Working on a Unity game need help or advice.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
Not sure if this is the right place to post this Mods feel free to move this if necessary,
OK here goes.
I'm slowly making my own 3d game in Unity but need a little help or advice.
I am Planning on releasing the game for Free as it will be my first game release. "Regardless of how much i spend on its creation with buying assets and hiring skill."
I am new to creating a game and new to Unity so i have much to learn, I have done a bit of modding in numerous games so i know just enough to be dangerous.
I chose unity because its free has plenty of tutorials and some good paid for assets and free assets useful for beginners like me.
I intend to make most of the game myself if i am able to and don't expect to have anything to show for at least another year.
I am willing to use paid for assets and pay for skills needed in areas i lack sufficient knowledge of closer to having a suitable prototype up and running.
I have no problem with Paying for the assets if i can afford it and use it in a 3d game, But i don't make a lot of money as I'm Retired and using What ever i can save each week.
I have already run into a few snags and am slowly working through them, I have an immediate problem however and need a bit of help.
I desperately need some characters, I have UMA "Unity Multipurpose Avatar" and it works well but is missing genitals which is a core part of the game,
Currently this is the biggest thing holding me up and slowing my progress, I have spent the last week searching for something but have only found Daz genitals.

So my question is this,
Does anyone know where i can get some genitals for the Unity UMA wardrobe or base body or a Base UMA body that already includes genitals?. "Both male and Female"
Or should i just switch to another Method for the character models?. If so what do you suggest?.
I would prefer to not use daz as i have no experience with it and no clue how to use it, "I know it is possibly to convert Daz stuff to UMA but I'd have to learn daz to do it"
Also the License with Daz for 3d games is a bit confusing for me and seems like its adding a considerable extra cost I cant really afford.
"3d Licensing is the biggest thing putting me off Daz at the moment"

Below is general info about the game I plan on making.

Game premise:
the game will be First person or 3rd person Switchable, open world style play on a large island with 1 major town in which your tavern is located and a few small farms.
set in a medieval fantasy world with themes similar to viking and roman times. Main race will be Human with some Elf and Orc slaves.
you will play a tavern owner who inherited a business that is starting to fail, its up to you to save it.
with a recent war started in neighboring lands slavery has become legal, slaves are now frequently brought and sold.
with this in mind you decide to use slaves to save your failing tavern by turning it into a brothel using slaves.
finding you have a talent for this you decide to become the towns slave master owning and controlling the best slaves on the island.

the game will deal with Such content such as
Slavery, Pit Fights, Rape, Prostitution, kidnapping, bdsm, bribery / blackmail and Human / Orc / Elf trafficking.

Will be basic melee in both first or third person, using hand to hand, clubs, knives, swords and axes with a bow for hunting.
Whips and clubs will also be used in some circumstances. I.E. Training slaves subduing a potential slave.

Basic inventory system for changing and removing clothing and weapons and carrying small amounts of resources such as Food Items or sex and slavery related items.

the game will have a quest lines revolving around the tavern and its slaves the below quests are already planed and partially written.
Upgrading the tavern :
adding rooms for whores, adding stripping stage, adding dungeon and cells, upgrading the bar.
slave training quests:
learning the ropes, positive reinforcement, obedient service and complete control.
Main story quests:
The farmers daughter, Bribing the watch, Jarls best friend, doctors orders, Barkeeps beers, the tax man Commeth, the slavers deals, with more to be added after writing.
repeatable quests:
Gladiator fights, Wench call out, Bonesaw healing. with more to come.

As an open world game i plan on allowing a bit of freedom with the NPC's,
Meaning you could pick a fight, rape or attempt to enslave anyone but there will be consequences for getting caught or seen,
It will be possible for you to become a slave yourself and you will have to earn your freedom either through Bribery, paying for it or becoming a gladiator champion.
If you become a slave and regain your freedom you will have lost the Tavern and be Homeless you will have to find the means to buy it back from the Jarl.

Sex Content Planned:
Scenes for the sexy content will be,
you can watch a whore service a client or two in one of the rooms. "NPC-NPC / NPC-NPC-NPC"
you can have sex with your slaves, they may be willing or not depending on submission and obedience levels. "PC-NPC"
you can pimp out slaves to towns people. "NPC-NPC"
Stripping on a stage and naked dancing. "NPC"
heavier BDSM content will mostly be done in the dungeon with some lighter stuff around the town. "PC-NPC / NPC-NPC"

I know this is a very ambitious project especially for a first project,
But I am retired and have nothing but time a willingness to learn and Nothing else to do.
This seems like a fun rewarding project i can do with my time rather then watching the squatbox as my mobility is limited.

About me:
Well I'm Unable to work and live off a retirement fund.
medically I'm unwell and forced to spend most of my time at home, Unable to do most of what i used to do.
I've found myself having to find new things to do with my time I can do in my house that are not loud and require little movement.
I have no family that visit and a few friends who help me out when i need it but more often then not I'm bored shitless.
I have been entertained a lot by some creators on this site and thought it would be nice if i could use my time to make something of my own to add.
it also gives me a sense purpose I have been lacking since i got ill. "Finally something fun I can do with my time"
I have spent the last 2 months learning Unity and C# and studying how it works and I think with time and patience i can create something worth posting here in the future.
"I have already started working on my project and am making better progress then i thought i would"
I have no doubt there will be difficulty's in the process but I'm not one to give up and will ask for help or find help when i need it.
I'm doing this because I want to make a Game with things in it i want.
I also don't mind sharing it when I'm happy with it having enough content to keep others entertained for a few hours.
I have most of the game already planned out and some of whats planned already implemented at least as far as the basics go.

I know that was a big read and if you made it this far thanks for reading, I probably wrote more then i needed to but this is fast becoming a passion.
I really wanted to share my idea and plans as well as find an answer to my question.
If you have any ideas or advice feel free to post it below.

This is my game Idea i am working on I need a bit of help.
Do you know where i can Get a UNITY UMA Wardrobe or base body with genitals?. or should i just change my Character implementation to something else?
I need characters with genitals for sex scenes. any suggestions?.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
I would start with something simpler.

If you are willing to spend money, you may as well just use DAZ3D or Character Creator.
For a free solution you can use MakeHuman or that blender plugin whose name I can't remember from the same creator.

Things like FUSE or UMA are not really meant to be used for porn games, they are too scared of human anatomy and you will need to do some editing, not worth it with better solutions online.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
Winterfire Thanks for the input.
its a shame UMA is to scared of Human anatomy, from my experimenting with it it should work well with what i wanted.
I was thinking of using Daz3d but the Licensing is a bit off putting. It also means i have more to learn.
I'll take another look at DAZ and Character creator and see if i can figure out which is simplest to use.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
polywog Hey thanks that looks great, also seems a fair bit cheaper then Daz3d.
I'll look more into it today, hoping i can find out more about how it works and its base models.
if it is easy to add genitals to characters I'll go with this over daz Just for Pricing and clear licensing.