Thank you for the feedback, I'll fix that.From what I read dominance is gained from fights. I've done both random fights (Defending myself & instigating them)and tournament fights and gained no dominance skill from any of them. I would still lose dominance if I lost, so I was just losing dominance throughout the game making me unable to do anything aggressive.
Also, the hookers have the Fight Club trainer dialogue for some reason.
Very fun game though!
I am not sure if this is what he is talking about but when I tried the latest version I could no longer win fights against citizens that groped my character as fights are based on the old stats that are gone. Also I got stuck in an endless sex loop once my MC lost the fight the Male NPC would not stop using sex actions I must have clicked continue 100 times at least. Also no longer possible to be dominant as the user said above you just constantly lose so can't gain dominance anymore.Can you tell me what's not working?
Thanks, I'll fix it soon.I am not sure if this is what he is talking about but when I tried the latest version I could no longer win fights against citizens that groped my character as fights are based on the old stats that are gone. Also I got stuck in an endless sex loop once my MC lost the fight the Male NPC would not stop using sex actions I must have clicked continue 100 times at least.
Thanks, I'll check it out and fix it.I don't know if anyone reported this, but if you start the game fighting the pimp, it's impossible to lose.
Even if you surrender, you would win the fight.
EDIT: For whatever reason, this no longer works to update the relationship values, not sure why. Can use it to modify body part to your heart's content, though.Is there anyway to cheat in this game? I really enjoy it but man the grind for each character is a lot
Thanks, this will be fixed in the next BugFixI don't know if you also fixed than after victory, the fear of the NPC doesn't increase.
EDIT: It doesn't look like...
No one is forcing you to play...Bro thinks if he makes the game grindy as hell and torture people,we'll pay for his game.
You are looking at it the wrong way.Of course nobody is forcing me.You are unable to change the stats of NPC's from the console,or at least i couldn't find it.There is no save or even back button.He obviously is trying to force people to pay for the cheat version.And,this is ultra grindy given all the difficulties.You can talk to all NPC's once a day.It will take forever to make progress with even one character.Other grindy games are not this cruel.And,instead of judging me,look at it this way.He could have made a good game which makes me want to pay for it.For example,College Daze the HTML game,already gives you access to cheats and everything..And,i still pay for it.And,i know VN games and how linear they are.No one is forcing you to play...
Sandbox are usually grindy, and this one is ok in this aspect.
It's also quite easy to cheat from the console, if you want.
If you prefer linear, straightforward games just look for the VN prefix in the game titles (VN stands for Visual Novel).
if its not your cup of tea, perhaps YOU aren't the target audience.You are looking at it the wrong way.Of course nobody is forcing me.You are unable to change the stats of NPC's from the console,or at least i couldn't find it.There is no save or even back button.He obviously is trying to force people to pay for the cheat version.And,this is ultra grindy given all the difficulties.You can talk to all NPC's once a day.It will take forever to make progress with even one character.Other grindy games are not this cruel.And,instead of judging me,look at it this way.He could have made a good game which makes me want to pay for it.For example,College Daze the HTML game,already gives you access to cheats and everything..And,i still pay for it.And,i know VN games and how linear they are.
Bro is one of those people who defends multi-billion dollar corporations...I activated the save function through cheats.It seems he hid the npc stat modification good enough for me to not find.The point is not about you being able to cheat with the console,you guys refuse to understand it.It is that,he just relies on making the game as grindy and as dysfunctional as possible to make me want to pay for even to be able to use the back button.The game might go to somewhere..Who will see that point,really ?I tried to talk to the first character and when trying to find the correct topic to talk about,he lost half of his friendship points.There is no back button,so that can't be taken back.If there was a back button at least,i'd waste less time doing same shit again and again.But,the dude wanted to make the experience as disturbing as possible..Even putting effort into hiding cheats in the console.And,i usually find cheats in every game quite easily and use them.Instead of attacking me..Tell the dude to deserve my money,not force it out of my pocket.if its not your cup of tea, perhaps YOU aren't the target audience.
Most folks got the console cheating down pretty easily and the cheats version is just a more simplistic means to that end. The cheats version is likely just something to offer as a bonus for anyone who wants to see where this game goes and are wholly unneeded to skip most of the grind.
Also there is a save function and a way to tab backwards.
Easy petunia, no ones attacking you I promise. Simply pointing out some of us have watched projects come and go and rarely has someone put this level of effort into their bare bones proof of concept. Personally I and quite a few others that support these projects think that this effort DOES deserve some small financial support.Bro is one of those people who defends multi-billion dollar corporations...I activated the save function through cheats.It seems he hid the npc stat modification good enough for me to not find.The point is not about you being able to cheat with the console,you guys refuse to understand it.It is that,he just relies on making the game as grindy and as dysfunctional as possible to make me want to pay for even to be able to use the back button.The game might go to somewhere..Who will see that point,really ?I tried to talk to the first character and when trying to find the correct topic to talk about,he lost half of his friendship points.There is no back button,so that can't be taken back.If there was a back button at least,i'd waste less time doing same shit again and again.But,the dude wanted to make the experience as disturbing as possible..Even putting effort into hiding cheats in the console.And,i usually find cheats in every game quite easily and use them.Instead of attacking me..Tell the dude to deserve my money,not force it out of my pocket.