VN - Ren'Py - 16 Years Later! [Ep.15] [Wetdreamwalker]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Certainly top tier, incest game with gorgeous girls what more can you ask! Story? Well it's just beginning and obviously there's scope for improvement but till now i haven't disappointed. Renders are absolutely gorgeous and kewl, he he he. Liked the way these girls shaped their future even without elder figure for good chunk of adult years. Let's see how the main character brings some happiness in their lives both emotionally as well as physically (wink wink)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it so far, most importantly loved that there is a reason for such antics to start... he never saw them growing up and he was in prison so its probably been awhile add to it the emotion of guilt. Good job! Also does not hurt that the daughters are stunning, and hope they remain the focus.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    So far I am enjoying this quite a bit. I appreciate we get a choice of how to treat each scene, and I also like that we do not get shut down for choosing the 'wrong' path, instead having the option for forced scenes. The models are attractive and well made, and the graphical fidelity is just fine. (could use more sex scenes) I look forward to see where this goes!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really enjoying this game and it's got great harem potential. The girls look good, the action is starting to rev up right out of the gate, we're not sitting around until the 2nd year release before something happens and it's all quite believable.

    The script is good with a little Engrish here and there that's easy to overlook if you give them a Russian accent mentally. I'm enjoying it and looking forward to more. I like the pacing, the art, the script and the premise, and despite the author getting the idea from MNF it's distinctly different pretty early on.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 53157

    Great game that is progressing in a reasonable pace with no stupid blue balling or waiting until the release of the 20th edition to see scenes. The descriptions during the erotic scenes is very well done. Daughters are gorgeous, and I cannot wait for more action with then. The game contains 2 path, obediance and love/corruption route.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A rather enjoyable game with music that might not suit everyones taste in all scenarios, however it's rather enjoyable in my opinion

    The pacing might not be everyones piece of pie, but I feel that the dialogue more than makes up for it. Hopefully it keeps up this pace in the future as well

    The characters are quite well made, not necessarily the most personality I've seen in a characters in the past, but it's suitable enough for what it is, at least for the main characters.

    Overall a good experience I look forward to seeing the future of
    (Reviewed v.0.4)
    Likes: Kxire
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's good, folks. Renders are 10/10, no obnoxious body proportions (though it's creeping into that territory with some characters). Hopefully they don't introduce shitloads of characters and make a mess. As long as it gets updates it'll be great.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Awesome game! I love the dynamic between each of the characters as well as the future possibilities during the next update. Well done DEV! The gameplay is fairly simple yet complicated in regards to what specific outcome you want whether you want to be the rude demanding father or the very nice one. Great graphics and story definitely recommend!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    OK, I would have made this a 3 1/2 to 4 star game, but I took one star off (explanation below)


    • Very nice renders
    • All the characters so far are HAF
    • The story has the potential to be very interesting. And I mean beyond the lewd daddy fix we all want. To have an MC who is not some 16 year old, going on 12, twat who has a horse cock and seems to bed anything that moves. Please take the time to flesh out the MC's story and past. Don't just throw a laundry list of your patron's kinks into the game.


    • Not much content yet.
    • Not sure what the difference is between read mode and the game mode. It's still just a click-click VN right now. Other then one scene where the MC has to have more than $10 on him to buy something for some extra points There wasn't anything yet to even require money.
    • Ok, the minus one star was for the complete cut and paste of the script from My New Family. OK, I read that the dev took inspiration from MNF, so i redownloaded it and gave it another whirl tonight and - it's a complete copy! Enough to get you kicked out of any school in America for plagiarism, that's for sure. Maybe you should have worked with Killer7 and just called it "My New Family - 16 years later" or something. As a re-brand and/or remake... it's fine. But be upfront with the source material.
    • The pace is way to fast for the relationships. I mean all three of the daughters, the neighbour, the neighbour's daughter, the coffee shop girl, and even Tegan's ex-classmate were all wet for the MC before three days was up. Not a bad way to come out of prison, lol.
    • Minor thing - I found the music a little too .. umm.. romantic maybe. Like I was watching a romantic drama or something. I ended up turning it off.
    Anyhow, for what it's worth, I didn't get into MNF much, probably because I only saw that game recently and the quality of the games today make the older graphics not as appealing. I hope you turn this game into something much more then just a mouse clicker to fap along with.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a interesting one:
    It is very much your basic VN with the absent father cumming back into his (step)daughters life while reaching for every skirt in a 2 mile radius.
    It got the good renders, the ramping up sexual tension and (very quickly which i prefer in such cases, because it also has:) very skipable deep-tragic dialog.

    *You have your crying (step)daughter(!) on the cover of a game were the goal is to make her a harem addition. Talk about setting your story up to be pretentious.

    Now... what makes it an "interesting" case for me? Why isn't it just a "download once 3/5, models good" product?

    *The following is very much colored by my own subjective opinion and from a single play through, so take it as that:

    Because it got a little spot of light:
    1. Self aware actions:
    It does a good job at giving you little option (like "stare at clevage") that are reacted to by the surrounding cast in a way that functions within this kind of game. It seems to have given the characters a meta understanding that they compete for the MC on the sexual market and thus doesn't take ages to try to invent explainations or just dumb sex/fetish scenes on you.
    I personally prefer this to "serious/realistic" or "quirky/selfaware". The middle ground works and i wish the dialog would hit the same notes more.

    2. Hannah
    Presented as a redhead viking-hairstyle tomboy/daddy issue mix she is, for once, refreshing but also just happens to have a sympathetic character.
    She is only there for 2-3 scenes and in presentation and dialog smashed the compatition. While her opening up is a bit rushed, (as it's tradition) she combines some obvious weaknesses, needs and her own views on the situation. After being setup as the trouble best friend of the front page character it was a suprise to see her having such a moment.

    Dont get me wrong: Its not ground breaking, not a lot of content(sex is reserved for dream sequenzes and one late interaction) and it may just be more of a coincidence then a sign of thing to come writing wise, but for now i can only say: "It just works."
    And with some of the setups it might just keep working.

    Thus my 4 stars are more a hopeful outlook from 0.3 onward.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    [V. 3] Good start. Every character is likeable in her own way both look as well as personality wise. MC was a tragedy of some unlawful events, and it's really commendable how well the girls have managed to live till now, well physically at least, can't say mentally healthy as all of these girls needed someone caring/father figure while growing up, and they still do , hopefully mc sorts his life out and finally acts like a man that he wanted to be for girls, that he regretted not doing things he should have done for them.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I just played it for the first time and finished it I really like this game there are many good points the story is good and the girls really likeable. renders and animations also really good there are some grammar errors but not enough to be off-putting and I know the dev said they aren't a native English speaker even some that make mistakes so hey. I also love that it has sex sounded effects from now on I will only be supporting games that have that I didn't know very many games that have it and settled for supporting games that were really good in every other way but now that I am finding more games that have the whole package I will only be supporting them. Great game and I can't wait for more I will support this game from next month for sure. :love:
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't get why this doesn't have a higher score. Influence alters dialogues. Visually it's great. Dialogues aren't bad, even with its few grammar mistakes it's enjoyable. The, so far, difference in how you go about your behavior with each person is stark and worth caring about how you go about your replies...

    I would say Bravo to the creator of it and can't wait for the next update!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I hunderstand now why he start to tell "inspired by ....", i can really copy past some part of the text from one to another, can you even if you follow a same line, stop to follow this much, it gave me the bitter taste of replaying an old game who is remastered and trying to found the differencies between the two.

    Also check if possible the renderer in have seen here and there some transparency problem who literraly show the box of the picture on it (pool).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a bad start and interested to see where this goes. Looking at other reviews, I think it is fair to say I am seeing the dialog after larry2000 did his cleanup. The dialog is not too bad.

    The story is a little quick at the beginning, with how the girls accept the MC. I would expect to have to work a little more for that, but it is not horrible.

    The graphics are nice, but not a huge fan of the slow fade-in/out. Would rather that be a bit faster as it is a little distracting.

    Overall looking forward to see where it goes. I has a decent foundation to build upon. Not going tp knock any stars yet as it is too early, but it is probably a 4.5 right now.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid opening chapter. I was worried when I saw the points that we were forced into being a 'nice guy' and that being a dick led to game overs. I'm happy to see that negative points just means you are getting dominating points. I quite like that you can pick and choose who to be nice or mean to as well, it's not just one or the other. Gives the game a nice mix as well as replay value.

    Seems natural to be nice to the blonde and to discipline the purple haired girl, but then going back and doing the opposite is just as fun ;)
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Lots of weird plot problems like the sisters looking nothing alike BUT

    • good English
    • no needless exposition
    • no 4th wall breaking developer trying to be funny
    • an interesting-ish plot
    • Reasonable progression, it's not an instant fap fest and not boring either.
    • at least on the surface the decisions appear to be at least somewhat complex for example a choice can affect multiple people positively and negatively hopefully this continues
    • women don't constantly have their arms awkwardly raised in the air or resting on their tits
    • renders are passable

    So by doing the minimum it beats 90% of games in the category.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    A lot of character building and stuff, i deinetly root for that, always, but please, PRETTY FUCKING PLEASE, DONTGIVE ME FANSERVICE DREAMS.

    I like the caracters, they are way too accepting and still progression is slow, at least being a good guy. And then you give me dreams. The Dream thing triggeres me to unmeasurable levels. I prefer no sex at all to this cheap mechanic.
    Why would i lose my time watching these cheap scenes without context when there are millions of terbytes of VRporn?

    Anyway, a terrible dissapointment, you get 2 chunks of expositions for the same topic. The mc talks like Hamlet or something and thinks too much and describes too much, his mind is the one of a teenager trying to be an intelectual. I knoe it, i have been there, even today.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3176988

    This game is really silly. You have three daughters. None of them look like they are actual sisters. They don't look anything alike. The oldest daughter is 19 years old, but she looks like a 35 year old married housewife. Their personalities seem to be really different too. One is an ugly emo chick, one looks like a CEO's assistant, and the other looks like a senior in High School who isn't sure what her sexual preference is. The game has way too many dialogue choices with a point system. All the dialogue choices are boring and annoying. Every single second of the game is a dialogue choice. "Do you cough loudly or do you cough softly?" "Do you take one sip of water or two sips of water?" "Do you apologize for coughing, or do you not say anything?" This sort of gameplay takes away from the actual father daughter content that I wanted to enjoy. The choices need to be a lot better and less often. The females aren't attractive to me. This might be because of the models, how they are dressed, their poses, their facial expressions, and the renders in general. But going back to what I said earlier. The daughters don't look anything alike, and that really ruins the mood. I could probably pick three random females from a university and they would look more like sisters than these three females. Overall, this is an extremely mediocre game. There are plenty of really bad games out there with really bad English that are way more fappable and enjoyable than this game is. I can't recommend this game. Also, there is hardly any lewd content at all in this game, or rather the lewd content that exists is easily forgettable. You will probably try to forget the sex scenes on purpose because they are so short and not at all good. And finally, the developer has the game intro music so loud that it will wake your neighbors. Too many game developers are doing that these days. They think that if they blow up your speakers, it will excite you and make you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride. How about having the intro music down on normal settings and let us increase the volume if and when we want?
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Obvious MNF vibes but thankfully the Dev says so right out of the gate. Having said that i really enjoyed it, some fine tuning on the dialogue and character development and it could be a real winner. Loving the looks of all 3 "step"daughters especially Cloe, not sure why but really like her look. Looking forward to more.