Unity - The Lewd Knight [v0.96] [Feodosiy]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll be blunt, this is a garbage bin game. The art is fantastic, but the gameplay should be illegal. You do awful boring tasks that take forever to finish, grind cash, grind out the same sex scenes over and over, just everything is a grind. Even if you cheat, you still have to grind the combat to unlock the story. And the fighting just isn't fun either.

    Don't even get me started on the English, it's broken and barely makes sense sometimes. The story doesn't make sense in general either. At the beginning of the game, it's scripted for you to lose your first fight, and the mc gets fucked in the ass for losing. But she doesn't mention nor give a shit about losing her anal virginity, even though your mc is supposed to be one, there's just no emotions.

    So finally conclusion, skip this waste of time. Just Google the game's sex scenes if you're interested in the art, but don't play this game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I played for half an hour and quit. From the very first seconds, the game demonstrates unfriendly gameplay - pointless need to change clothes. This is one of the worst game mechanics you can think of. I woke up, wanted to leave the room, but the heroine says she needs something to wear. Why? She lives in her house alone. Okay, put on some underwear, went to the bathroom. Again, this was a pointless change of clothes, why put on underwear an unclean body to go to the bathroom that is next to your bedroom? And then put that underwear back on again already on a clean body? Then I went down to the kitchen, the heroine was somehow in shorts and a t-shirt, even though I hadn't put them on. Then I went to the exit, but the heroine said she needed to put on her outerwear. Now that's a completely pointless action. If outerwear is needed to go outside, why make the player put it on? Why can't it be done automatically? Next. In the gym I went in to change, the heroine for some reason stripped down to naked, then I came out of the locker room and what? The heroine didn't say anything. She was naked, there was no warning to change clothes. I even talked to the coach naked, he didn't notice or say anything either. I assume it's a bug, but how stupid is that?
    Next problem. Delayed text and actions. You click on talk, then 2-3 seconds pass and the dialog starts. Why is it taking so long? Each phrase does not appear instantly, but with a delay. Same with actions, you click to do something, 2-3 seconds pass and the heroine does it. It's horrible.
    Next. Surely this isn't a clicker simulator? There's a different button for every action. That's not right. What about when you're doing an activity? Make you press the space bar during masturbation or sex? What is this, a game from the last century? It takes a lot of clicking, I'm definitely going to break myself of the spacebar button. And working out at the gym? It's really boring to press buttons in a certain order.
    Next. Granted, I haven't seen the whole game, but the animations here are terrible. Or rather, they are almost nonexistent. The boss sat like a statue when the heroine was cleaning his office. And by the way, about the boss. He told the heroine to visit him every day. So? I showed up the next day and all I could do was talk to him. What was the point of saying come by every day? Although I may have misunderstood something here, maybe he was saying once a week? I don't know, I was busy making sure I didn't die of boredom from these slow dialogs.
    And the worst part is the griding. As I wrote, I played for about half an hour, but that was enough to realize that the game consists of 95% griding. Go to the gym every day to work out. Save up money to buy gear and food and so on a thousand times in a row. Speaking of food. What's the point of eating food if the heroine doesn't go to the bathroom? She eats, washes, sleeps, but doesn't go to the bathroom? If you're doing life necessities, then do them completely or don't do them.
    And yes, the heroine is incredibly dumb. She went up against a biker with a bat with no powers or weapons. She didn't even try to run away. She ended up being raped for two hours. So what's the bottom line? She doesn't care, but at least she realized she needs to increase her physical parameters and buy equipment. But why did she realize it so late? If this wasn't her first heroic outing, what had she done before? Rescuing grandmothers from trees, walking cats across the street? How had she coped before? Why did she decide to get into a fight now? Very stupid way on the developer's part to show the heroine's motivation to become stronger.
    All the references and humor just makes you feel like 'oh my god, are you serious'?
    All in all, I highly do not recommend the game. Sexual content is probably there, but judging by the animation of masturbation and rape by a biker, it's very weak. And don't forget the gridding. You will spend hours on it. Do you need it?
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Game has great art but is way too grindy. In addition, there are way too many things that are unclear. How do you level up the webcam to be able to do more activities? How do you level up the massage parlor? How do you level up your relationship with your boss? What workouts are tied to what stats?

    There's also a stamina bar during battles, which, imo should be made bigger and easier to see because I'm not even old and I can't hardly see it. Too many things in this game need to be fixed, especially how grindy it is, because it will take you hours if not days to unlock everything. I cannot recommend this game to anyone in the state it is as of version 0.9.17. Try something else.
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    TL;DR: Fun game with great art bogged down by numerous bugs, terrible grinds, and an overwhelming amount of eurojank

    + I just love the art, there is a lot of detail in every backdrop, and every female character is very pleasant to look at, the circus was specially well done IMO
    + Fun gaeplay loop between doing 'mundane' things in the morning and fighting crime at night
    + Fun plot that, while pretty cheesy, isn't boring or exceedingly lame
    + Plenty of side activities to mess with
    + Combat is surprisingly entertaining for a porn card game

    - Bugs, they're countless and they're fucking annoying, you won't make it far before encountering your first one
    - The grind for fame, money, and stats is incredibly imbalanced and takes way too long, you need to use a cheat mod to enjoy the game because of how long it would take to fully upgrade via normal gameplay
    - The UI is ugly and just doesn't feel right
    - The English in this game is atrocious, hindering enjoyment at numerous points
    - Other female characters besides the protag don't get a lot of love (Specially Motel girl)
    - Side activities need to be expanded further, currently a little shallow
    - Enemy variety is also lacking

    Could easily be 4/5 or 5/5 if the dev focused more on polishing what is already present rather than adding more onto the mess that he currently has on his hands.
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    This should be a 5-star game. The art and animation are excellent and the sex scenes are plentiful. The gameplay mix of point-and-click adventure with RPG sandbox/life-sim and card battles is essentially solid, though excessively grindy. The story is basic but fun.

    However, it's held back by three things.

    First, the UI is terrible. The action button you need to use to proceed or to do something varies between Enter, Space, Mouse-click, and E (and occasionally others), when it could all be done in one button. A lot of the time you have to try them all until you find one that works. You hold Shift to run, but it has to be the left Shift; the right one—which would be more convenient for pressing along with the arrow keys—doesn't work. You can't click to walk, except to skip directly to a destination, but for other parts of the game you need to use the mouse cursor, so you need to switch back and forth between mouse and keyboard control.

    Dialog shows up painfully slowly, and there's a huge lag if you try to skip it. Since conversations are padded with characters saying ". . ." every other line, this soon gets almost unbearably tiresome, and it's very easy to accidentally skip when you finally get to an actually important line of dialog.

    This all may not sound like a huge problem, but it makes the game slow, uncomfortable, and irritating to play.

    The second issue is that a bunch of the content, and progress in various parts of the game, is capped and gated behind level and storyline checks in ways that are not communicated at all. You can waste hours trying to progress to more explicit scenes in the massage parlor or when camming, only to find that the only way to get to that content was to level up in the fighting part of the game. (While at other times, you do just need to grind, without any feedback along the way.) Or you might try to level up, only to find that you first need to proceed in some storyline. When there are multiple current quests in the quest log, it might be that one has to be done before the others, but you just have to guess at the order.

    The final and the biggest issue is that the game is shockingly buggy, and has been for the whole length of development. This ranges from cosmetic bugs (faces that suddenly disappear from bodies, splash screens that don't fully disappear when fading out, multiple music tracks playing simultaneously), to missing translations from Russian, to major bugs in the story logic that can lead to dead ends, lock you out of most of the content, or just make the game freeze if you do things the developers didn't think of or in the "wrong" order. You need to save often, and consult the game thread to avoid the most common bugs. (In the current version, v0.9, for example, you need to not fight the Catwoman burglar a second time until you've completed everything else, because it triggers the end of the game.)

    So it's a game that's often painful and frustrating to play. Still gets three stars from me because the sex scenes really are good, and because it can be fairly fun once you learn how to avoid or tolerate the bugs.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    • Sensational artwork (although that poor girl is going to have back problems in later life :p)
    • Good animation
    • Well-balanced combat
    • The grind is just insane. Most of the repetitive scenes (training, sex scenes, camming, glory hole, parlour) could happen in 1/10th of the time and the game would be far better for it
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 nice art, story, gameplay although game still have bug but developer trying his/her best to fix it, report bug in discord server, developer replying very fast and helpful. Overall 10/10 great game to play
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is okay, the art is very pretty. Its a parody and the story is a joke. Its super slow and grindy and the sex scenes are kind of monotonous.

    I don't like that MC is a prude in the beginning, or that she gets fucked in the ass by the bad guys and doesn't even care. Stuff just doesn't make sense.

    Would be much better without all the grind, but then you would finish it in less than 1 hour.

    This is a MUST play with cheats game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a mechanically simple game. You move from side to side interacting with people and objects for repeatable sandbox events or story events. Usually these are sexual, and usually the story events turn into the sandbox events like dancing in a strip club. Once you progress the story enough, you go do your superhero thing at night, beating up bad guys. The combat is card based. The kind where you try and stack block before using your attack cards, or utilize stuns. It doesn't have too much depth, but enough to cover the theme of the heroine and the mechanics. If you lose you will get violated, which is always a plus. Haters of that kind of thing don't have to worry, because you don't have to reload or lose any progress. You just have to go home and rest afterwards.

    The story and art style are done really well. It's one of those games that sometimes makes me feel bad that it's a porn game because there are some sweet moments in the story and the day to day gameplay like when she dreams about being a hero, or the disappointment on her face when she goes home to pass out. The scenes are very well animated and there is a decent variety of them at this point v0.8.9. If I had one wish for this game it's that they extended into some kind of consequences like reputation, or physically, but I don't think that's the main focus and that would be taking it to extra levels. I can dream though :3

    To address some negative views on the game I'd like to say that I've never encountered a gamebreaking bug. Also, the game is grindy but only for certain side content. It's definitely a little annoying for one of the night jobs.

    What to expect from kinks are Forced, a little Coersion, mostly Hetero with some Lesbian, Prostitution, and Group Sex in many different scenarios. All humans, about half criminals, half world content.

    Subscription price is pretty good, but at least consider buying it when it's out if you ilke it.
  10. 3.00 star(s)



    this game has so much potential. amazing animation and graphics... but it does a lot of things wrong.

    first of all. a lot of bugs. still playable, but many things don't make sense. it's strange how many bugs there are when the game had so many patches. energy consumption bugs, time no passage bugs, money doesn't update in multiple occasions, etc. there are 10+.

    english is okay, multiple typos but understandable.

    very grindy. for no reason. very long drawn out animations of boring work tasks. (like 1minute long which you have to repeat MANY MANY TIMES) BUT you can workaround by using cheating option and giving you money. if you don't cheat, then it's extremely grindy.

    basically the game is lose fight get raped. tbh i like those games but this was surprisingly kinda boring. maybe due to the lack of character build ups. the game is occasionally funny. doesn't take itself that serious. it's just so annoying, this reeks of being a quality game yet it's just boring. disappointing with such high potential. tbh game deserves 2/5 at best but since i feel like it deserves more chance in the future, i guess 3/5.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    That game is great, the art is just amazing like the previous game, the story and progression is very linear and feels rewarding and the gameplay is very good, with the possibility to skip the grind.
    The only "cons" is that there are some bugs sometimes but nothing that block the game.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.8.9 Review

    • Art style is very good.
    • Animation is really smooth compare to the old ver.
    • Story is decent for a H game
    • Combat is "okay"
    • Gallery is a mess.
      1. Main menu theme keep playing in the gallery and there's no sex SFX in the gallery.
      2. No scene replay only the CG and the animations. One of the thing that make H scene hot is the dialogue, without the scene replay the CG felt hollow imo.
      3. Some scene can only be seen in the story and can never be access again, like when Anabel doing stripping pole for the first time.
      4. Incomplete scenes, some don't have ejaculation art while the story have it. Hell some scene is not even playable it's just images. For example: the apartment scene and the motel scene that can only access in the story.
    • No skipping text and customize text speed. I have to mash the enter button so I could go through the slow in dialogue.
    • After 3+ years of development, you still cannot change the volume depend if it's a voice, SFX or music.
    • Sex scene control sucks, you have to hold a space bar. Like bro just give me like 3 buttons, click on it and the scene will play itself automatically. Let us fap without constantly holding down space bar please.
    • No ejaculation, orgasm SFX.
    • Lack of direction
    • Bad control
    • Grindy gameplay (just cheat bro)
    Overall 6/10, It might have been fun when you first play it, but for me who have been following this game for 2 years, I feel frustrated. The only thing that have been update is the art, story and some error fixing here and there. I really hope the dev just look back and improve other basic stuffs too, like text speed slider, the different type of volume slider and option to speed up the training.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a very good 2d game.
    Art: Unique drawing
    Animation: Enough for a porn game. Most games don't even have animations.
    Plot: Entertaining enough, heroine stuff.
    Don't need anything elso tbh, it is a porn game.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    1. Art 4/5 (only good thing in the game)
    2. Sound 3/5 (only music and a slap sound)
    3. Game Play 1/5
    4. UI 1/5

    First battle is a forced lose and get raped because the battle is made impossible and you have to waste over 5 minutes of real time just to lose. You can only sissy bitch slap the guy with the bat for 4 points damage and he has 140 health and you have 60 health and he hits you with bat for 21 damage! But combat is so slow that it still takes about 5 minutes to lose the battle as the enemy will hit you but not even really damage you so another bug there.

    No method to go directly to journal you have to click on <esc> to open up the interface than click on journal. This is the clunkiest UI and navigation system!

    So what could of been a potentially great game with card battle ruined by a crap UI, sissy bitch attacks, crap movement, and lack of being able to click on anything. Oh and accidentally click on the L key and you freeze all movement and think the game is locked up so you have to figure out to push the L key again so you can do anything again.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good game, mainly due to one reason: Absolutely great art and main character.

    Tags that are mentioned or not: Rape, submission, humiliation, BDSM, heroine gets screwed over.


    - As I said way above average artwork
    - IMO very attractive main character
    - A lot of different scenes (jan 2023)
    - Kinky and submissive choices
    - Got all the tags/fetishes that I like (centered around degradation)
    - Small map with almost instant travel; the only grind there is are the fights you do as heroine at night (though even those are way above your average RPG fights in looks and UI). I saw there is a cheat room now, maybe you can now skip most fights that you do not need for defeat scenes

    - Con:

    - You cannot skip sex scenes that you have seen, and as they are interactive and take time to finish, it becomes a slight drag
    - I started this game long ago and encountered many instances where it was unclear how or where to progress or unlock new scenes; this seems to have been improved though

    - Request for the maker: Please add in game info about routes to scenes mentioning work in progress or ended, as it often is unclear if you can advance certain locations more, like the office, bar or motel.

    It is not a quick fap game, you need to put effort into this. But then you get scenes of a quality seldom seen on this site.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    As of v0.08.4

    The game is built upon a great concept, the art is absolutely fantastic.
    Though there are some problems, that if fixed would make this game take it's place among the great:
    - A proper Gallery, with replays and animation for every unlocked scene.
    - The grind is still pretty annoying, specially when training, an idea to fix that would be to add a consumable item (say $50) from either the trainer or the food shop as a supplement that would double your gains for that day.
    - The bugs...I've played this new version for 2 days, got to fame 5...and in this short amount of time i managed to find two bugs, one of them gamebreaking that required the use of the save editor:
    1. After the date i couldn't invite the GF to the apartment, no matter where i was inside the house, clicking her icon would do nothing.
    2. Game Breaking: After being asked to find the undercover cop, I went there, had the 1st dialogue, but during the return, the dialogue would start with the street slut, she would go into the car, but when he appeared no dialogue would show up, i was stuck at that dialogue screen with no dialogue. I've tried different times of the day, tried working before going there both massage and stripper, nothing would work. (One has to press Enter to proceed, yup, that simple, and i feel stupid)
    As it stands this game is a diamond in the rough, waiting to be properly cleaned and polished.
  17. 3.00 star(s)



    I'm really trying to enjoy this game but it's kind of an inconsistent and buggy mess at the moment.

    The game randomly hangs when interacting with certain objects in the world, forcing a restart. Exit prompts occasionally don't appear when entering scenes, forcing a restart. Sometimes text just never appears at all after starting an event, forcing a restart. The massage parlor is giga buggy... like 5 copies of Sluterella layered on top of each other with missing text. Miscellaneous shit like sound getting disabled completely when you change volume, forcing a restart if you want sound back; game hangs when you try to quit via the in-game UI, forcing a force close.

    Controls are inconsistent - you can move around and interact with objects using keybinds, but using keybinds to actually select actions doesn't always work. Text sometimes appears at the bottom of the screen in white, and sometimes at the top of the screen in beige (the exact same text)... no idea why. Fast forwarding text is slow and awkward. Combat gets tedious pretty quick - some way to speed up or skip actions would be nice.

    That said, I think there are good ideas here. The game has a unique style, the animations are nice, the art is great for my tastes, the scenarios are good, the kinks are good.

    Ultimately, I enjoy the content but the game is borderline unplayable for me in its current state. I hope all the bugs and shit get ironed out and they add some QoL because this is a diamond in the rough.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a broken mess [Version 0.72]

    Gameplay [3/10]: Basic VN with Card game battles. There are stats which you can increase through training. It's not really unique but not bad either.
    The reason why its so low is, game is filled to the brim with bugs. For example MC will start moving on its own while idling, she will get stuck on the map whenever you decide to move to another spot regardless of the choice of transportation. And time will move incredibly fast becuase game does not pass time when camwhoring automaticly.
    Art [ 6/10]: Probably the best thing this game has to offer. Art is pretty decent. But the animations lack sound and they look like basic western flash game animations aka you hold space to increase the speed and fill a bar then you can finish the animation with a climax. It's not worth the grind and suffering.
    Music [ 3/10]: This game has the most basic song library i have ever heard. I really dont need to explain it. Give it a go and see for yourself.
    Character customization: [0/10]: Does not exist. Cant even change MC's name the only thing you can change is her clothes. And most of the time game forces you to make her wear certain stuff.
    Adult Content[ 5/10] [The numbers here describe how fucked up the Adult content is]: There is abuse, rape and very slight snuff when you lose a battle. And the game takes itself not seriously even during those acts. I really dont see these scenes burning a scar in my memory.
    Difficulty [ 5/10]: Honestly it just a grind lots to get better stats, buy equipment, upgrade said equipment kind of game. It has a card based combat but its not hard just grindy.

    Summary: Unplayable as it is, but it does have potential. First thing devs should do is fix its huge array of bugs.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty slow buttons, slow menus, slow text animation, timed scene advances are a bad idea and bad design, just put a button to skip, volume is all over the place. Freezes are common, so save often.
    Good premise but poor execution.
    Great art.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a great game.
    Art, story, gameplay are all really going awesome.
    I believe this game is currently at 4 stars, but its still not finished, and there are some unfair reviews, so i'm giving a 5 star rating for the time being, and wait for the full game to update my rating