Fan Art The Destiny Of Siria. Arts inspiered to the Sims 4


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Siria Iris Arelius.png
She is Siria, the Female Protagonist. She is the Princess of the Vampire, female. But her mother are both Futa. She is only ony in her femaly born female and now she is young and most pawerfull vampiire wont make her mother Ira proud of her, but how Sire can make Ira be proud of her. She still first of all female when she became vampire with her transition and you adult age .


Active Member
May 7, 2017
Look, im not gonna tell you how to make your game, its your idea and it has to inspire passion so you can continue making it and not feel burned while doing so. I strongly suggest you look for a writer or a good translator to help you out, many games die because they are not well written. If its your first game, you could try making chapters out of it, so in the 1st chapter, you can experiment and try new things, nothing fancy at the beginning, so in the 2nd chapter, you can apply everything you've learned and make a much better game and so on, "keep it simple at start ( using things your familiar with) and then to more complex things later (no need to go crazy neither).

Personally, i would love to see some incest and corruption, but try to imitate what other devs do to keep it patreon friendly (incest patch), ppl love that, me included. Making a dating sim game with lewd levels (clothes and reactions, get lewder in each level). But this is my personal preferences, you can do what ever you want.

I hope i helped you at any level, good luck!

Btw, don't lock your 1st posts for patreons until you got a playable demo with descent content, you gotta show your product before charging for it.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
I know I am a fan of the style, and even at one point I was considering using sim 4 modded characters as an option for 3D models for my own art (but eventually wanted more freedom with something more custom).
Are you using custom or modded models? I don't think I've seen futa/hermaphrodite models before, so is there anything you are making from scatch?

I'm already interested in the game by the title alone. Finally something less, slice of life, more fantasy. Whether it is just a quick story or a VN or some game with basic mechanics, I'd like to see what you try to do, how far you'll try to push the art and the premise to bring your idea to life. I'm the type of guy who loves an interesting world, so I'd be interested to see what your world context is, (looks like modern-day hidden society or something) and how you may further expand on that if you decide to continue your work after your first release.

I don't think I'll be a patron until I know what you intend to do for lewd content, in terms of what the final art looks like, how lewd stuff will be offered (gameplay or story-wise) as well as what you are trying to do (ie sex acts, parter matchups, fetishes etc.)
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Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Look, im not gonna tell you how to make your game, its your idea and it has to inspire passion so you can continue making it and not feel burned while doing so. I strongly suggest you look for a writer or a good translator to help you out, many games die because they are not well written. If its your first game, you could try making chapters out of it, so in the 1st chapter, you can experiment and try new things, nothing fancy at the beginning, so in the 2nd chapter, you can apply everything you've learned and make a much better game and so on, "keep it simple at start ( using things your familiar with) and then to more complex things later (no need to go crazy neither).

Personally, i would love to see some incest and corruption, but try to imitate what other devs do to keep it patreon friendly (incest patch), ppl love that, me included. Making a dating sim game with lewd levels (clothes and reactions, get lewder in each level). But this is my personal preferences, you can do what ever you want.

I hope i helped you at any level, good luck!

Btw, don't lock your 1st posts for patreons until you got a playable demo with descent content, you gotta show your product before charging for it.
Yes there will be present incest path. I good writer too, but not good in english. I also wont make this game in italian also. For now I don't intend realse this until I'm sutisfited buy story and friteng, assets and other think for make this more interactive with comabt sistema for vampire and training, with rpg ccambat sistem. But this will be implement in future. Dating will be present in both path. But i planned to have One Destiny of Siria, make her on ther trhone, but how she become the queen is on your hand.

For this I alredydecide to makecloths siystem to Siria only, becous she is ThePrincess and female. If Siria become salve becous Her Mother don't wonnauccept her real stenghr or was defeted bu her own doughter she will benaked, without put on no cloths. In slave out no nead to clothes, only free roote cloth arallowed.

I keep it in mind. Thanks.
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Active Member
May 7, 2017
I know I am a fan of the style, and even at one point I was considering using sim 4 modded characters as an option for 3D models for my own art (but eventually wanted more freedom with something more custom).
Are you using custom or modded models? I don't think I've seen futa/hermaphrodite models before, so is there anything you are making from scatch?

I'm already interested in the game by the title alone. Finally something less, slice of life, more fantasy. Whether it is just a quick story or a VN or some game with basic mechanics, I'd like to see what you try to do, how far you'll try to push the art and the premise to bring your idea to life. I'm the type of guy who loves an interesting world, so I'd be interested to see what your world context is, (looks like modern-day hidden society or something) and how you may further expand on that if you decide to continue your work after your first release.

I don't think I'll be a patron until I know what you intend to do for lewd content, in terms of what the final art looks like, how lewd stuff will be offered (gameplay or story-wise) as well as what you are trying to do (ie sex acts, parter matchups, fetishes etc.)
I'm very interested aswell, starting with the Mc wich looks hot af. I just hope its not like that other sim model VN game (dont remember the name saddly).I I'm hoping to see day/night cycles but that's just me, i'm just eager to see what the dev plans to add to the game.

Yes there will be present incest path. I good writer too, but not good in english. I also wont make this game in italian also. For now I don't intend realse this until I'm sutisfited buy story and friteng, assets and other think for make this more interactive with comabt sistema for vampire and training, with rpg ccambat sistem. But this will be implement in future. Dating will be present in both path. But i planned to have One Destiny of Siria, make her on ther trhone, but how she become the queen is on your hand.

For this I alredydecide to makecloths siystem to Siria only, becous she is ThePrincess and female. If Siria become salve becous Her Mother don't wonnauccept her real stenghr or was defeted bu her own doughter she will benaked, without put on no cloths. In slave out no nead to clothes, only free roote cloth arallowed.

I keep it in mind. Thanks.
Don't get me wrong, it was never my intention to imply that you were a bad writer, i'm sorry if you thought that, but yeah, you gotta get a translator or something to help you out, or a proof reader. If there's gonna be fighting and such, with there be training? Something like the Mc training a girl or something? It could be an interesting idea to add to the game.
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Reactions: 88Michele88


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
I know I am a fan of the style, and even at one point I was considering using sim 4 modded characters as an option for 3D models for my own art (but eventually wanted more freedom with something more custom).
Are you using custom or modded models? I don't think I've seen futa/hermaphrodite models before, so is there anything you are making from scatch?

I'm already interested in the game by the title alone. Finally something less, slice of life, more fantasy. Whether it is just a quick story or a VN or some game with basic mechanics, I'd like to see what you try to do, how far you'll try to push the art and the premise to bring your idea to life. I'm the type of guy who loves an interesting world, so I'd be interested to see what your world context is, (looks like modern-day hidden society or something) and how you may further expand on that if you decide to continue your work after your first release.

I don't think I'll be a patron until I know what you intend to do for lewd content, in terms of what the final art looks like, how lewd stuff will be offered (gameplay or story-wise) as well as what you are trying to do (ie sex acts, parter matchups, fetishes etc.)
I planned usuing both, custom and modded, using both I wont see how this gonna look like in VN Ranpy With combat system for vampire. In the futre will be implamented more about combat sistem, becous this path is most important in Vampire World with Futa daminant whole vampire species or races.

First I wont explan on rape form Futa Vampire on Female Protanogit, and Her Personality. She isn't navie or dump. She hate who try to rape her, she make them suffer before kill them without mercy. the sistem on Mercy or not I Explein it in the future, But now I Explain The Story.

Siria is the most powerfull Female Vampire in hher femaly. She only one female. She wann respect from her mother Ira. Ira is very unmercyfull charcter in this Story. She killed her parent, whe shwe respect and kindness, and mercy. This mercy was showed on Ira, she killed both of them withou mercy. But now she have a doughter, Siria. One Path wher she kill her own dought Ira will lost averythink, without Siria she will respect of her wife Zalia, respect of her guard. And When she kill in rape withou letingh Siria dring blood to sorvive, this will be Two Game Ower: Playng Ira And Playng Siria only if she don't will saved by Veia Nobilium, future Siria Wife.

Sira respect her family like her grondparten's who die bu Ira's hand. Siria Never gonna kille her Mather, fighting her. yes but killing her, never. The willolso present Game Over Joke when Sire will be becoma dust, (Game Ove, really I think i wont Shout this game, I Not gonna dia in this way) she turn to like Phenix for her own dust, and the fight wconitue with Siria Dangesour furoios, (Phat whe she still free, no slave route.)

The choise you make in whole game will be gain and ending, but all of them gain the variant of this ending.

Only your choise can reach the true ending.


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
I'm very interested aswell, starting with the Mc wich looks hot af. I just hope its not like that other sim model VN game (dont remember the name saddly).I I'm hoping to see day/night cycles but that's just me, i'm just eager to see what the dev plans to add to the game.

Don't get me wrong, it was never my intention to imply that you were a bad writer, i'm sorry if you thought that, but yeah, you gotta get a translator or something to help you out, or a proof reader. If there's gonna be fighting and such, with there be training? Something like the Mc training a girl or something? It could be an interesting idea to add to the game.
Din't worry, man. I do same traing only sex scenes with choise in slave path for female prtoagonist. Becouse Siris is dominat female in vampire races she hete take orders, and in slave route this will be most predominate, she will fight back and kill the trainer. but ther no game over will be added. the game will be will be only one secret scene. Like in Futa Protagnoist If you take control the Siria's mother Ira, she will add game over lie bad end if she kill her dought in rpaing her without late her human blood. Only thesw 2 game over scens will be present like sicreats scens. Siria love to much her whole family. and if you gain the sicreats scens you game will be end.
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Active Member
May 7, 2017
Din't worry, man. I do same traing only sex scenes with choise in slave path for female prtoagonist. Becouse Siris is dominat female in vampire races she hete take orders, and in slave route this will be most predominate, she will fight back and kill the trainer. but ther no game over will be added. the game will be will be only one secret scene. Like in Futa Protagnoist If you take control the Siria's mother Ira, she will add game over lie bad end if she kill her dought in rpaing her without late her human blood. Only thesw 2 game over scens will be present like sicreats scens. Siria love to much her whole family. and if you gain the sicreats scens you game will be end.
Nice, but pls try not to spoil the plot lol!

Gl m8!
  • Haha
Reactions: 88Michele88


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Nice, but pls try not to spoil the plot lol!

Gl m8!
Don't worry. I'm not gone reveal must game and future in in the game. But For now Take look and these twins
Gemelle Heralia Lola Naightfull.png
Heralia is in casuals cloths. Lola in elegant dress, both of them ar one of the bests friends in Acadmy like Ambra
AmbraEris 2.png
The blond futa is Ambra, and other is Eris, Siria's bests friends. I'm only teasing with characters.


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
I gonna tell you, I you sex scenes and fight scenes in 2D arts, but this will be implamente in future, First I wont improve my skill with those book I brought in library, Becous I wont make same new in this game and on this site. I thinks this willi be intersting If I make this working the sex scens and fightng style will be in 2D.


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Our Princess gonna take same bath, Beafor and afeter, I gonna make render on everithink. Bat other map and other stuff kind off, like maps and ouses therno be presente in this game. I wont warn you ther still presen my thouths abou misurandesting me. bath is ononly make mw fell mor confortble to learn mor and more from all of tou guys. Ther no male protagonist. whou know wath gona appenend in my futures games. Have fun guys. See you soon SiriaBath0.png
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
I gonna tell you, I you sex scenes and fight scenes in 2D arts, but this will be implamente in future, First I wont improve my skill with those book I brought in library, Becous I wont make same new in this game and on this site. I thinks this willi be intersting If I make this working the sex scens and fightng style will be in 2D.
So, pre rendered art work, thats fine. Very common here, usually pretty good work comes as a result, and I find it is easier to code games using 2D assets
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Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
So, pre rendered art work, thats fine. Very common here, usually pretty good work comes as a result, and I find it is easier to code games using 2D assets
Thanks, I only wont imporove a lot of scens in renders like samone yous with Karryn Prison. Like these arts. I hoe you enjoyed the viwe a lot.

I wont asky i youwher i can find same mods to improve vampires' live, like mot to make them like superman or simthing kind of for tge sims 4


Jan 23, 2020
hello to all the members of this thread I have created a server with each of the threads of the fanart section, if you would like to join here I leave the link and I hope this server is to your liking

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Reactions: 88Michele88


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
hello to all the members of this thread I have created a server with each of the threads of the fanart section, if you would like to join here I leave the link and I hope this server is to your liking

I check it later