Uhh, i thought i could choose for him to be a hero or an antihero/villain, but he is saving innocent even if it may cost him his life, not giving me a choice even if i am on a villain rote. Sad
Will it change in the future?
I would say no.
Nothing really scream villain, a straight villain path would likely be to much on Fin's plate.
He gives us a great deal of good content but to be straight bad, were very lucky with the three paths we have so far.
I can understand your desire for a villain path, if anything "villain" like happens, it maybe closer be to the end of the game.
As of now it would be too easy for people to know you're a villain and your hiding spots.
I could very easily see someone like Lynx coming after you, if you turned full villain.
Specially since we know they have trackers and mic's in their suits, it would be a quick end,
when they find you and lock you up. I believe that if you stole Lynx powers in the worst way.
She would have no problem handing you over and explaining your powers.
You'd be caught and tested on, likely drugged to suppress your powers and/or weaken you.
But from what we've seen so far, Eric talks to the M.C. if he takes Whispers powers, hes pretty pissed.
Even though hes ok with you taking anyone who isn't a super hero.
If you take Redmoon's powers , Whispers powers and take Lynx's powers by force.
(I havent done that) I can easily see Eric being pissed at you and coming after you,
if a full villain character could be made.
One problem is he could easily get people to find you, specially those at .... I forgot what that place is called.
They could turn Lynx's into a bloodhound with her nose. Getting her to sniff you out.
Your home wont be safe, nor your little hide away.
Fin would have to add too much.
As well as altering dialog and pictures for a new sequence of events.
As well as create some new allies for the M.C.
Since you cant count on someone not killing Winter, Foxxy and the others or treating them right.
As we can probably guess, they (still cant remember that place) know who you are from your time in a coma.
There would be too much more that Fin would have to add.
I think Fin also finds it easier to write more so for a hero/anti hero kinda story.
Straight up villain, I cant say but going off of Reboot love and Genex love.
We wont see a villain character, more just someone who has little regard for his actions.