Unity Unity game MAC version won't open


Game Developer
Jun 25, 2020
I am developing game (on Windows) in Unity and recently I published alpha version. While windows version runs just fine, people are running into problems with MAC version, that is they can't even open it.

Main issue is that I am not owner of MAC, I have been trying to boot MAC as a virtual machine last few days without much success, So I actually do not even have way to test MAC version myself at the moment.

What I found so far is that there seems to be a problems if your compress a MAC folder with zip or rar on Windows, it tends to corrupt the files somehow, making them unreadable by MAC. Solution would then be to get uncompressed folder on Mac and compress it there but yeah I do not have a MAC.

Just been wondering if some unity developer here run into similar problem and have some easy possible solution for this? Will even Unity export whole game correctly if I just switch targeted OS?

Download: ,


Active Member
Jan 12, 2019
I don't have a MAC, but I think your files are fine and perfectly readable. The issue is the files permissions, as you can see by inspecting the content of your archive:
 Attributes      Size     Date    Time   Name
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
    I.A....   2043412  2020-02-24 00:35  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/libcrypto.dylib
    I.A....   4651288  2020-02-24 00:29  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib
    I.A....    325496  2020-02-24 00:29  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib
    I.A....    387784  2020-02-24 00:35  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/libssl.dylib
    I.A....  25886564  2020-02-24 00:44  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/UnityPlayer.dylib
    ...D...         0  2020-06-25 14:48  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/MonoBleedingEdge
    ...D...         0  2020-06-25 14:48  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Resources
    ...D...         0  2020-06-25 14:48  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents
    ...D...         0  2020-06-25 14:48  Lady Thunder Mac.app
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
            351773685                    180
See the first column? It says: I - Not Content Indexed; A - Archive; D - directory (folder). Those are file attributes from
OSX and Linux expect a mix of r (read), w (write) and x (execute) instead. The 'x' is very important, because it tells OSX that the file is executable and can be launched.
In your case, your players must make executable two files at least: "Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/Lady Thunder" and "Lady Thunder Mac.app". This should make the game fully functional, I think. Just google "change file permission in Mac". Btw, F95 users have created scripts that solve similar issues for Renpy games.

How can you fix the problem for good? I don't know. I guess the compression process should be launched from within Unity, when you build the game.


Game Developer
Jun 25, 2020
I don't have a MAC, but I think your files are fine and perfectly readable. The issue is the files permissions, as you can see by inspecting the content of your archive:
 Attributes      Size     Date    Time   Name
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
    I.A....   2043412  2020-02-24 00:35  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/libcrypto.dylib
    I.A....   4651288  2020-02-24 00:29  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib
    I.A....    325496  2020-02-24 00:29  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib
    I.A....    387784  2020-02-24 00:35  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/libssl.dylib
    I.A....  25886564  2020-02-24 00:44  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Frameworks/UnityPlayer.dylib
    ...D...         0  2020-06-25 14:48  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/MonoBleedingEdge
    ...D...         0  2020-06-25 14:48  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/Resources
    ...D...         0  2020-06-25 14:48  Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents
    ...D...         0  2020-06-25 14:48  Lady Thunder Mac.app
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
            351773685                    180
See the first column? It says: I - Not Content Indexed; A - Archive; D - directory (folder). Those are file attributes from
OSX and Linux expect a mix of r (read), w (write) and x (execute) instead. The 'x' is very important, because it tells OSX that the file is executable and can be launched.
In your case, your players must make executable two files at least: "Lady Thunder Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/Lady Thunder" and "Lady Thunder Mac.app". This should make the game fully functional, I think. Just google "change file permission in Mac". Btw, F95 users have created scripts that solve similar issues for Renpy games.

How can you fix the problem for good? I don't know. I guess the compression process should be launched from within Unity, when you build the game.
Thanks for advice this helps a alot, however I do not see way to compress files from Unity. So it seems that with every new version of the game I will have to ask someone with Mac to help me fix files permissions, send me fixed version back and then I will upload it for everyone.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2019
Well, either:
- you provide your players a script that fixes the permissions (once the archive is unzipped)
- or contact the author of this . In the , page 1, it says:
- Android, Linux, iOS, MacOSX got chmod support to set file permissions.
which sounds exactly like what you need: chmod is the utility that manages file permissions on OSX/Linux.

But before spending your money, verify if my assumption is correct. Contact a player or someone with a Mac and ask them to change the permissions of those two files. Good luck!


New Member
Jul 21, 2019
Hi there,

I am on a Mac and downloaded your "Lady Thunder Mac.app.rar" package.

1. Please don't use .rar but .zip for Mac. The mac does not come with built in tools to unpack .rar. You have to download an extra app for it
2. Having spaces/whitespace in your App Name is not recommended but it should work. Just some scripts/tools don't expect it. Lady Thunder Mac.app -> LadyThunderMac.app

As scrumbles already suspected the file permissions are not correctly applied when you zip it on Windows.

I could run this command to get it to work on my machine (macOS 10.15.6):
chmod +x Lady\ Thunder\ Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/Lady\ Thunder
You could try to use the Windows Subsystem Linux to zip up the .app file. That should work. In Linux you can also set these file permissions (chmod +x)
Here is a link:

I hope this helps.
