- Mar 17, 2019
- 1,926
- 2,552

People, this may seem crazy, but I believe there are people in the forum who share the same intention as me. I've seen there are websites to raise funds and all that. The advantage of these sites is that they are transparent with the money. What I want to get at is, if we come together and agree on who could take responsibility for collecting the money (maybe me), we could buy things on Patreon or request commissions for creating looks of a certain 3D custom , celebrity o influencer, etc. For example, this artist's commissions are quite decent (image below), but the commissions cost at least $80 for the decent ones. Well, if you know of a more affordable artist, that's negotiable. The model we would choose would be through a vote. But all these assets would only be shared with people who contribute at least $1 or more. I'm really interested in making sure this idea doesn't fade away. This whole idea is up for discussion. Thank you.
An example of an artist with their custom commissions.:

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