then 3 stars.

    The quality and the animations arent that good and 9 out of 10 sex scenes you dont see much since something is blocking the view of pussy and dick, there are a few nice ones atleast, and there is a ton of sex scenes as well which would explain the lack of quality a bit.