
Feb 26, 2022
Yeah I liked Winter right from the early version I played she appeared. I wish there was a choice that we could make the MC not so hard on her. Especially going down Anti-hero minset. Now that his building up his Monster harem and taming. You'd think he be making htem his allies.

I just got to the event where Winter returned during the nigh (after her prison break ?) t and the MC is still butt hurt she killed and shit.. But I dont give a fuck what she did previously. There monsters, they do that.. When you tame/own them, then they kill for you. Is that simple. I kinda wished our monster harem would turn into our private army/minions. Winter cuold be the leader of them.. But then when MCs sucking their abilties dry, then they become uselss :/ I see MCs sucking ability more like a curse for this reason. Just look back on redmoon, Shes crippled.

In Winters case, she has been nice to him, treated him like an exception. All she wanted to do was mate, and she gave him good intel at the prison. At worst she just played around, but shes had no intent to kill him. She didnt really harm Erick either. MC still looks at her like some evil scum. Frustrates me. He doesnt have the forsight. That she could aid him alot.
With Winter, while it's quite hard to do, one possible way of getting her to come to the prison is to stop fighting her, let her run out of energy, and talk it out. Amusingly, I pulled it off on my vigilante playthrough, but couldn't on my hero one. It's quite a complex encounter.


Feb 26, 2022
Eh, to be honest I thought that the MC would trigger another time shift back to the past during the gym fight, that "superpowered evil mode" was really cliche and out of nowhere... at least the time power would be more consistent with the story so far and could be a plot point in the future. But overall it was a pretty good update with MM and the new monster girls, and the return of the brother, too bad I think I got a bug in the prison where I had only a fraction of the clocks refresh each day so I couldn't finish the training of all the girls in time.
The rage shift does get foreshadowed a bit if you picked a certain anti-hero option earlier on. After you repeat the loop but screw-up and fail to save the other girl because you got tunnel vision, the MC loses his composure while talking to Erick about it over being weak, and starts to crackle with blue energy. At that point Erick warns you that it's something that can happen to Genexes. Basically, their powers get a significant boost but they go completely berserk.

New Kid

Apr 2, 2018
The rage shift does get foreshadowed a bit if you picked a certain anti-hero option earlier on. After you repeat the loop but screw-up and fail to save the other girl because you got tunnel vision, the MC loses his composure while talking to Erick about it over being weak, and starts to crackle with blue energy. At that point Erick warns you that it's something that can happen to Genexes. Basically, their powers get a significant boost but they go completely berserk.
Huh, guess I'll have to do the anti-hero route to see that one... still, if it's only on one branch of the story it's still a bad choice to use instead of the time shift that happens in every route, and it wouldn't be so cliche at the very least.


Apr 30, 2023
good game other than the scripted loss at the end, reminds me of the RPGs I played back in the 80's. Grind, grind some more, fight the boss, win only for him only him to turn around and beat you.
Hopefully when he comes out of the comma he actually remembers the girls saying they knew.

That and the plot holes with the sister. As someone on the reviews says

"MC cant see its her sister not by her voice or by pictures sendt to him, and shes using her own phone but for some reason her name dosent show on MCs phone even though he has her number? and he dosent know her number either by looking at it? theres just to many holes and very weird things in sister story, also they went from no secrets to hiding everything from one another when they are them selfs.....even when sister learns who MC is she still goes on to letting MCs alter ego kiss and play with her pussy? but she wont come clean with MC? thats feels a bit stupid, she should atleast have broken it off with the alter ego when she found out the truth.

Another thing is the sister story its to weird and make no sense, the sister goes from a nice normal girl to full blown solo undercover agent even though she cant fight what so ever, its seems a bit to idiotic for her to risk her life like that. "


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
I didnt get why she wanted to find some lost child when they didnt even know for sure too. Pretty much jumping inside a lions den. If she was training to be a sidekick ? sure ? She looks interesting in her suit and disguise. but jumping right into a crazy cult that gases people ? Shes in over her head. I was fearful they would start brainwashing her or something. Its what those cults do.


Oct 8, 2018
good game other than the scripted loss at the end, reminds me of the RPGs I played back in the 80's. Grind, grind some more, fight the boss, win only for him only him to turn around and beat you.
Hopefully when he comes out of the comma he actually remembers the girls saying they knew.

That and the plot holes with the sister. As someone on the reviews says

"MC cant see its her sister not by her voice or by pictures sendt to him, and shes using her own phone but for some reason her name dosent show on MCs phone even though he has her number? and he dosent know her number either by looking at it? theres just to many holes and very weird things in sister story, also they went from no secrets to hiding everything from one another when they are them selfs.....even when sister learns who MC is she still goes on to letting MCs alter ego kiss and play with her pussy? but she wont come clean with MC? thats feels a bit stupid, she should atleast have broken it off with the alter ego when she found out the truth.

Another thing is the sister story its to weird and make no sense, the sister goes from a nice normal girl to full blown solo undercover agent even though she cant fight what so ever, its seems a bit to idiotic for her to risk her life like that. "

Why is there loop holes...... The game isn't in a finished state so things are on going.
Most games have a grind to it, just depends how noticeable it is.

Losing fights make sense, it can go back to the batman meme of "because I'm batman"
Before he got to the point he is now, he lost a lot and learned from it.
Often had his ass handed to him, his back breaking injury is the first "major" thing that comes to mind.
Hero's being beaten happens all the time.
It's a good way to make them stronger because if they lose from a fight,
they can come back with knowledge of how to fight them and come up with a strategy of what to do from get go.

Regardless of the fighting, this is possibly going to lead to the break out of any villains in capture.
So the Thread is building up on the likely release of 2 love interests at the least "Ginger and Karma" if captured.
As well going on's in The Thread.

If you're as old as your claiming, you remember the 90's how big of a deal Superman's death was.
It was in papers and everything. Local papers had a picture of a girl who first bought the comic in a store.
Hero's losing has always been a selling point and/or their deaths any way.
I would also add up until recently when its done to death......... No pun intended.

This fight, the loss also makes sense, as it puts him into The Thread.
People wanting his identity, hes been trying to stay away from them at all costs.
This "could" be seen as a power play on their behalf depends on how you wish to view it.

My thought process jumps towards how many storylines could open up because he is in there.
We also dont know if it will be a Rick Grimes kinda thing, you wake up to a whole load of new shit.
(I'm meaning that we cant predict anything, not saying zombie stuff)

As for his sister,

1.) Burner phones/pay as you go phone, wont show an ID or Number.
In some places you can also pay so your number and name dont show up when you call people.
They could live in such an area.
There is nothing saying this phone is her only phone/main phone.

2.) Ability to change voice.
I can do it, I didn't even take classes. Just years of trying to be funny.
I can range from a deep voice , to cartoonish , to the other gender.
(I have a naturally soft hard to hear voice)

Her hiding her voice would make sense in a way, a lot of cosplayers try this.
I've run into them where they dont do the best job but they're trying.
There is nothing saying what her voice sounds like but if he didn't figure it out, it is simple to assume she is hiding her voice.
It would be no different than Christian Bale forcing a bad voice as Batman, I'd have said Kevin Conroy but his Bruce and Bats voice are very close. The demeanor is difference but voice would be pretty easy to figure out.
I could also see him not questioning a bad voice, as it maybe a hero, preventing an awkward conversation. Or just the simple fact, our M.C. just isn't that bright at times lol

The sisters face is also hidden
First with the female spider mask.
The second outfit had twin tales that were curled and blueish purple and white.
As well as that eye cover .
Weren't her eyes brown as his sister but red when she wore the outfits?

I dont see colour to well to be honest but her face was never flat out shown till later when he caught on.

With all of this being said there is a problematic theme,
The M.C. losing and not getting a partner/side kick.
He's taking bad losses and they are getting worse.
You would think he'd be smart enough to seek a partner...... He knows enough people.
Also........ He should be afraid, very afraid.......
Because you see...... He's not table proof and they are out there.
Sorry had to end on a a funny note.


Apr 30, 2023
If you're as old as your claiming, you remember the 90's how big of a deal Superman's death was.
It was in papers and everything. Local papers had a picture of a girl who first bought the comic in a store.
Hero's losing has always been a selling point and/or their deaths any way.
I'm 48 so yeah I remember Superman death and remember how many people were unhappy. Well somewhat remember due to the brain damage I got in Amy 20 years ago, makes remembering and logical thoughts difficult.


Jul 4, 2021
Did I miss something when Seneko sits in MCs lap in the car? Felt like it could have been a good moment to get closer to Seneko.


Oct 8, 2018
Did I miss something when Seneko sits in MCs lap in the car? Felt like it could have been a good moment to get closer to Seneko.

No not really.
She feels like things get held back or purposely not written in situations.
I'd chalk it up to her either being Lynx's sister and her being told, stay away from my man.
Or that Fin doesn't does not want to write her overly personal with the M.C.

Which to me kinda sucks because I tend to like jealousy angles.
I could list of many things I'd easily like to see written in, I just dont think it will happen.
I also would love to have seen where Seneko came up to the M.C. and talked about her boost ability effect on him.
I think that could have been written in to be comical as well as a jealousy arc.

We know Fin wrote in that the M.C. can have an attraction towards her,
mainly due to the training session and him leaving his suit behind.
If you opt to leave it behind and not get it right away, there is like 2 or 3 images of her changing.
But you could just as well claim the M.C. is a pervert, like Amanda says lol.

I did it once nothing came of it so I have never done it again.
Which to me sucks as bit, if you know my posting.
You know that Rei is best girl to me.
She in some ways reflects a Rei personality, up close, likes to hold or sit on you lap.
She does kinda have a vibe like her, I'm not saying identical but kinda close.
The fact she cast boost ability then sits on your lap. I thought that was a foreshadow of her seeking you out later.
Not so much it seems.

I kinda got a kick out of the fact she cast that and nothing happened when she was on your lap,
makes me think to when,
Rei sits on the M.C.'s lap and he gets hard and she flat out says "we will deal with that later" then walks away.
I dunno that just makes me laugh a bit lol


Mar 4, 2018
I had to restart chapter 4, and on day 37, i lost the option to take a photo of Hanah in her underwear and naked while I had her in the previous part


Oct 8, 2018
Evasion must be the worst attribute in the game even at 100 you still take 100% of the opponent's hits in combat

Evasion really isn't defense/armor.
Its dodge.

If you are in Visual Novel battles dodge can/does act like defense but its not.
Since it usually lets you block damage it negates "some" of it, but you are blocking so your guy takes damage.
Yes it can lower it by a lot depending on the level but that's only in Visual Novel Battles.

Outside of Visual Novel battles, its just a chance at dodging,
it even says this in the status information if you click it, saying "a chance to evade attacks" or something to that effect.

If you are looking for defense/armour increase the defense skill to lower damage.


Feb 26, 2022
I had to restart chapter 4, and on day 37, i lost the option to take a photo of Hanah in her underwear and naked while I had her in the previous part
I think that option may depend on whether you're leaning hero, vigilante or anti-hero. Since there was one occasion where my hero mc didn't get the option, but the more morally flexible ones did.


May 25, 2018
I played this game back in late 2022 and came back earlier but there's still yet to have Kate + Erick + MC sharing scenes?


Oct 8, 2018
I played this game back in late 2022 and came back earlier but there's still yet to have Kate + Erick + MC sharing scenes?
I dont think so.
I never came across it, seen others ask and no one said its there.

To be honest I'm surprised its not in, since you were able to double team Winter early on.
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