Clearly I've missed some comments. Hard to juggle everything!
Collab - yes some discussions take place that either I don't show or that don't involve the MC. Collab will get covered at some point. I'm trying to paint a fairly realistic picture - as far as the constraints of an AVN and my skills with 3D art can go anyway - of a club that is basically a fast-moving business. There's lots happening all the time, so I'm never going to cover it all. There's usually a good reason why I have done or not done something, but of course I make mistakes because I've set myself a big challenge.
LIs and opinions about certain characters being left off. I can say it until I'm blue in the face: the LI list is not fixed, and people are often conflating sex with a relationship. The LIs in this game are meaningful, interesting, and complex characters where you might even be able to have a kid with, perhaps move in with etc. Current side characters are either for the story, general realism, or some fun lewd scenes to keep people happy that are wanting a porn game. Players can expect away based on what other game or games they've played, it doesn't matter to me. This is the setup of this game. As to Chloe, maybe she will become an LI. Maybe she won't. She's cool, sexy, and fun, but is she interesting enough for
me to include as an LI? That's the decision I have to make. Remember, I created these characters and they live in my head, so I know their backgrounds and little intricacies. Just because they haven't been revealed yet doesn't mean they don't exist. It is just yet to come. Also, people will inevitably disagree on subjective things like this. Another example is Penny and Leah featuring on the game banners. Someone asked me why, given they don't feature in the game much. That's because I'm making a game, and the game is not v0.6/7/8. They will become hugely important, and once the game is complete it will be clear why they feature so prominently. I'm not going to keep remaking the bloody banner for each version depending on how much time some character has featured thus far. Especially when it's a choice-based game.
Massage tables and little holes. Well MC's shoved his cock through one already, and Tamara's used a head hole during a massage. And yes, there's a technical reason why with the posing. Also, if you've ever had a massage the little hole is incredibly uncomfortable to use, and you're putting your face where other people have put theirs, which makes me feel a bit icky. Much better to just shove your cock through it.
Duvets and blankets - good luck spending nearly an hour getting one to drape nicely over a character, just for 1 or 2 renders that 99% of people won't care about

I am incredibly lucky that I've somehow ended up making a game where it is always very warm, so people don't need pesky things like duvets