In lieu of a full translation, let me share some info of things I figured out~
Open the pause menu and select the 3rd option from the bottom, than the option which has the game's icon on it. In this menu you can change the names of the major NPCs. For the sake of simplicity, we'll name the blue Succubus Izana, the red Succubus Mary, and our Familiar, Shiru.
Talk to Izana in her hideaway in the forest and select the first dialogue option, this will unlock your first ability, Succubus Vision, which will highlight items and interactables [Mostly, not all of them]. It costs 20SP to activate and it drains your SP steadily, so keep an eye on that. Keep checking the dialogue options until she unlocks a portal to some place, this is your gallery which you can access at any time, but more importantly, it lets you access the other abilities and powers. The room is denoted by 5 pedestals with rocks on them. You can approach each pillar and pedestal to see what items it requires to unlock a given power. You can access your gallery/upgrade room by selecting the middle option in the pause menu, the option before last on the submenu is the upgrade room. My recommendation, unlock the 2 top-left options first, and unlock the Lightning and Earth elements. The left most option is a Teleport skill, it'll unlock various points in the map you can 'anchor' to permanently, to open up a web of teleports. The option next to that is magical lockpicking, which lets you spend SP to open locked, non-quest doors with a simple mini-game. Lightning is an important element because it can ignite barrels, Earth is an important element because it can destroy debris blocking your way.
Money and being an absolute slut can solve 90% of your problems in this game, as a bunch of pathways are blocked off by item requirements [Keys to open locked doors, crowbars/screwdrivers/wrenches to open various hatches, vents and manholes, or straight up cash tolls]. I am however aware that there's a Virgin ending, just an FYI. Getting pregnant in this game is also a useful mechanic, because you can deposit your pregnant belly's contents in any bed you can rest in, doing so will give you Magic Orbs, which you can activate with the B [for Bomb!] button. This is a
almost screen-wide effect whose damage, radius and effect will change depending on your currently active element. If you don't have any element active [Or just didn't switch out into one], you'll cause a storm of slashes.
Mary the red succubus can be found in random locations around the game world, she will immediately grab the player character and start dicking them down. I've yet to find all the locations but the ones I did find are: Subway bathroom [Topmost of the map], Train [You need to move some cars down to find her standing against a wall], Restaurant [Only seems to appear there at Night time, sitting in one of the partitions], Tent in the sewers [You'll know it's the right one if the map name says B-6, or, alternatively, there's a wall with a decal that reads "W-6"], Library [2nd floor, however this'll be short lived as your character can't hold herself from moaning and the Japanese are VERY STRICT about their silence in the libraries!]. You can also directly summon Mary to chase you down, this is only possible at night, you'll need to find a colorless corpse on the floor. Touching it will cause Mary to chase you for around 200 seconds, in which time she deals fairly high damage and Stun. Losing to Mary here will result in her dragging you to an abandoned house for seconds.
The game has a crafting system! This is however done only through a NPC, it's a girl with a brown color palette and a bag, if you see a blue flash when you talk to her, it's the crafting NPC. To this end, you can search garbage bins, garbage bags, collection cans [The game will mark these things with a glowing CHECK icon, this is done to let you know this is a core mechanic]. Notable merchant NPCs are: Seller in the tent under the bridge [The bridge in question is located in the topmost portion of the map, a couple of tiles away from the subway station/restaurant], he sells the very basic items you need to craft, as well as some panties and tools. The clinic at the top-left side of the map is also important, as they sell HP boosts [Longer sex!], SP boosts and stat boost items. The cultist at the top-left most corner of the map sells potions that raise the player character's Lewdness stats which makes her less ashamed of sex, and might affect some events [I can't catalogue which since I have no real frame of reference..]. Lastly, there's a pair of merchants in the sewers, holed up in a tent, one of them sells various keys.
Tools and keys have a chance to break on every use! Carry multiples if you're not gonna be near a store! [Or just get lucky and find them

Your goal in the game is to find the 8 Magic Orbs of power, scattered around the game world. One of the Upgrades you unlock can pinpoint where they are, but, roughly, they are:
Green Orb, Underground laboratory [near the top-left corner of the map]
Black Orb, Cult's Castle [Top-left corner of the map]
Yellow Orb, Orc's Base [Bottom-left corner of the map]
Black Orb, Monk's Hideaway [Underground, somewhere in the center of the map, accessible via rope in the well behind the public restrooms in the park]
Red Orb, Pimp's estate [Bottom-right side of the map, you'll know it's the right building if its located in the same place as the LOVE HOTEL, which you can prostitute your character at for some money]
Pink[?] Orb, Gymnasium [Big fuck off building somewhere above the Orc's Base]
...I forgot the last 2 orbs, bleh..
Hope this helps somewhat, have fun!