Unity - The Lewd Knight [v0.96] [Feodosiy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really an underrated game. There are so many worse games having a worse picture of characters, poor ideas, etc but they have better rating this one? I would expect this game to be at the top 10 when I filter the games by the rating.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Quick review so far.
    Pros: Art style is great.
    I can be very funny at times.
    The card battle system is interesting
    Cons: The lack of quest is very mundane, which can make the game become boring.
    There is nothing to strive for besides upgrading but that can be fruitless due to there begin nothing to really use them on besides grunts.
    Working out needlessly eats up too much time.
    Buying that apartment is useless, unless I'm unaware of something
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game to play if you have played all the other games.

    Fairly new and buggy at times. I absolutely love the art and devs sense of humour. I'm surprised the dev managed to add Er.ik Sa.tie, which I loved too. I played the 0.35 version so hopefully next updates bring better content and stable release.

    One cheat mod available but game crashed a couple times so I'd say stay away from modding unless you know what you're doing.

    Good Job Feodosiy, hope to see more from you.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Still a bit of a grind but I enjoy the game and the artist's content. Can see they're doing work to make the game more stable, but still run into the occasional text error, food and bought items not displaying correctly, etc..

    I think the game deserves a better score than it gets, I feel it still has a lot of potential!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Played for a little over an hour. Expected a card-battler with a sexy heroine. There was literally one fight - a scripted loss -followed by endless, boring back-and-forth between an office where the character is demeaned, a gym where you wait for stats to increase, and a home where you can't do anything. I don't think I made any real choices, and it isn't sexy.
    It's possible that I didn't wait around long enough for the game to get "good", but if I don't have a reason to stick around after an hour, your game at best has pacing issues, at worst is just bad.
    The art and animations were good, there just isn't substance behind it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 92593

    The game is pretty dope. The art and animations are great. I played it in the past a bit, and got a bit frustrated with the grind, but don't think its a bad game.
    People don't understand how hard it is to make a 2d game with drawn animations. I do, so hats off to the dev.

    I don't get people here voting negatively on drawn 2d games. We need more like this.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Needs a lot of work. Slow and plodding, not always clear with what you're supposed to do next. Go to the professor's place and first it got stuck on fast forward or something, then it got stuck with the cursor not working. Art style is appealing, though.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is nice and the combat system has potential, but it's just endless bugs and no content.

    extremely limited sexual content, unskippable cutscenes before every fight, stat-grinding in the gym and no story progression.

    Maybe it'll turn into something eventually, but at the moment it isn't worth touching.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    tbh for a 0.26 its not bad at all

    +Excellent art
    +Good story
    +Mechanics are easy to understand
    +The game is not to easy or not to hard

    -It take a lot of time to get the money and train to be fully prepared to play the héro
    -some training are not healthy to play ( z x c )
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me say this. Art style in this game is absolutely superb. But boy oh boy it needs a lot of work on its mechanics.
    Right now game is a mess. Intro sequence is useless and has no purpose whatsoever. Story goes nowhere right now. Same goes for characters. A lot of places on map are useless. Battle mechanics are... Mixed. Pictures are quite pretty, but it feels slow, unbalanced and generally bad for a card game. You can't really change cards in your deck. Some skills are absolutely useless. Grind can be pretty annoying. Fighting balance is... Oh wow. It's bad. You basically just getting fucked (quite literally, because every sex scene in this game is someone raping the protagonist, which is just. I don't know. Mean?) until you get some stats and items. Also, for a game with tutorial there're a lot of times I was wondering "what the fuck am I supposed to do now to progress?". Basically, nothing. And that's sad.
    Animations are simple, but enjoyable.
    There are bugs. A lot of bugs.
    Overall, it seems like dev isn't really focusing on right things, such as general playability, balance or story, but just trying to fit a lot of useless shit (locations, characters, mechanics) for the future.
    This will take quite some time to fix and expand, but I do believe that game has a lot of potential. We'll see i guess.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    this review is for V 0.26

    hi guys i play this game about 2 hour and i want write my opinion about this game.

    - art of this game is so good
    - animation is good but it can be more better with more fps
    - musics is good but can be better
    - porn scenes have good quality
    - base of game play system is good

    - the game have very bugs in different parts:
    ( change dress have bug in gym )
    ( change dress have bug in kitchen and wardrobe )
    ( change dress have bug when we are do Masturbation)
    ( after fight we go back house )
    ( when we buy 2 or several food buy one cook all is gone and this is sooo baddd )
    ( time of travel system is soo bad )

    - porn scenes is so low
    - fight system can be better

    this was my review for this game i think if developer fix all bugs of this game can be one of the best open world games.

    ( sorry for bad english )
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    If you enjoy grinding all day with the same animations for very little pay off this is the game for you, also the translations really need work sometimes the text would switch from english to russian randomly.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    All around pretty primitive. The card action battles could be a fresh breeze, but the story gameplay that is needed to get there is slow, janky and wholly uninteresting. The same can be said for the events and erotica: the content is very tame and juvenile.

    The comic book panels were a novel idea, and the still art is decent and interesting - it's what made the game stand out to me - but the animations are just plain stiff and basic. The keyboard controls are just unnecessary.

    With a better writer and more streamlined gameplay this might be something, but right now the experience is not even on par with Flash games.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    this dev's last game is great(My Little Angel)despite the lack of replaying quality sex scenes, requiring a new game+ which he's also using as format for this current game, because its a good format...what? no but ok, this game here for some reason has awful mini games that could be totally removed from the game and no one would miss it I dont know why the dev thought pressing ZXC is fun or its qualified as gameplay in fact why would a PORN GAME need that dont we all have a common objective in playing this? it is sad because his art is FANTASTIC by far my favorite in this website it pains me giving a 2 star review but criticism must be used if you want to see something improve and I believe this is me doing my part so there it is AWFUL minigame for sex scenes that could be scrapped away and long "walking" times what is this even supposed to be man I hope this game gets better as updates goes on right now(0.2.5) it has a lot of issues that shouldn't be there just by lack of need like seriously no one wants to press 3 buttons to see 3 sets of static animation happen is weird and looks bad doesn't fit the great art style.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Update: Improving by a star to 3, it's now pretty easy to get the gallery unlocked and see most the good adult content. Overall it's strided into about average in the market, less than ideal gameplay but great art, the grind of play isn't ideal but not the worst out there.

    The art is great. The gameplay not so much, it's got flaws you'll notice.
    Two seems about right although it almost gets three. It's below average to play as adult games go but not necessarily unplayable, that art is unquestionably good so it deserves some acknowledgement of that too. I will note if you liked the devs last game, maybe give it a third star for you. I just can't give a game more than a 2 if I would have rather had the art as an adult comic than have to deal with a subpar game experience.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    The Sexy Chinaman

    Drawings and animations are good quality, but it's really annoying to play one handed and if that's the case, why bother? The minigames are the worst offenders with this. If they slowly auto-completed or something like that it wouldn't be so bad, I guess... if not for that it oculd be 4-5 star potential.

    Those concerns have been fixed. Still some bugs but the concept and art are looking great!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    the game aims to be really Good, for now its just a demo but you can notice that the developer listen to players, for now the game have a few mechanichs, promising combat scenes , nice animations, few places to go (which im sure Will be expanded in the future), heroine themed which is a nice touch,

    This is very promising
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The concept is good, the graphic also, the implementation is not: there is no story at all other than fights that sooner or later become really boring. the character control is annoying, maybe mouse implementation when you have to move the mc around could drammaticaly increase the gaming experience. There are still several text written in Russian in the English version. That being said, I know that the game is in a ultra early staging, so I hope the devs will put all their effort to improve this game that looks really promising.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This looks so promising! It's still rough around the edges with some issues and glitches, but I would definitely recommend keeping an eye on this one. The art style looks fun, and you get a great vibe with the parody kind of aspect of the game. I can't wait to see this one down the road.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The developer fixed a bug within minutes of me posting a bad review, if that isnt worth a good rating then i dont know what is. The art is great, the gameplay (moving for example) just a little sluggish. Well deserving of 4, in the future maybe even 5 stars.