Ohmy, i feel baited soo hard. But i firmly believe that this thread was created with the best of intentions, so...
You have a preference toward small tits. I have a preference toward big boobs that one can't see on a regular female form in real life. That just me. Accidentally i seem to belong to the majority of the porn game crowd who seem to share my trait when it comes to titties. As a matter of fact, the whole porn business ever since it exists seem to gravitate toward big boobs. Devs who wish to minimize financial risks when choosing breast size obviously aim for the widest, largest audience as a rule of thumb if nothing else. That is.. bring the big juggs, dude!
Similarly, the Devs themselves tend to like big ones as they in a sense are part of the aformentioned crowd and, again, as a rule of thumb most of them hail from the biggie-lovers.
This is business. Would you open a chinese restaurant where most people are not into chinese dishes or go for an italian one that seemingly 3 out of 4 person in town craves? Same deal. Its misleading to see several people vouching for small boobies but the numbers behind big tittie projects are stubborn things and they tell a different story.
Think at it this way.: Nobody is forcing any Dev to go with big boobies. They choose so on their on accord. Seemingly all of them. Should be clear as the blue sky that such size is the generally preferred, sought after, liked size. Those with different size preferences are minority. If this wouldn't be the case, there would be much more small-tittie games.
That should answer the question "why".
Obviously i do understand the despair behind such preference. I really do. But this industry was always about big boobies first and foremost. And the indie porn game scene is not quite large enough to actually offer a reliable support for niche preferences. Simply put, there isn't enough support behind non-mainstream approaches. Or not apparent enough for Devs to take the risk. It doesn't matter in the end.
Fine - I understand that this is "a site all about fetishes, and big tits is a fetish itself..." - but could realistic women also be a fetish?
Yes! But its a niche fetish

Quite a few people share your views, i regularly bump into such comments. But on the big picture? Still just a few.
And about the lack of such tag, i'm afraid the reason behind that overlaps with what i was just telling previously. Not enough people behind it to support its appearance i guess so.
But fake breast just don't look good.
Phil, i'm gonna criticise Prii daily about her redheadness, her freckles and immature nature if you keep talking like that!
..according to you! According to you if you would be so kind

I love fake boobs too. They look good. Not always. A small pair of tits aren't always pretty either.