- Aug 3, 2020
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You'll be able to get hearts once you tame a girl in the prison.how to get the hearts
You'll be able to get hearts once you tame a girl in the prison.how to get the hearts
Hi, yes, I'm the dev.Don't you think that dillutes the love between the two of them, if Kate is falling for another guy? Because, from her perspective, she might love the MC but is now starting to fall for someone else. From her perspective, that would mean she's letting go of the MC, even if in the future she finds out they are the same person it should make her ""colder"" towards the MC, in the sense that she wont act romantically toward him in the time when she still doesnt know they are the same person, since she's actually falling for someone else.
EDIT: Wait, it says Game Dev on your profile, are you the dev for this game?
Oh, I didn't know you were the dev! Well, congrats on the cool game!Hi, yes, I'm the dev.
I really don't think it will cold the love or situation. I believe otherwise... I believe it will make that moment even special. I know we all want for them to know each other's secret, but I also strongly believe that the more it's hidden, the greater it will be when it happens. I'm pretty sure one of them is about to find out, maybe in 0.3.5 if I get to do those 2 or 3 events I need. And then things will change a bit. That will be a game changer for that one, which will understand how everything comes together. Some time after the other one will find out too. Then, the things will became like most games, with a normal relationship, which sounds pretty sad actually.
Well, you should do what you want with your games! It doesn't need to be sad, you can always spice it up. I was just giving my opinion as a super-jealous guy.Then, the things will became like most games, with a normal relationship, which sounds pretty sad actually.
That's a depressinly toxic attitude. Like are all relationships in this game "sad" then? Because to me the majority of them seem pretty healthy and normal. Not realistic, most of them, but healthy and normal. Not lots of drama.Then, the things will became like most games, with a normal relationship, which sounds pretty sad actually.
I agree, having a normal/good relationship with the main LI doesn't make it sad...That's a depressinly toxic attitude. Like are all relationships in this game "sad" then? Because to me the majority of them seem pretty healthy and normal. Not realistic, most of them, but healthy and normal. Not lots of drama.
Normal is good. Healthy is good. Doesn't matter if it's incest or not.
If you want some healthy spice and drama, have the sister become Our sidekick. Hell, considering we seem to have a similar effect on non-GenX girls as we do on GenX girls, I think it'd be cool and interesting if we can not only take powers from people but unlock them in others. So like after fucking the sister she gets powers, maybe something we already have or maybe something new and different.
I think that the MC has to be able to control his power at some point: if he wants to steal power, he does, if he doesn't want to steal it, he doesn't. With time he might even be able to duplicate it without having to steal it, or even grant the power (or give it back) even without actually losing it to the MC. There are many options that open up.If you want some healthy spice and drama, have the sister become Our sidekick. Hell, considering we seem to have a similar effect on non-GenX girls as we do on GenX girls, I think it'd be cool and interesting if we can not only take powers from people but unlock them in others. So like after fucking the sister she gets powers, maybe something we already have or maybe something new and different.
Possibly, and I'm not against any of that. I'm simply going off the fact we're an aphrodisiac to all women, not just GenX, our power, so far, has no need to easily seduce normal women. So to me it just makes sense that our power can do something with non-GenX girls if in a different way to GenX.I think that the MC has to be able to control his power at some point: if he wants to steal power, he does, if he doesn't want to steal it, he doesn't. With time he might even be able to duplicate it without having to steal it, or even grant the power (or give it back) even without actually losing it to the MC. There are many options that open up.
Actually, MC is more himself when he's suited, since he can be anything he wants to really be, so, she's really falling for the real one, or that's what I wanted for it to feel like. And I'd like to say, it isn't easy for her actually, she's really struggling with her mixed and hidden feelings, that's why she's having those weird dreams that only confuses her further. Thanks for the words man!Oh, I didn't know you were the dev! Well, congrats on the cool game!
I see your point. I'm just getting some feelings of jealousy, I don't like the idea of Kate falling in love with another man, it makes it akward for me to like her if she so easily falls in love with a different guy (even if that guy is still me, to her it isnt).
Well, you should do what you want with your games! It doesn't need to be sad, you can always spice it up. I was just giving my opinion as a super-jealous guy.
I trust you can keep things interesting, she's best girl for me even though she has almost no scenes.
Possibly, and I'm not against any of that. I'm simply going off the fact we're an aphrodisiac to all women, not just GenX, our power, so far, has no need to easily seduce normal women. So to me it just makes sense that our power can do something with non-GenX girls if in a different way to GenX.
And of course our power can tell the difference, otherwise it'd have been active from the start not after having sex with a GenX girl.
The MC might be more himself when he's suited, but from Kate's perspective it's someone completely different. That means it could actually be someone else, like one of the other superheroes, and she would also fall in love with them.Actually, MC is more himself when he's suited, since he can be anything he wants to really be, so, she's really falling for the real one, or that's what I wanted for it to feel like. And I'd like to say, it isn't easy for her actually, she's really struggling with her mixed and hidden feelings, that's why she's having those weird dreams that only confuses her further. Thanks for the words man!
The conversation between Erick/Lynx/Seneko, while setting up for the fight(s), makes it clear that it was the MC who told them exactly where to go. I will concede that it does state that they are close by - and they do talk about where to go after finishing off their current fight, and that they'd be close enough to support each other if/when needed, and he did tell Lynx/Seneko to go aid Erick 1st (as you said, he was confident he could take the 3 Hingetus without needing further help).In regards of the "save the girl": Yes, MC knew where the attack was, but Winter's info changed everything, he learn that it was a small attack, and trusting his abilities, he was sure of being able to take down 3 Hingetus, that's why Lynx team and Erick were close, but "not that close".
And he did good, even if it's unknown, them being there, saved a lot of lifes. I thought it was pretty well stated, but I'd have to take a look at the script to check again.
The last version I played was 2.52, so sorry if some of my complaints don't apply anymore in 0.3.0, as I didn't play it yet and don't know what happens.Yes, it may feel that way, but she's also struggling with this. I'm not sure if you played 0.3.0, but she's really confused and having mix feelings about MC and MC Hero. She's starting to realize about her feelings at the same time, that she knows it's impossible. Going behind someone else, may help her overcome the feelings she has for her brother. I'm not saying this is the way or anything, I think all ppl has its own pov and likes/dislikes. Maybe I should have worked their hero story a little more before jumping to a first kiss. But it felt correct at the moment, and I can't undo what's been done.
But I really picture this from her side, she's been always there for him, but she knows it's not happening, he's in another "level" for her. His worries, for her, are saving the world, training and getting better. In most of the scenearios Kate can picture, she's only "The sister of that dude trying to play Heroes and Dragons". She needs to move on, and have her own life. Of course, at the same moment, she wants to be part of his life, that's why she's trying to become something like MC (a Genex without Genex).
Once again, I'm not saying this is the way, but this is the love story I thought for Kate's branch, trying to leave the ordinary sisterly love route from most games I played (which are really only a few, I actually dislike playing VN....but that's another topic).
You need to be careful with that though, because the hero IS a mask. And it is quite shallow if you have her story become someone falling in love with the mask and not the person.Yes, it may feel that way, but she's also struggling with this. I'm not sure if you played 0.3.0, but she's really confused and having mix feelings about MC and MC Hero. She's starting to realize about her feelings at the same time, that she knows it's impossible. Going behind someone else, may help her overcome the feelings she has for her brother. I'm not saying this is the way or anything, I think all ppl has its own pov and likes/dislikes. Maybe I should have worked their hero story a little more before jumping to a first kiss. But it felt correct at the moment, and I can't undo what's been done.
But I really picture this from her side, she's been always there for him, but she knows it's not happening, he's in another "level" for her. His worries, for her, are saving the world, training and getting better. In most of the scenearios Kate can picture, she's only "The sister of that dude trying to play Heroes and Dragons". She needs to move on, and have her own life. Of course, at the same moment, she wants to be part of his life, that's why she's trying to become something like MC (a Genex without Genex).
Once again, I'm not saying this is the way, but this is the love story I thought for Kate's branch, trying to leave the ordinary sisterly love route from most games I played (which are really only a few, I actually dislike playing VN....but that's another topic).
You need to be careful with that though, because the hero IS a mask. And it is quite shallow if you have her story become someone falling in love with the mask and not the person.
And people will hate it (as you can already see there are problems with that). So you need to have a good look at her story and see how you can improve it, because if people are already feeling that way... well it is already a problem.
You want the whole story to flow neatly, so you gotta curate each step. You know her side, but the player doesn't so you have to look at it as if you don't and how the player would see it.
And drama and fuckery isn't something people love, so if its purpose is only for drama I would cut it.
Also an important note: People control their response to their emotions, and if you have her make too many choices acting upon the ones that make her look bad... people will simply hate her, that is unavoidable. And while it might not be physical, emotional cheating and attention cheating is a very real thing for the female side, and that is likely how players will feel, even though hero is MC she doesn't know that, so it matters.
So be very careful for that, since that can kill that character for many, and since it is an incest character could kill the game for them too.
Talking about the MC x Kate situation, while I don't outright HATE it or anything, I DO find a little akward tbh, like, sure, let's say the MC is more himself with the mask on, something like him being only 90 or even 85% himself w/o the mask and 100% himself when he's in his hero persona. That doesn't change the fact that she has been living with him from 18 years.
The feelings Kate has for him have been cultivated over a long time, which make it so it doesn't really make sense that just because a slightly more MC version of the MC appeared she's now infatuated with him, same as if you have a girlfriend you love and whom you have spent years with you are not gonna immeadiatly fall in love with a person who has her same personality but a bit better.
Even if she's not really aware of what her feelings for him actually are (or if she's denying it subconsciously due to him being her brother) she still has them somewhere inside her, right? So, while the example of you falling in love with a girl a bit better than your girlfriend doesn't 100% apply due to them not being lovers, it still feels strange that she's ready to give her first kiss to a guy she barely knows w/o thinking even a little bit of the one she has been in love for maybe years now.
Maybe a good way to make that story line less akward would be to add some dialogues of her thinking about Marco while she's doing it and feeling a little guilty but not being sure why she's feeling that way, or some more interactions with her and the MC while he's not in his hero uniform, maybe he does something kind for her? or they go out as a way to thank her for consoling him? and she feels warm while being alongside him, which makes her realize she's feeling the same way she has been feeling while training with hero Marco, which in turn makes her rethink how she feels about him, even if she doesn't fully realise her mental barriers about them being together are slowly falling, due to her recognizing, even if for a second, that the feeling she has about her brother are the same feelings of attraction she has about that hero.
Because right now it feels a bit like if the hero Marco was a real person she would just throw herself at him w/o thinking about her brother who she has been in love for years for even a second while doing so, while it shouldn't be so easy (even if he has the exact same personality that her brother) she doesn't share the same memories with the hero that she does with her brother, she hasn't seen that hero struggle for years to achieve his dream of protecting people, no matter how his own safety may be endangered, she hasn't seen that hero in his most vulnerable state after not being able to save a life, she hasn't seen that hero grow as a person, she hasn't lived her daily life with that hero like she has with her brother, she hasn't shared her hobbies with that hero, she hasn't seen how that hero is with other people, she hasn't seen what that hero enjoys doing. And yet, she feels attracted to him because of what? Because he saved her life? Her brother also put himself at risk for her, even while having no powers. Because he's somehow more her brother than her brother?
I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it's almost worse if she has loved him for years, because I can understand it better if she stopped herself from developing feelings for him in the first place just by the taboo of their relationship not allowing it to be, and then when she realises the guy she feel in love was actually her brother all along she also realises that that taboo that stopped her from catching feelings all those years ago don't mean nothing to her anymore. But knowing she did love him beforehand, aware of it or not, and yet she is welling to throw that love away at the first guy that can serve as a replacement to her brother because she can't actually be with the man she shared all those years of her life feels almost as a betrayal, to him, to herself, and to their love.
Amen brothers, good to know I'm not the only one that thinks this Kate situation is making her less enjoyable / likeable by the fans. Like KingWeWuz said, it's basically the MC NTRing himself, she is disregarding her feelings for the MC to fall in love with someone else. The fact that the person is still the MC doesnt change anything, because it could've just as easily not been the MC and she was falling for someone else.Yeah, funnily enough, the Kate situation struck me as a bizarre case of mc accidentally pseudo-ntring himself. To some, this might be comedy gold, but for me, it left a bad taste in my mouth.
If you activate Sharing Options, you'll be presented with the choice to share a girl, most of the times it will mean You + The male present + the girl present. So, you will decided if you get to get sharing options, and share, or not or not getting them at all. Important to mention, sharing is an option, meaning, if you don't share or if you have it disabled, the game won't skip a part of the game, it just won't be a part of the game, girls won't act like if they been shared because they weren't.Finisterrex Seperate from the previous comment, what is the multiple penetration tag there for?
Also in regards to sharing content will the incest characters have anything like that or MC only? (is a dealbreaker for me even if optional cause ruins those chars personalities tbh since they would be shared).
To add to this, something else I thought about: Since she is willing to move onto someone who is more MC than MC as dev put it, then all that tells the player is that she will jump to any more MC than MC dude that ever comes along... and given probabilities and how the world works that is 100% likely and thus MC is in for inevitable NTR.Amen brothers, good to know I'm not the only one that thinks this Kate situation is making her less enjoyable / likeable by the fans. Like KingWeWuz said, it's basically the MC NTRing himself, she is disregarding her feelings for the MC to fall in love with someone else. The fact that the person is still the MC doesnt change anything, because it could've just as easily not been the MC and she was falling for someone else.
That's why I never choose her to kiss on the party, the idea of her first kiss not being with the MC feels really, really bad.