Unity - The Lewd Knight [v0.96] [Feodosiy]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is currently incomplete. But may have a good future. Art is great. Animations are great. Currently it is only good for watching the gallery. Gameplay is totally bugged, with lack of content. Cheat mod is necessary to not automatically lose the first fight.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    Fantastic art. Pacing is pretty bad though. It's not too grindy but the grind is just so slow mainly compounded by lots of little slowing details like slow scrolling thru the "chibi" dialogue frames (but cutscene speed is fine). Slow movement from place to place. Kinda on the tedious side length wise to get cumshots in chibi sex scenes. Things like that. Some of it does feel grindy or repetitive or buggy (can't tell) like trying to progress the webcam stuff or office etc. The situations are pretty hot and I like the protagonist a lot. She kinda reminds me of Kasey Poteet/Diana Prince (the performer not the comic character). Like she's really sexy and good hearted/kinda starry-eyed but also kinda tragic in some way that makes her more grounded. The pacing is just really bad. It feels like a content desert even though there's a good amount of content. It's just so spread out.

    There's different ways this game could be improved but one idea could be to make the crime fight surrender option maybe offer the same fame/effect in the game's story/city but without the money. Like it's like she's saving the city thru sexually relieving/quelling the aggressions of the criminals. So it's like surrendering is the safe fastplay option where you get to see the content and actually playing the game gets you to farm money (maybe this only makes sense if there was extra non-canon content you could buy from the Doctor or idk webcam stuff or something idk). And in the losing scenes have space bar be the action of penetrating her with each tap, then zxc being the 3 ways to fuck her instead of having the 3 ways to have sex being the bottom/mid/top thirds of the current meter. Then also cutting the threshold needed for orgasm to become available by half. I think that'd be more enjoyable as an erotic game.

    I also personally wish this was renpy because i'd really like to mod the dialogue as it's kinda meh. The scenes and characters are good but the dialog isn't that good. Could definitely be hotter for the quality of scenes/characters/designs.

    Also, what about Booberella instead of The Lewd Knight? Feel like it fits better.

    edit: after playing it some more, it's pretty grindy, in a bad way. Would like to see the grind get cut down, maybe 30-40% overall at least (depends though, some parts need more or less)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    [Version 0.6]

    The art style is great and i wish there where more games/VN with this kind of art style. The parody of stripp-realla feels more like a inspiration then a actual parody but it still works good as it is. The art is was really whats gives the game most of it's value.

    i do like the game-play although it's far from perfect. The control setup could have been done a lot better and i really miss to be able to play with one hand all the way through the game.
    The "mini games" that you have to go through with training and sex scenes just suck. The training should be a much MUCH faster paste. They should make it so her traning could also be done through sex. The sex scenes should not have the "hold space-bar down" function at all, but instead work like it does in the bar when you work as a stripper (have a next and cum button).
    Money is unbalanced, but could maybe make more sense if you had to pay rent at the starter home as well and adjusted the economy according to that.
    The battle card game can be fun but lacks more different cards and difficulty, so it ends up just feeling repetitive. But it is nice with a different take on the battle system in porn games non the less.
    The overall game-play feels slow, and could feel more fluent with fixing the things mentioned above.

    There are a lot of bugs and some of them will soft lock your game at times so save often, so you can restart the game (works most of the time) and don't lose to much progress.

    There ain't a deep VN story here and i think that is done purpose, to have more focus on the game-play (i personally like that) it ain't a bad story but not a great one either, so i will say the story over all is ok.

    Personal wishes
    i hope she becomes more of a slut, fighting crimes with her pussy, ass and mouth rather then her fists (unless fist-fucking was a thing)
    So some kind of corruption a long the way would be awesome.
    Wardrobe could be nice, i want that in almost every game though.
    Do sexual favors for the professor to get free grenades and boomerangs or a discount (if the economy gets fixed).
    More characters to interact with when she is out around in her "normal" daily life.

    Play it for the art style and a bit for the game-play.
    Stay away if you want a lot of great story and hate bugs.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game have a lot of potential with great art work but that is it. It lacks linear progress, the game gives you zero clues when hero raid event is occuring even though you have the radio, lack of character corruption she behaves like a cluess virgin to slut and everything between interacting with the same character, there is zero connection between story lines and thee worst of all this game is extremely grindy.
    So until the developer fixes the poor writing, the journal(so we have a hint on wtf to do next and do not waste our time looking in the forum for a direction) and the corruption status is better to skip.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game looks like it's being developed by a great cartoonist, a mediocre story-teller and an awful programmer. Let me expand on that a bit.

    Love the artwork, really do. It has that US comic book style that is tastefully executed with animated sprites, backgrounds and icons really working well together. Side scrolling also gives in an illusion of liveliness that a lot of other lewd games lack when they utilize static backgrounds, still paperdolls and snapshot CGs. Well done on that!

    The story is yet another run-of-the mill 'corrupt your heroine' schtick. The execution of that trope is a bit bonkers though. It starts with a flashback suggesting that the MC has some really weird mommy issues and her way to deal with the trauma it incurred is by becoming a superhero calling herself Sluterella or something. Which suggest her way of dealing with adversity will be full of dirty moves, starting from quite vanilla and progressing all the way down to really nasty (but nevertheless consensual) stuff. The thing is she is far from being a slut. She's just another dumb blonde with intellectual capabilities of a 10 year old who needs to be explained what a happy ending in a massage parlour entails. This 'corrupt an idiot with tits' fetish is getting stale. The forum is chockful of games featuring dumbass female fighters getting rekked and turned from proud warriors to humble meat toilets. Come on, devs! Can't you come up with something different once in a while, which will not be yet another transformation game? Like a strong, slutty from the start, sex-positive female lead. Or is this too wild a fantasy?

    Now, the execution of the concept... Sometimes I got a feeling like the game was coded in by someone who's just discovered desk computers and can't even decide which input controls are better: keyboard or mouse. The UI is all over the place, rife with inconsistencies and bugs. Some scenes add minigame elements, which are pointless. Why do you need to press space to increase the tempo of copulation if it adds fuck all to the scene? Why do you need to massage clients' left side, right side and centre all time every time if the sequence of actions doesn't really matter? Why do you have a bathroom at home and a shower in the gym if the MCs personal hygiene is of no importance and you acknowledge that with the apartment shower being disabled? What is the point of apartment rental other than to be able to tell your ugly bastard landlord that you have no money to pay the rent, so he can fuck you instead? Why can you use the keyboard to walk around a room when you have to use the mouse to move around the map and select options? Make up your mind, man and mind you that these types of games should be played one-handed, you feel me? It's not an ultra-immersive FPP shooter after all. Why even bother with the talk option with NPC if most of the time they have nothing important to tell you and if they do, they'll tell you anyway, without being asked? Why there is no to very little changes in the dialog and MCs reactions as her sexual corruption progresses? She can suck off her boss from day one or two of work, and she hates doing that the hundredth time just as much as the first time, yet the animation shows her fluttering her tongue playfully around the boss' dickhead at the start of each blowjob. It's like the game creator does not understand the idea of the entire corruption genre - from protest, through offence, then reluctance to growing enthusiasm and finally going full on cock crazy. Or maybe he's stuck in rape and sexual misfortune territory.

    2 out of 5 stars from me.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Comic book atmosphere with fun and energetic combat system (for a turn based game)
    Story while unfinished isn't bad and the actual H scenes are enjoyable to watch
    If you like humiliation, r*pe, domination, or defeat style scenarios this is your game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't quite understand the huge number of negative reviews about this game.

    The game is still in small steps to be something great. There isn't much story yet but the dev is building more and more on the foundation and once done, I'm pretty sure the story will follow.

    I like the gameplay. You have to invest time to slowly rise from being innocent to something you desire ultimately. Seeing how everything is set up, the dev is most likely going to add a lot of stuff including bonus routes and hidden scenes.

    Aside from all that it's understandable that it might take quite a bit of time to achieve a feature-filled and solid game. Considering the dev works solo on it and draws the scenes, backgrounds, and everything else including animating them on top of it as well as coding all of it into a playable experience, it's a given to see some bugs here and there or unfinished things.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I find it very hard to reduce this game to a single numerical rating, but at the same time I can with absolute confidence reduce this game to just two words:

    Lacking direction.

    I'd taken this game for a spin a while ago—version zero-twenty-something—and decided to hold off my review in case it could redeem its flaws. It did not (ver0.55). So here it goes.

    The main issue is that this game absolutely lacks a story that ties any of the elements together. I have to disagree with metaphor choice in another review that this game has the skeleton of something great. The skeleton is exactly the thing this game doesn't have. It has some decent chunks of adult content that are not connected to each other or any global progression. This leads to pacing problems and exacerbation of grind. Don't get me wrong, the game is grindy enough, but it feels even more grindy than it objectively is because the pacing is godawful. Basically, if you have 50 mooks to slay and 10 events to show, you can either make the player slay all the mooks, then show all events back to back. Or you can have shorter progression spans. 5 mooks, an event, 5 more mooks, another event, etc, etc. Guess which way will feel at least somewhat acceptable and which one will be a source of pure misery? It's all about pacing.

    Moving on. What writing there is, can be described as anemic. Utterly limp-dicked, if you will. Now, this is supposed to be a corruption game at its core, but because there is no written overarching corruption progress, Annabel's attitude toward sex is all over the place, and it makes no sense. Is she a slut, a prude, or simply ignorant in the ways of sex? She is all three, depending on scene chosen. This is a big failure of characterization.

    There is one bright spot in all this doom and glum. Some parts of the story are delivered via comic panels/storyboards. These are actually good, and I would love to see more games using this technique. So yes, I get why people urge this dev to stick to making comics. It's because art and comic panels are the best positive points of this game by far.

    All other functional parts serve no real purpose other than occupying players' time. There is a combat system with nominal deckbuilding. It lacks any depth, whatsoever, because you don't really build the deck. You just grind as many upgrades for any card you can, as it's always the best option. There is an overworld with different methods of travel. It has no real purpose. I could go on, but my point is that this game is choke full of features that are annoying because they are implemented without any tuning or consistency in sight. For example, your house has a coat hanger that you have to use every time you want to leave. Not only this mechanic is meaningless, but no other location has it, and you can leave some places literally naked (Annabel just automatically puts on the appropriate attire). WHYYYY.

    Oh, and I almost forgot the forced losses. The game now has 3 of these (4 if you count the experimental powerup), despite the dev recieving tons of criticism for introducing the second one. Why devs do this? Forced losses are shit. Adding insult to injury the game gives no indication that the fight is unwinnable, you have to waste your precious time to verify this is working as intended and is not a bug. And then you have to suffer slowly losing all your HP bar while you skip turn after turn.

    And yes, the game is buggy as hell.

    In the end, the good and the bad doesn't average out to a neat simple number of X out of 5. However, since I have to do this for a review, I'm gonna say the overall experience is Poor, two stars. It's not too late to steer this ship to greatness theoretically, but chances are, this is just wishful thinking. The mythical "potential" isn't worth shit; I judge games based on what they offer right now. And in its present state The Lewd Knight is not worth your time (at the very least, use the cheat mod).
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is really good definitely the strong part of the game , but to much grind for my tastes.
    The story is fun and entertaining, but I'm sure the game will be much better if tone down the grind.
    If you can pass that you will enjoy the game.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is good.

    Everything else is bad. It's buggy, really buggy! Grindy, boring, lacks direction, bad controls and H scenes are a chore, and also bad.

    I think the dev should just do comics. Don't see this ever getting better.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, really. Great theme, outstanding models and graphics, distinguished mechanics and quite a few hours of gameplay. Still some stuff to be implemented I believe, but I will watch the progress with excitement.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I love the slow corruption. The strip bar transition from shy is some of the best ive seen. A tad buggy. I would have loved some minor harrassment in the fights and a similar shyness in the webcam story (it might have had dialogue, but my game was bugged so it moved straight from guitar playing to allowing everything). Well done
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    [v0.5] review

    2 words:

    Buggy. Grind.

    Be warned if you decide to play this game: I can assure you the good reviews below are "prospective" reviews. I think they understand what this game could become, and that's why they are scoring it highly. In some ways I actually agree. There's some really nice bits in here. The art and animations for example.

    Does that mean you should try this game in the state it's in right now though? Well that question is fairly simple to answer:
    HELL. NO.

    This "game" gives less than zero fucks about your time. If you want to try this, be ready to have 16 hours or more to spare. And also be aware 99.99 % of that time will be spent grinding and going through forum threads trying to figure out where to go next, or how to get event X to trigger. Or trying to manage your files to get a full save to work.
    Even with the cheat mod, this is a terrible terrible grindfest the likes of which I've never seen before. It's seriously the grindiest grind I've ever come across, and I've tried a lot of grindy games. This project is the definition of failing to understand the importance of pacing in games.

    Then there's the bugs. They are everywhere. I've downloaded the 0.5 version but it could just as easily have been a version from 2 updates ago, because I can't get anything from the changelog to trigger.

    The skeleton of something great is actually in here. But I doubt we'll get a playable version soon though. Check back in maybe a year from me writing this (2021-10-21).

    (2022-11-14 edit). Ok so it's been a year, and nothing has changed. Game still gives less than 0 fucks about your time and is still buggy and intuitive. Come back in 2 years.

    In short: Skip this one for now. Come back later.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Unsure about all the negative reviews because this game is brilliant and I'm glad I stumbled across it.

    The art style of this game overall is amazing as well as the protagonist herself being very hot, I quite enjoy the speed of the story arc and how she slowly gets into doing more degrading stuff throughout it.

    Really looking forward to see what the future holds for this game as it has huge potential, I'd like to see other areas done with the same approach to the parlour as the art style is brilliant. Possibly more happening in the office as in the cupboard area? Or even more content within the bar would be great.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A real hidden gem. Amazing art and smooth animation. Gameplay is repetitive but good. The addition of the massage parlor is amazing. The gameplay from the massage parlor is spot on. If the job in the office were more like the massage parlor it would have a reason to keep going back. Maybe like he starts off groping you leading to undressing and kissing. This type of game layout would be wonderful for a Legend of krystal game.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is amusing, the artwork is absolutely fantastic.

    The grind can be a bit tedious and I wish you could speed up some things but those are forgivable.

    I'm giving it two stars because of the ridiculous forced losses. I can forgive the first fight, as it shows how untrained and naïve the main character is, but when you get to the next instance and you spend 15 minutes destroying a fight because you've put in the time and effort to actually play the game, only for the fight to refuse to end because the game can't advance until you lose, just kind of defeats the point of it being a game. Might as well be a kinetic novel if the gameplay has no point.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Like all fedosity games, the artwork is great and the game idea is good and unique, but the actual game is riddled with bizarre choices weak mechanics and bulls!t

    What story there is could have been written in 30 minutes, the majority of the game is just grind. There are mechanics that work one way in one scene and then don't work the same way in another similar scene.

    Take for instance the biker boss, the first time you fight him you you have to lose. There is no indication that you have to lose and I had no problem in keeping the fight going for 30 minutes. I had to come here to find out that you actual have to lose to him to progress. In ever other fight scene there is a button you can press to auto lose, but in the one fight that you have to lose that button has been removed....

    I'm done with this Dev.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to love this game, and there are parts that shine through, but overall, there's some pretty big roadblocks along the way. So much of this game is mundane grind and tedium and it's easy to get burned out. The UI desperately needs an easy-to-understand quest system, and gameplay gets bogged down quickly. The biggest plus for this game is its amazing art style, which is the sole reason I'm giving it four stars.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    IoPzK Creations

    I have no idea where the other reviewers are taking the comparison for the scoring ... but for the platform, idea and execution, this is the perfect combination with great graphics and art to boot !
    The protagonist is beautiful, she is funny ( the humor overall is the main idea, but it has that parody feeling to it nonstop which I personally like).

    I am giving this a 5/5 and I would even give more if they expand on what they already have.
    Keep it up.
    Can't wait for part 2 :D
    Or maybe a spinoff of the detective OR landlord of the apartment ...near the motel.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though the game can have it's bugs and the story might not be somewhat tied together yet, I have faith that this game has truly the potential to become a top 10 game.
    The art is just god tier, animations are amazing, the humor and the sketch for the scenes are very well done, the parody of a hero genre it's just overall great, some people might dislike the whole card system and while I as well prefer something more action in the moment, I think it fits and it's still well done.
    5 stars because I believe in this game potential.