
Sep 15, 2021

What is this thread?

I am a unimployed broke H game developer.
This is my journey trying to survive as a H game dev.

Why share this story? What for?
I know that there are a lot of H game devs.
Tons and Tons pop out daily.

For some it's for money, others for fun, or they just feel kinky.

For me, it was all three.
Anyways reasons aside...

What I have wished was that there to be more people sharing their story.
I did publish my first game. but I had gone through so much trouble.
And I still can't grasp a clue.

Problems I had
* Always having doubts that I can make any money
* Got banned on pixiv fanbox
* Got banned on gumroad
* Took 2 months to get my game on DLSite
* Had no clue how to market
* Still not making any money

H game dev is a shit show.

I just wish that someone would lay a road for others.
Share how they market, share how much revenue they make.
All I want is somebody to share the shit we go through.

What will I share?

* My survival as a H game dev
* Marketing tactics
* Revenue
* Thoughts
* Anything Helpful

This thread will not include game devlogs or links of my game. Nor is this for marketing my game.
I will make a game devlog on another thread. Check that if you are interested.
But this thread is not for marketing my game.

I am thinking of sharing my revenue and marketing of my first game as my next post.
I am still a noob. and know nothing worth sharing. but still it might be a guiding light for some.

Good luck for all the H game devs out there. Godspeed!



I'm tired, boss.
Game Developer
Apr 6, 2021
If you're interested in marketing/revenue and that sort of thing and your game is posted on F95, you should ask for a developer badge to access the private forum.
There are lots of developers sharing information about these subjects.
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Sep 15, 2021
HAHaHa!!! XDXD What makes this funny is that you are absolutely right.
I was actually a backend developer. Worked there a year, but did not work out.
I also wanted to be self imployed and make games in the side of my head.. so here we are.
I have a bit of money to pour down the drain. XD

If you're interested in marketing/revenue and that sort of thing and your game is posted on F95, you should ask for a developer badge to access the private forum.
There are lots of developers sharing information about these subjects.
Never knew that there were private forums in this place.
Thanks, will ask one day, I am still a noob here testing out the ropes.

You're in the right place to have some fans and maybe success
Thanks mate! Wish that was the case.
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Sep 15, 2021
Progress Report
Disclaimer : I do not claim that I am a good game creator that knows better.
I just want to share information to help others and get information too.

My sales is shit anyways XD

The first game I have made is a BDSM, Kink game.
I grew up playing skyrim sanguine debauchery... so you get where this is coming from.

I would say that quality is "Meh".

It took me
1 month to create the game.
1 month to market the game.

I have tried multiple channels of marketing.

Channels that I have tired

  • Most do not like links.
  • Some have more regulations on bdsm than others.
  • Some do not want the video to be like a "gameplay".
  • Some do not want watermarks.

I can get much more deep on what I have learned trying these channels.
Ill share that another day.


84$ (
426$ (61000 yen) (dlsite)
Total of 510$

What worked?
I wouldn't call this as "worked".
But it did give me a glimpse of hope.

Pixiv + itch/gumorad
In pixiv, you can link your own website.
I have linked directly to my game.
If you post gifs, do post it like a gameplay.
They convert way better and lead the viewer curious.

I see a lot of potential in DLsite itself.
Even when days that I have done almost no marketing,
DLsite would sell my product at least once a day.
I believe that with enough rating, the algorithm will boost the product.

No luck with major porn sites
Most of the major porn sites did not work at all.
If you see in the screenshot above, the views were like 3~5k.
But no conversions was made.
Ill have to try this out again another day.

Not worth the hassle?
You would say that 510$ for all this work is not worth the hassle.
You are absolutely true. I doubt myself in the daily.

But if you check out DLsite, there is money on the line for lewd games.
This game (one of my favorates) has sold over 68000 copies on dlsite.
You might say that this is a one of a kind "Unicorn".
But I know that there are tons and tons of these games that gets sold over the thousonds.
Even with shit quality.

Believe me, there is money flowing here.

I am currently busy creating my second game.
I have some plans that I hope will work.

  1. Finish my second game
  2. Try out f95zone to advertise
  3. Try out Ci-en to advertise
  4. Try out Reddit to advertise
  5. Try out Twitter with a different strategy
  6. Try out more aggresive advertisement on pixiv, deviantart

I will talk about the plans and the game I am working on next post.

Good luck.
Enjoy life.


Sep 15, 2021
Progress Report
Disclaimer : I do not claim that I am a good game creator that knows better.
I just want to share information to help others and get information too.
My sales is shit anyways XD

My new game

slaves of Nautika

Also follow me on Ci-en if you are interested.
I will let you know when the demo is out.

Currently writing devlogs on f95 and on ci-en.
Not having good results so far, but I will keep consistent.

  1. Finish my second game
  2. Try out f95zone to advertise O
  3. Try out Ci-en to advertise O
  4. Try out Reddit to advertise
  5. Try out Twitter with a different strategy
  6. Try out more aggresive advertisement on pixiv, deviantart

Next post
Next time, I will try to share my marketing plans for this game.
Wish me best of luck.


Sep 15, 2021
Progress Report

Previous Marketing

I have been thinking of how to market games.
And have came up with a idea on how to get mass visibility. visits
2024-10-01 3.41.58.png
Now this is the graph of my itch io account.
When I did advertise on pixiv, I have got about 100 visits per day.
I had a 1% buy rate so 1 buyer per day.

Pixiv views
2024-10-01 3.45.11.png
This is my pixiv posts.
Now, pixiv has some fluctuation.
Averages about 4000 views per post.
I have done 1 post per day.

So the numbers would be
1 pixiv post
  • pixiv : 4000 views
  • itch : 100 views
  • purchase : 1 game
This is how my previous marketing went.

New Marketing Plans
These are my new plans to market "Slaves of Nautika".

1. Mass posting on pixiv
Now, if 1 pixiv post = 1 purchase,
why not post 10 posts per day?
This is a stretch, but you get the idea.

Q. won't pixiv ban you?
Now, pixiv will have algorithms that detect mass spamming,
but I can create multiple accounts if that comes to my attention.
I will start small just to be safe. And I wish this was not the case.

Q. But how will I create good content (gif) in mass?
If I do not create good content (fappable:sneaky:), the view of each post will drop drastically.
For this I will use 3d magic.
Same animation. Change the cosmetics. Change the camera angle. Record again. Now you have infinite content.

So the plan would be
  • Create 60 animations (2 per day for 1 month)
  • Create 10 pixiv gif posts per animation (600 posts)
  • Post 3 posts per day (200 day worth content)
  • Automate posts with pixiv premium

2. Obtain Fanbase
While watching others make a living on dlsite, I have stubled on multiple twitter accs.
2024-10-01 4.19.22.png 2024-10-01 4.19.59.png

Q. Why do we need a following? Cant we just make gud games?
Peole simply do not care about me or you.
But for the few "fans" that do care about my product is much more valuable then the mass public.

If I can keep contact with the "fans",
they will come back when I create the next game and the game after that.

And I hope that way, I can make a consistent living and survive.
It is also great to have a boost of sales for the dlsite algorithm.

Q. How will you get a following? Just showing others does not make you one.
At one point, I will have a playable demo of my game.
Now if you know twitter, I can firewall people to follow me in order to see my tweets.

Protected posts on twitter / ci-en / discord
2024-10-01 4.25.59.png 2024-10-01 4.27.37.png

So in order to play my free demo,
customers will be forced to follow me on twitter, ci-en or discord.
I am hoping this gets powerful with the combination of pixiv mass posting.

  1. Finish my second game △
  2. Try out f95zone to advertise △
  3. Try out Ci-en to advertise △
  4. Try out Reddit to advertise
  5. Try out Twitter with a different strategy X
  6. Try out more aggresive advertisement
    1. Create 60 animations in game
    2. Create 10 pixiv gif posts per animation
    3. Mass auto post on pixiv, deviantart
    4. Firewall demo on twitter / ci-en / discord
△ : Currently working
X : Failed

We can do this H game devs.
Don't give up.
GodSpeed. (y)


Sep 15, 2021
Progress Report

Long time no see. XD I wonder if anybody is still listening to this reports.
The most recent game I have created has sold 365 copies.

Slaves of Nautika This is the most recent game I have created.

2024-12-23 3.17.52.png

2024-12-23 3.19.04.png

813,225 yen => 1,170 usd

I now have 252 members on my discord channel.
Now, I did not do the marketing plans that I had last post.
I did not create multiple accounts or create multiple gifs in order to mass market my game.

What did I learn

1. dlsite likes new games
One thing that I have noticed while publishing 2 games on DL is that they likely rate new games higher than old ones.
Now you might say that this is of obvious, but DL site does this to a great extent.

Ranking 3 "Whip / Rope / Candle"
2024-12-23 3.32.02.png

Ranking 13 "Sexual Bondage"
2024-12-23 3.32.59.png

This is surely not possible because the games sell alongside sells to the thousands. I only sold 300.
What I also knowticed is that the "new game buff" goes off after about a week. And it totally runs out after a month.
I may or may not be true about the week and month timeline, but I am most certain that

1. there is a new game buff
2. this buff runs out after time

2. dlsite likes high quality games

Now you might say that this is also so obvious. But hear me out. Because sometimes we ignore it in plain sight.

I have published 2 games on dlsite.
One sold to 355, One sold only 79.


The difference I think that made this is

1. High quality game
2. Free demo
3. Interesting video
4. Interesting game

5. Cheaper price

Now this is quite obviously the move to make, but you must know that dlsite rates your visit / buy ratio.
With better visit / buy ratio, disite will rank you much more higher and promote your game much more.
Slaves of Notika sold over 72 copies on 1 day compared to my previous game selling 79 copies on total.

Make your game interesting and higher in quality. And make your front page better.

3. dlsite does not like low ranking games
This one is also so obvious but this is the trap I have fell through.
2024-12-23 4.02.01.png

The first 2 bars on this graph, was when I was rated with no scores.
But after my game had rating 3 stars when it was buggy, the sales dropped to half.

I have communicated with my fans, and fixed as much bugs as I can,
Currently fixed all the bugs and rated 3.7 on the game. But unfortunately the sales did not go back up.
Bad reviews do not dissapear they stick on your game forever.

You kinda can get away with a interesting looking game but buggy on the inside.
But it won't last 2 days after it gets a bad review.

1. Do not release a buggy or unfinished game and plan to fix it after release
2. Playtest your game again and again

Now what?

I am planning to release another game.

I have learned a lot about myself while making this game.

Things I have done wrong
* I am not skilled enough to making a big game
* I tend to have big dreams while having bad skills
* I tend to rush things to deadlines
* Does not test game throughly


1. I will make a souls like game.

The dark souls like game does not have extreme mechanics like a city builder stratagy game. (slaves of nautika)
It has the same mechanics repeated a bit differently with different animations and enemies.
This is (I hope) easier to manage than a stratagy game with complicated logic and mechanics.

2. I will make the same genre again and again.

A lot of Indie games do not change genre so easily. They recreate the game with a different story, but never changes the core of the game. Fromsofware (dark souls) Bethesda (skyrim 1,2,3,4, fallout, starfield) Ubisoft (Assasins creed, far cry).
While this is not the case for all game studios, This is how to make games faster with low risk.

I am not saying that I will make the same shit over and over again.
I cannot make the best game on the first try, I will make a mid game, and improve bit by bit on the next and the next.
After some time, I beileve I can create masterpieces again and again because I have extreme baseline of the genre.

3. I will make games every 2~3 months.

This is a financial decision and a non risk decision. I have seen countless people creating games for years and years on end either h game or not.

Currently to make this financially duable, I need to create games every 2 months getting the same success.
This is quite crazy, but after the first game, I think this is duable.
Because I will repeat the genre, I can reuse most of the code and systems I have used.
The first game might be a pain in the ass, but after that it will be easier as time goes on.

4. I will do better marketing after being able to consistently make B+ games with ease.

I think DLsite has more population and traffic for sellers to be worried about marketing.
As far as I learned from the last game, if you make good games on DLsite, the sales will come naturally.
I have not hit that hard limit on DLsite yet, so I will put all my effort in making the best game I can.

I will still do marketing here and ci-en and discord.
But I think pixiv marketing has to be cut off as it takes a lot of time.

Good luck and enjoy the ride. Cuz I am enjoying this one.
Life has no meaning. We are all but tiny dust wandering the universe.
We might as well enjoy it while it lasts.


New Member
Game Developer
Dec 4, 2024
Thank you for sharing information and your experience! I have a question regarding dlsite, if you don't mind. How did you manage the japanese translation for your game? did you do it yourself, or did you hire someone?

I'm also interested on publishing my game in dlsite but my only option right now for a japanese translation is mtl which would probably not translate any lewd dialogue well enough.
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Sep 15, 2021
Thank you for sharing information and your experience! I have a question regarding dlsite, if you don't mind. How did you manage the japanese translation for your game? did you do it yourself, or did you hire someone?

I'm also interested on publishing my game in dlsite but my only option right now for a japanese translation is mtl which would probably not translate any lewd dialogue well enough.
I do not have a good understanding of how good mtl is, but I think you need manual changes to make anything feel more natural.

Ill just tell you how I do it.
I am able to speak and write simple Hiragana and Katagana. But for kanji (chinese characters) I am not that good at it. I type dialogue myself or use ai translation by gpt and fix them if they feel awkward.

Some ais refuse to translate lewd dialogue, but you can change lewd words with any other words and search lewd keywords on pixiv and change them within the dialogue.

AI translation websites I use
(Refuses to translate lewd but is very decent at sentences and context)
(Does translate lewd but does not give out lewd words)

English to hiragana and katagana

Where I Search for lewd keywords


New Member
Game Developer
Dec 4, 2024
I do not have a good understanding of how good mtl is, but I think you need manual changes to make anything feel more natural.

Ill just tell you how I do it.
I am able to speak and write simple Hiragana and Katagana. But for kanji (chinese characters) I am not that good at it. I type dialogue myself or use ai translation by gpt and fix them if they feel awkward.

Some ais refuse to translate lewd dialogue, but you can change lewd words with any other words and search lewd keywords on pixiv and change them within the dialogue.

AI translation websites I use
(Refuses to translate lewd but is very decent at sentences and context)
(Does translate lewd but does not give out lewd words)

English to hiragana and katagana

Where I Search for lewd keywords
Thank you! I can also read and write katakana, but can only read very few kanji. I don't think I can translate the dialogue into anything decent just by myself lol. I guess i'll try your method of translating with AI then adjusting it later. I guess for lewd speak i'll use other games or h-manga and videos as reference.


New Member
Aug 22, 2024
Thank you for sharing your experience. It's always interesting for me to read about people's progress in developing and marketing their games, especially since I’m working on my own game too – though very slowly...

I hope your future games sell better and better, and that you find success in your future adventures in the game dev sphere.
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