Their marriage is over, the mother does the chores of taking the kids to and from school because she has to. Dan is also a shitty father, he doesn't care about his kids, if he did he would know that Sarah was with a man at home (his daughter would ask why he didn't talk to her when he went home and didn't even say goodbye). Dan would be on alert. I wanted to see how Sarah would react to Dan getting with another woman, he hasn't had sex with his wife for a long time, and they seem to be like animals. Sarah doesn't have any friends at the hospital (nurses, porters, I know that part of the administrative team left, but she doesn't know anyone). The same Dan works there, there's no secretary or receptionist at the company. Some strange things about the story, let's see if Sarah and Lester meet anyone in town. I hope she keeps her new ring from Lester, he could steal the wedding ring that Dan gave her and then only use Lester's wedding ring. (lester is dirty and can affect Dan a lot, like that).