VN - Ren'Py - 16 Years Later! [Ep.15] [Wetdreamwalker]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is incredible, the graphics are good, and many scenario possibilities are possible. You can play the game several times, you are sure that you will discover new things. Congratulations to the developer and good luck!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    imbalanced in favour of story but that is not the reason I gave it a 3, The reason is that the story in itself is not interesting to me, the characters feel flat, none of them are developed enough acc to me, esp the side characters with whom lewd scwenes are plenty.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is EXTREMLY story driven. Which is fine, but lacks sex scenes. Which is the entire point, isn't it?

    I mean this game came out in Aug 2021 and here I am in Feb of 2025 and the MC has gotten his dick wet less than a dozen times and with only 4 of the entire cast, one just barely added. Only ONE of which is a main girl. The other's not barely gotten to blowjob and just kisses for the other. The progress with all the girls is painfully slow and longwinded.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game and characters, offering plenty of content with every update. It provides a wide variety of love interests for the MC, allowing players to explore both corruption and love routes in an immersive and fulfilling way
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    The Lord Of Gold

    The game is good, it's not perfect but it's entertaining
    I don't find the designs of most of the characters very attractive, but I like Chloe's design.
    The development with the characters seems a little fast to me but not that much.
    On the other hand, I didn't really like the bully touching Chloe if you just look at the situation.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I will break this into few parts about this game.

    NOTE: SOME SPOILERS WILL BE METIONED(nothing huge that will ruin your experince)

    1. Story

    The game's story that you experince trough out the playtrough is interesting in so many ways.

    You get a little recap of main charachter's past(you). To give you an explenation of why is all happening.

    You will ecounter many charachters with wich you can make good/bad relationship, giving you option to have many different playtroughs.

    As I just said, because of the option to have different relationship with charachters, I can't explain you the story since you might have a different experince.
    And that's what makes story so good, even after you are done with game and you are waiting for new update to be realesed, you can play the game again with diffrent aproach towards the characthers.

    2. Characthers

    So far there is 10 charachter that you can interact with.
    As you play the game new charachter will enter the story at different time.

    Each charachter has it's own story and personality. I have seen someone here said that their personalities don't make sense and I could not dissagrie more with that.

    The game gives you a chance to learn about them. What they like, don't like, ect.
    They said that characthers just jump right at you super easy and again I couldn't dissagrie more, hahaha.

    Each charachter is made to act like they should, if you pay close attention to what they say to you and hear their story, you will know exactly why is it like that.
    So it is good to read every word they say and try to remember it.
    This is a reading type of game with choices given you to decide what is next for a little bit more fun. This is not the game where you will wonder around, but rather a game that follows a story that you can shape to your likings. The more you pay attention to the game the more it will make sense, don't just jump forword because you are looking to see some digital private parts like some kids!

    Enjoy the work developers have made, it is more than just "click here and you will F someone."

    Each character is made so they would have personality in which they would respond towards you depending of your relationship you have with them.
    And also depending on their past some character will need less time and some will need more time to develop liking towards you or hate depending on how you act towards them.

    3. Game graphics, animations and SFX

    As I said before, game is a reading type game for which there is no need for ultra realistic looking.
    Still, game offers some really nice looks in all ways. From how do charachters look, your surranding, animations and text you are reading.

    Overall game looks nice for what it is and I wouldn't make complains about it.

    4. Music

    The music is not bad, but I feel like it is too much sometimes. Like in some parts music will fit nice with what is happening, but not always.

    But it shouldn't be the problem since you can turn it off or lower the volum.


    I would recommend you to try the game, it might not be good for everyones liking, but the game sure is not bad to not even try it and have some fun with it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    THIS game definitely has potential. The mini games during the sex is a good idea but need some variety of positions that can be selected to make it peak.

    This also needs a Gallery and a little HD of models else is very good till ep13
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, this one is a miss for me. My main reason is the story. The writing is mediocre but that is not the bad part, the bad part is all the rest. Plot makes no sense, characters make no sense, and so on. All of the female characters just throw themselves at you for no particular reason right from the start. There are plenty choices which is nice, but due to how the point system works, once you choose if you take the nice or not-nice path with each girl, you're more or less locked into it, especially once it has advanced a little, so basically you just maximize or minimize your points and move on. Also, the story has inconsistencies (like a new room appearing in the house for no particular reason) and contradictions (like the story of the MCs' conviction) which is not great. And it also falls into heavy exposition parts when characters just tell you their things ("which they haven't told anyone") and dump all the info so you (the stupid player) can understand them in a classical mistake by going against the "show don't tell" writing rule.

    Render quality is pretty decent and character models are nice. Animations are rather poor and take some time to actually start coming up, but they improve as the game moves on so I guess the dev is learning as he goes. There is music but I silenced it for other reasons, as is usual in me, and I don't recall any other sound effect or anything else. At least it seems not to have any bugs, if we don't count how sometimes characters seem to move at light speed from places and poses (but that's not a bug, it's how it's done).

    So, all in all, could be way better. This one is not worth reading through and sex scenes aren't great either, so to be honest it's best to skip it.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    In many ways this VN is much better than the VN it was clearly inspired by. This a harem game with good non-HS that doesn't devolve into generic characters for every single girl. This isn't a deep story nor does it try to be at any point. However, the only problem is the MC. Now after 16 years in prison, innocent or not, the MC should at least be somewhat hardened especially is he was never on the receiving end. Yet, somehow the MC allows himself to be dominated by another girl and totally not defensive. Somehow he also forgot that you have to establish yourself as the dominant party when dealing with other criminals when he deals with the drug dealer. Now this is not to say he should be mean after all some people come out kinder, but there is a huge difference between kindness and foolishness. Aside from that the binary nature of the points system make it harder to follow the rude path where sometimes you have to be nice.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A beautiful game.

    16 Years Later is simply beautiful. The game's narrative exhibits a well developed sensitivity for emotions combined with beautifully rendered images. I say sensitivity, but it's not a game for sensitive players. More on that later. It's rare for a game to so fully draw me into its embrace. I am in love with the characters and their individual quirks and sensitivities. As well as the gorgeous visuals.

    As I said, 16 Years Later is a sensitive but also kinky story of discovery. Not just for the mc but also for the love interests. Depending on the path chosen, mc can be rough and callous or loving and caring for the girls he encounters. And depending on the girl's individual character there can be benefits and drawbacks to each approach. The creator offers the player a choice of domination or support. And every character reacts very individually.

    Callousness for one character can result in an open rebuke but secret arousal. And later hot scenes. Likewise, loving support can also result in hot scenes, but not the same ones and not for the same character. This makes for a very entertaining playthough.

    The love interests encompass both young and older. The emphasis is on daughters and friends, but not exclusively. There is a wide mix of sexual approaches and kinks. For my part, Hanna won my heart. Although I love the other characters too, Hanna is a rarity both in terms of her personality as well as her physical appearance. The game is a gem just for creating her. Opinions will differ of course.

    Gameplay is also enhanced by a good selection of music that harmonizes with the dominant emotional tenor of the various scenes.

    16 Years Later is an absorbing and sexy game made with obvious great care and talent. Both the writing as well as the visuals have made it a very memorable experience.

    I encourage anyone who enjoys incest tales to try it out. If you like it as much as I do, please consider showing the developer some love. Wetdreamwalker deserves more subscribers.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Story started out ok. MC in prison for 16 years, wants to reconnect with step-daughters that he barely knew. It's flimsy logic but that's okay. The daughters are absolutely stupid. They lack basic knowledge of sexuality that you'd pick up in a health class and shouldn't have any longing for the stepfather since he played such a minor factor in their lives.

    If the story stopped there, with slice of life situations revolving around getting to know the 3 daughters, that would be fine. Instead it gets ambitious and starts adding a multitude of barely fleshed out characters. (when even the daughters are barely developed out of their stereotypes)

    The pacing of the story is like watching paint dry. Some of the dialogue is overly wordy but that might be due to ESL problems, not sure.

    Flimsy story, flimsy development, okay renders...and then comes a choice. You end up having to choose between two LI. While I don't mind "choose your LI" type problems, this is not the story it belongs in. This is a generic, fake incest, catch them all harem style story.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Title: "16 Years Later" - A Game So Slow, You Might Actually Age 16 Years Before Anything Happens

    This game turns 3 years in another 2 months, and Im actually surprised as to how it's really here. I understand, there are many games here with a very complex storylines that may take years to complete. But when your core story is so simple to the point of being described in 8 words ( Father gets out of prison, bonds with daughters), you have to stay on topic, otherwise it's a disaster. I think it's univeresal that the more this thing drags on the more it loses appeal, so I fail to see why is he dragging this with irrelevant side characters like the neighbour or friends we dont care about. It seems like the father ( MC) can't catch a break with these side chicks, as if they're flies attracted to dung.

    The renders are okay, and I have no complaints about the writing.. but it's an automatic -1 star in my books if a story has too many irrelevant side hoes. Not to mention, I actually skipped this game's updates for about a year and coming back now, it still feels like it hasn't progressed that much.

    Also, the blueballing here is on another extreme level. In the entirety of first 2-3 hours of this game, Most scenes with the MC and daughters take you to the very edge making you think something's gonna happen and just as you feel good, it leaves you hanging there, and like clockwork , The MC immediately in the very next scene goes on to fuck that irrelevant chick called Petra or something.. It's like jerking of to a very hot pornstar and the video shows the man's face just as you're about to cum. Tbh, I lost all interest in this game to the point I didn't even care when he finally made love to Felicia, and that was a really good scene... but the damage was done.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    leo dicaprio

    Three young independent girls let a man into the house who they knew for a year as children why?
    Why don't they have a guardian? Why do they let him give them advice, they don't know him and know how to live without him? Very bad

    Constantly writing how the girl reacted, instead of showing it, is very bad

    They can live on their own, but they don't know basic things, has anyone tried to get them into bed all this time? very bad

    Just bad, better than anything else )
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    16 Years Later! [Ep.12] The renders are pretty good and the plot is kind of interesting but honestly this thing moves so slow. The dialog between the characters is so tedious I finally starting skipping through everything in hopes of finding something interesting. This is episode 12 you would have thought things would have been well along by now but nope same boring discussions with the girls.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    Boring AF. I played until I fucked Felicia and then I quit. The other girls look ugly and boring anyway. I also don't get the whole "stepdaughters" concept of the game. For the story to be truly Incest, the characters must be blood related, otherwise it's not taboo for them to have sex. Also the renders looked good in the pictures before I downloaded the game, but actually only the character renders are good. Otherwise the renders of the locations look blurry and terrible. Also the animations are just a few frames repeating each other.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, the MC makes me gag. It's a shame because the art and animations are really great.

    Unfortunately, the protagonist is a weird, preachy guy that spends his day with benevolent mansplaining his daughters issues (when he's not trying to get into their pants like some serial rapist). He's so creepy that I get goosebumps reading the story.

    It goes without saying that the interactions between him and his daughters are completely unrealistic. There's absolutely no reason all these women should fall for that guy, but who's to question this when it's the first commandment of weird incest harem stories?

    In that sense, it's just like all the others. Shame, I really like the art...
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    This is not a good game. So why so many 5 stars?

    For the people with specific kinks and fetishes, namely slow-burn harem incest action with clueless daughters, there aren’t many alternatives. So this game, not being a complete trash instantly gets to the top of their list. They are willing to overlook many flaws, and even give delusional assessments of “good story” and “great renders” for this game.

    For the people who are not specifically into those kinks, this game is far below average and I will explain why.

    Character are not developed and their actions are not believable in the slightest. Girls don’t see dad for 16 years, and one takes a whole day or so before showing tits to him? Say what? They don’t act their age. Father gets an erection and a 20y.o. girl is like “oh no, Daddy, what’s happening? does it hurt?”… Fuck right off. Girls have no clue about the hymen, periods, cum, or basic common sense. They are just realistic dolls with sawdust instead of brains. Keep in mind - these are the girls who survived on their own just fine in this world, and weren’t sheltered.

    Does that sound like “good writing” and a realistic story?

    It’s a slow burn, done wrong. The story is very quick at “crossing the line” and doing the socially unacceptable things right away, like touching daughters inappropriately, but then slows to a crawl when it comes to the extra step of sex.

    About the renders. They are not the worst, but they are sure as hell not great. The initial third of the game are just cardboard cutouts on top of the backgrounds. Atrocious. It improves a bit later on in the game, but characters still don’t interact with environment, they are just floating there. The lighting is generally boring and flat.

    Every dialogue is this: 10 minutes of slideshow from the same exact angle, with 3-4 slight variations of pose repeating. That’s it. The only good thing about the renders is that the girls are rendered with details, you can see skin texture and they are generally fine.

    Good Things

    • Girl models are generally pretty good and detailed
    • Quite long with many conversations and slow tease (but read above)
    • It can satisfy the craving of those who have incest and corruption kinks

    Bad points

    • The story and writing is bad and doesn’t improve much
    • Character are not developed and their actions are not believable
    • Characters don’t act their age, its very bad
    • Girls are very stupid and don’t have the most basic of common sense or knowledge about bodies or sex
    • Renders are not good, boring and repeating constantly, only good thing is detailing
    • Yeah, animations are not good
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 4/5
    Its about MC getting back home to hes 3 daughters after spendind 16 years in jail, then accept him very easily and you can start building an incest relationship if you wish, it has some nice stories with the girls mostly Chloe but i liked it, they are split into 3 types where one is grown-up, one is sweet and easy and youngest is the tuff girl.

    It is a bit of a slow burn considering chapter 11 is done and you still only had sex with one main girl, not sure if there is other sex scenes since i did turn down 2.

    One small thing that annoys me a bit is how text tells you a girl blush but pictures dosent show it, and with the middel daughter it happens constantly and would have been nice to see it instend of just a text, its a small thing just had to mention it.

    Anoter issue is that story fucks up and dosent follow choices, like dropping Petra at first meeting, MC will walk to the park to get to Petras house which makes 0 sense when he dosent have anything to do with her, MC will also talk to Chloe and say he went to work for Petra which never happens when you dumped her.

    There are quite a few spelling errors or worng placements of words but its not that often that it ruins anything.

    Girls 4/5
    Well i liked the two youngest daughers and like proberly most players Chloe was my favorit.

    Animations 4/5
    In the start its not good, really nothing but picture to picture stuff which is a far stretch from being animated, but know that it will get alot better later on.

    Music 3/5 / Effects 0/5
    Its pretty good music that suits the game but its pretty much the same constantly which makes you become tierd of listening to it and the voice stuff doing sex scenes should simply just be removed altogether and let the music stay on insted, its truely the worst sex effect/voice thing ive heard, but dev might have fixed that already since i think there was music in the late sex scene so thats good.

    Choices 5/5
    All the choices ive seen are great and your free to pick who ever you want or dont want a relationship with, and that include main girls as well.

    Ill check back on this one later for sure, but dont think review will change if it keeps up as it has been in the later chapters and i am looking forward to see how pregnancy will go since its pretty rare to see it somewhat early in the game, might be one of the very rare ones where you get the full experince instend of just the standard stuff at the ending of a game, but we will see and proberly sooner rather then later.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    well... 5/5

    it was surprisingly good, its my second 5 star rate for 1 year now. good renders, good writing, posing, introduction. i mean this guy can put maaany girls in this game bc he is smart. story somehow getting silly but i like that i hope MC ll play the Zohan role for long time maybe we can have hair saloon for next updates eh? I said story is maybe silly but feels real, unlike every fucking other games that has demigod mc, time benders, fucking giga size penis, devil lords, son of the most rich father in the universes... i just like basic MC with lot of sex potential and centered into 100 hot girls. thats why i like adult vns
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    In short...
    Needs 2 more Tags:
    Boner Killer and Endless Tease.

    11 Updates and nothing happens.

    The game has 2 or 3 nice characters to offer but probably the same amount of absolute Boner Killers for most people.
    Dialog is an unending pain of repeating 5 images and drivel that takes you ages even on speed auto to get through.

    And to make it clear.
    The 2 girls most are after get at most some pussy rubbing and some posing renders... thats it after 2 years of updates..

    The sex part is reserved for some side show i doubt anyone will be really interested.

    F this.