VN - Ren'Py - 16 Years Later! [Ep.15] [Wetdreamwalker]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    ++ Great renders
    ++ Interesting characters which you can really build a feel for
    ++ Multiple routes which are fun
    -- Maybe a bit slow paced
    -- Low on sex stuff with some of the girls
    -- Even with the walkthrough it was a bit hard to figure out how to reach certain routes

    All in all, became on of my favorite games so far.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, I enjoyed it.
    • Great models and while the amount of sex scenes is low, there are many lewd images made for many of the LIs at this point, and they all look great
    • The couple of sex scenes that exist are top quality
    • The characters are all distinct and have their own motivations.

    • At first, I found some of the models and their outfits to be a turn-off, but I eventually got over it.
    • The choices and point system don't really make sense with their outcomes (lewd content). Being rude is required to unlock a bunch of the lewd content, but each character only has a love point system. Rude decisions subtract points. Also, bad choices that are a turn-off for everyone subtract too, so this metric makes no sense and is unnecessarily difficult to manage. Would be better served by having other point metrics such as lust or dominant points.
    • While the characters are all unique, some lack if not most lack depth and they don't feel like real because of that. Chloe feels more complex, but Tegan is basically an emotionless robot who does whatever anyone asks of her.
    • Interacting with characters feels very disjointed. Many times MC will talk to an LI and just when things would usually heat up, they make future plans and leave. This happens way too much and wastes so much time since these interactions build nothing and serve no purpose. A lot of conversations and events go nowhere, which is partly why many relationships seem much too slow to progress.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    How do you measure the worth of an AVN? Obviously it is subjective. You could you look at its visuals; that would give you an insight into its production value. You could look at the sex scenes and see if they're hot enough to justify the "adult" tag for you. You could see if the plot is compelling enough to keep you engaged.

    But none of that really gets to the heart of enjoying an AVN. What really matters in any AVN trying to tell a story is whether you come to care for the characters. Caring for them is it what makes an AVN meaningful as more than a series of images and lines of texts. Caring for them means the developer has crafted something which connects with you.

    So did I come to care for the characters in 16 Years Later? Unfortunately only one. Chloe's story evoked the broken bird syndrome inside of me and was enough to make me care for her. But the other daughters? Not so much.

    Felicia is supposed to be the primary LI, but for me the escalation from first-time meeting to full-on love was so quick as to feel unnatural and boring. I followed the love path seeing as the "strict" path seemed to involve a lot of just generally being a mean asshole; on my path, Felicia's characterization started and stopped with being an innocent and naive 18 year-old. And it was a shame that on the love path they immediately start a "serious" relationship; half the fun of this genre is to have both the power-difference and love at the same time! Having your cake and eating it feels good.

    The oldest daughter, Teegan, seemed to have no personality at all other than being somewhat stressed by work. Some of the side characters had personalities, but neither the mc nor me formed any real connections with them.

    While I think the game as is is only average, it could end up being good with sufficient character development. In the meantime, here are some miscellaneous points:
    • The music is so overly dramatic it's kinda funny, but seeing as it plays constantly all the time I mostly turned it off. When I did have it on I was treated to a dance song which kept using a crow cawing sound effect.
    • The point system is confusing; it isn't clear to a first-time player what the repercussions of going negative will be. There is also a warning message at the start to not be too positive or too negative, which only muddies the waters. The walkthrough mod doesn't clear anything up.
    • Why would you read a magazine you don't like when there's a full bookshelf in front of you?
    • Hannah thinks she needs to be very thin to be a model (kinda outdated), but at the same time doesn't realize that piercings are prohibited?
    • My dude if you promise a girl to take her out on a nice date then do zero planning and she ends up taking you out, you fucked up. Oh and don't make her sleep on the sofa every night wtf.
    • English clearly isn't the dev's first language; maybe the characterizations work better in their native language?
    • Seeing the mc getting threatened and beaten up by a little kid is a serious boner killer.
    • MC talking: I'm so sorry to hear all this tragedy you've been through. MC thinking: Lemme smash.
    All in all 9/10 IGN too much water.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It gets three stars for being in the "wholesome" genre. I'm more into this than corruption (not that corruption can't be fun). The daughters are all great, the other LIs have some interesting things going on, and I personally can get past what makes me ding 2 stars off the game.

    That said, I do take off two stars for the English. It is not good. It's not the worst I've seen, and honestly I would be much happier if it were just typos or bad grammar. The issue is localization. Concepts are not being portrayed correctly for an English speaking audience, many many conversations are just like speaking to a high-level ESL learner (stiff and overly literal). I taught English as a Second Language for many years, and grew up with a large step-family that had varying levels of English language learners in it, so this is very familiar to me. This is why I can personally get past it to see the good writing that is behind the bad English. However, without my specific background, I can see how the dialogue could cause someone to immediately drop the game.

    If you want a cute, wholesome experience and can tolerate ESL level English, I'd give this a try. If not, you might want to wait and see if the creator gets some translation/localization support.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the visuals are very good. Lots of scene variety. At this point in the story the available scenes are not too heavy, but hopefully that will improve with future episodes. Looking forward to continued updates.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics are great, music is okay (it has music!), story is generally good (the premise is great) and isn't slow... but the conversations between some of these characters are weird; mostly an issue of mutual friends and their interest in the MC's budding relationships.

    Hard to explain, you'll just have to try it. There's enough right going on with this you should consider playing it, but not enough wrong for me to talk you out of it.

    Edit: I ended up cutting bait with this one. Further along I got in the story, the more I didn't care for the way the story is presented. The individual characters are good... but the more I play, the more it feels like you're trying to progress through four different stories. There's the central story that centers on the MC integrating into this new home dynamic with all three of the daughters and the give and take of spending time with each of them; though rarely together as a family... I get it, busy lives and all that, but it would be nice if they talk to each other more than "hey" and "oh, I need to speak to Dad; send him my way", but I digress.

    Outside of that primary story, there are stories for each daughter where each daughter is the center point of their own story and that daughter introduces you to her friends, acquaintances, etc, and you do stuff with each of them outside of the house and with their friends. So rather than the game feeling like multiple chapters of a single story, it feels like a soap opera where we go through one story for about 10 minutes... then we switch over to another story... then we switch over to another story... before we come back to the first story again. It's not terrible, but I feel like only the central story focuses on the MC's presence... the other three stories are centered on another character and you are simply present for the events. It's a novel concept in VNs, but it gets old once you realize it's basically got the same structure as a soap opera.

    3 stars.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely loved everything about this game, the story, the models, the dialogues, the choices, the scenes, everything is well done here, if you like incest I completely recommend this game, especially for the routes, you can be the good guy which usually every game has or the controller which is very good too, have fun
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The Good:

    - This game is spicy. It has some hot models models and some very nicely written sex sequences. If you love incest and harems, this is definitely worth the read. There's also a decent bit of variety in this game in terms of kinks and appearances (as long as you like all varieties of slender white girl). Overall, very enjoyable.

    The not so good:

    - Many games struggle with too slow of a pacing; I feel like 16 Years Later! touches on an opposite problem. In this game, you move into your daughters' home and nearly all of them end up making out with you before the week's up. These aren't just naive teenagers; one of them's in her early career as a professional and another is supposed to have trust issues. Still, they all show almost no hesitation in falling in love with their father. I think the author missed a chance to stretch out the seduction and show a story of sexual conflict/wearing-down of scruples.

    - I wish there were fewer love interests. This number of side characters in this game results in a few characters that just aren't interesting. I wish the author had spent more time on fewer characters, rather than adding more meaningless side-pieces to the game.

    - Some of the backgrounds feel bare or ugly, drawing the eye in a bad way.

    Overall, I have a few nits with the game that stop me from saying 10/10, but it's still incredible and worth a look.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a solid game. The girls are plenty and they're also pretty. It's a harem actually, which I definitely like.
    Ofc all the girls fall in love with the MC and while it's not super rushed, it's also not a slow burn (at least with some of them).

    The writing kept me interested although it's not memorable (who even expects that). It doesn't exaggerate the drama though I wish it had a bit more humor. Spelling is mostly good with rare exceptions.

    There are animations in the sex scenes though they're not top tier. But it's definitely not just static images which I was very glad to see.

    Take a look at the screenshots and if you find the girls appealing, definitely give this game a try. I also used the official walkthrough mod (which keeps the girls as stepdaughters but shows recommended choices).
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Man this game. I want to be strict but all i get is being an asshole... I mean, how can MC talk about being a good parent when he doesnt care what the girls have to talk about their emotions etc? The only time MC seems to care is in the actual lewd scenes. Outside hes just a jerk to the girls...

    I started in game mode and quickly changed to story mode and even there i skip most of the text and only read the scenes.

    Its more or less good for a fap but the rest is meh.

    Besides this it seems that IC patch doesnt work in story mode. There its still stepdad...
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The dev states this is a first attempt at a VN and over all for first one I feel it's above average.

    He also states it was inspired by MNF and you can see correlations in some of the characters and events however since the dev acknowledges it and gives credit I don't see a problem, many story writers take inspiration from other sources.

    Visually it's not bad. The models mostly look good and it's a plus they don't all have giant oversized boobs. The girls like to wear skimpy outfits and cut out clothes. They also don't mind showing under boob and camel toe, not that I'm complaining. I'm not a fan of body piercings outside of ears and belly buttons, they're a turn off to me but that is a personal preference and not indicative to how the models look.

    By my math the dad would be about 40, but his hair makes him look closer to 60. This was a bit off putting to me but not too terrible.

    The writing feels a bit off at times as far as sentence structure goes and I noticed a couple of grammatical errors but I've seen much worse. It didn't really throw the story off too much. The bigger issue I noticed is there were times when after a choice is made the following dialog didn't reflect the choice that had been made.

    Yes, it follows some standard tropes but still over all it's an enjoyable story line. I think some criticisms have been overly harsh on this aspect.

    Almost every harem type VN has a character I either ignore or try to avoid, for me it's Petra in this one. Her character just hit me wrong.

    I think the dev is doing a good job thus far and it's worth a play through. I look forward to more.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Basically it's a daddy/daughter relationship builder VN.
    A bit of a slow build with the daughters but has other side characters thrown in for some good scenes while waiting for the incest part to evolve.
    Story 3/5 - Not bad, overused plot of father being away for years then returns home.
    Graphics/Renders 5/5 - Girls are stunning and realistic.
    Animations 1/5 - Certainly can be a lot better. VN's work better with no animation rather than poor animation. I don't think animations are that important to make a great VN.
    Sex scenes/Fapability 2/5 - Takes a while to get to them and not enough. Could use far more sex scenes.

    These type of VN's work so much better as full POV so even less shown of the MC would improve the overall immersion.

    Anyway, I look forward to future updates as it will keep evolving.
    Good work dev!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I really Love the Cameltoe details ! Something you really don't see a lot of.
    Hopefully there will be more. There sure are tons of opportunities to do so in this great game. Great work !!!!
    Thank you ..
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Fairly average game. The intro is kind of weak and the game overall has a pacing issue. Most of the girls are fairly unique from one another but could use a bit more personality. The art and animations are the best part of the game :)
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Story - 2/10 Far from original, and not really interesting. The story moves along quite quickly and involves too many other female characters. Father out of prison and now after his daughters which he knows so little about, could actually work if the writing were not so poor. The writing does not inspire any effective emotional attachment to the daughters. Rather amateur overall.

    Originality - 1/10 As already stated this one is far from original, so many others of the same or mostly the same scenario .

    Renders - 5/10 The Renders themselves are a little less than average quality, feels rather cheap overall.

    Animations - 1/10 Another one with extremely poor animations, the two second sex scenes with no real realism whatsoever. Foreplay is pretty much non existent. Animations and story are the key elements to any of these story/games, this one fails at both.

    Amount of content - 8/10 For the amount of time it has been out the content is average.

    Not a very good attempt at a story, done on the cheap side not really trying to make something that stands out against the rest. Just another cookie cutter throw something together with little effort story/game. Ok to go play through once, but doesn't inspire a second play through.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Inspired by My New Family in the worst ways possible, this VN is unfortunately very subpar and, as it stands, not worth the time investment.

    Let's get the inoffensive out of the way: the renders and the sound. Not the best I've ever seen but not the worst either, perfectly serviceable. I personally found the girls attractive, but not enough to stomach the terrible writing.

    Speaking of, I think every aspect of the writing is bad: the grammar, the dialogue, the plot, the characterization. It's kind of baffling, really. The worst for me was what I would describe as "emotional exposition." Characters start talking about how they feel, the type of trauma they went through that made them feel and act certain ways. Nobody talks like this, it takes a massive amount of introspection to figure out such things about yourself and the vast majority of people need therapy to do so.

    The MC's inner monologue is also particularly egregious to me, because it's either a repeat of something he thought 10 seconds prior or a painfully obvious observation.

    To finish up, I don't think this game can succeed without some major rewrites and other such tweaks. Also distancing it from My New Family would be a good idea, because as several people have pointed out already it kind of borders on plagiarism, especially at the beginning.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty damn solid. I feel compelled to point out some people are saying some absurdly stupid shit. The entire jail part alone is painfully realistic cause for fucks sake there are a absurdly straight up stupid as hell amount (that is truly frightening) of cases way WAY sillier, more absurdly petty, god damn flagrantly flimsy bullshit or straight up innocent dudes in prison for mindbogglingly flimsy reasons or something super legit retarded like guys STILL STILL in jail after what they did became fully, entirely, completely, legalized. There is so much to say on it.

    As for morons going on about the writing in certain ways that aren’t nowhere good enough for the inane trash they are saying… you do better then if you’re so full of shit. It is about the theme the presentation and so forth. A phenomenal example that comes to mind is the Uncharted game series. Fundamentally… it is total complete shit. Couldn’t be more tacky or cliché. BUT the way the game plays out is fun and looks great. Legitimate concerns for 16 Years Later would be that normal proper route is good and solid but douchebag options are cringy in how stupid and over the top they can go. The only logic be it real, movie, game or just porn logic to the douchebag route is right back to jail for botching up probation. Certain other options start off way too strong and out of fucking nowhere. Yeah I fully entirely understand other kinks and but if like for example you got a full on say… boob guy who does stuff in regards to liking boobs but then drastically starts slobbering over feet… it is an example not saying that happens but when something like it does… it is god damn jarring and right out of character. Gotta hint at possiblities instead of suddenly going full throttle on it.

    The lovey part stuff the only strictly explicitly only unplausble and highly unrealistic part is how many fall in love instantly. People do stupid, dumb shit for love ALL the damn time let alone absurd nonsense like fall in love at first sight and marry in less then a month or a week.

    Girls look great. Really love how sexy and sensual a lot of the encounters are. It is a large step above most typical games.

    PS IMO some of the cheesy moments are kinda funny in a corny humor kind of way
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Girls are okay.

    But really what is this with this story which has no sense:
    - MC knew the girls for min 0 days (since youngest one was 2 when he got in jail) and max 33 months if he knew mother before birth of youngest one.
    When you miss 16 years, how can you go to them and they accept you in your life.... just to make you their lover?

    - the plot has no timing sense: first scene with every girl? they want your dick. No point getting to know each other.

    - every one is hot for the MC.

    So this is a pure porn game, with bad porn scenes...

    So a miss for me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excelent game with great visuals, decent story and regular point system. Some of the logic in progress is uneven and can be improved. Example: daughter kisses you on the lips before the cheeks. With some fine tuning, it can become even better game. Burn is slow, but you can still have sex scenes, so no blue-balling here.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Very interesting yet very weird game i can give like between 3 to 4 star nothing more.

    Yes this game is actually good but still bad i know i dont make any sense but this is truth.

    Game incest is good girls need father and our mc as a father either gonna bang them or just dont but still incest good still let me say this for now teasing little too much for me like we bang others but we cant bang girls who sees us as a father figure or father but you can bang boring side character ? like why ? this is incest game or role play for that kind thing i dont wanna bang some moronic womans i wanna bang my daughters nothing more.

    Thast a big problem here teasing is anohter level here like Wife and Mother game this is doing same thing its that bad no for now not bad maybe year later ? yeah thats gonna be bad still this is good game for just incest maybe little story nothing more.

    So whats bad here ?
    16 years for crime mc commited is stupid little too stupid.
    Everybody accepting mc like nothing happened stupid too.
    He acts like normal person he dont act like person who suffered from crime and prisoned for 16 years .
    Last update ruined game for me Mc gets beaten by bunch of kids like come on you survived 16 years in prison and some kids can beat you because of that they have knife and 3 people lol come on i am sure there lot of giants in prison who can one shot you feels like nothing happened him in that 16 years.
    Yeah drama here too so thats no no for me we dont need that mc is adult and criminal he can know things yet some bully can can do things lol thats stupid.
    Lastly we dont need other worthless characters here yet author adds them to story yeah lets waste scenes on them.

    Good things ?
    İncest good i like it feels like real and nice.
    Daughters good to the not copy of each other i like that one of them really stupid still thats not that bad.
    Some side characters good and interesting too thats plus.
    Mc not %100 pussy yeah thats big plus for now if this changes welp that gonna be bad.
    Story some part of it good some part of that story is just meh but thats not makes this game meh or bad.
    Lastly character models look interesting really good for me normally mc and main girls always look same with other games but this game models good thats plus for me .

    I know i act like hater but i am not teasing is good but if you do that too much thats turn games to scam and sadly some of games %100 doing that i pray for this game to dont become like that really i hate some things but other than that this is deserve solid 4 for now maybe later i can change too 5 or 3 because when times come to final act authors always screw games so hard make all fans hater so lets pray for that to dont happen here.