Archived [SoB] Bazhena/Baena


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
Baena Ivanova aka Billie Star ( )
*caution clicking on pornhub takes you porn star page*

About this character Baena Ivanova is the woman that works a the front desk of the fitness club. She is Shuriks girlfriend, they met and a are in love... or are they. She loves jsut to be called jack, she lives in a apartment in Chkalovsky(The Middle Apartment). She originally went to university but when the money dried up, she got a job. Her mother was sick so the rest of her family and her younger lovable sister left, she will not fail to do a honest days hard work.

  • You will meet her one day when talking shurik (Completely random)
  • You will be required to catch her between 8 an 10 am with her trainer in the gym (This will need to be repeated 2 more times)
  • Afterward go to shurik and "Talk about his Girlfriend", he won't care
  • Go back to Baenaand "Talk about Bald"... (you'll have a small chat)
  • ...After That you'll be able to take her to the cafe around(you need to have the suit for some of these scenes) 12pm/1pm midday, and invite her to the restaurant at 21pm(after taking her to the cafe a few times), also "Offer to Conduct", where you just take her home for the moment
  • Take her for a few of these things until her attitude is high enough
  • On one of the the Restaurant dates you will take her home, you need to have Wine, with you which you can buy from the shopping center.
  • From then on, at 21pm while she is at the a Fitness Center an "offer to conduct" (Make sure you have the wine, an martini), "Burn a Movie"
  • Pour at least 2 glasses
  • Touch her
  • Leave an repeat that step for a few times
  • When the option to kiss turns up
  • When you wake up at her place leave, and from then on on weekends you can now invite her to the beach and valley, do each option twice
  • Than go to your laptop "Watch/Read Vampire Diaries"
  • Than During the week while she is working around midday invite her "to the park"
  • Wait a week after that event
  • Go to her house she will be in tears
  • She had invited you to the night club, go to her house @21pm an "Take to Club"
  • Take her home and FUCK HER

  • You Need to raise her stats an repeat option to open more options
  • Sex Scences
    • Go To Her House an Watch A Movie (Wine Or Martini Required)
    • Call to Bedroom
    • Watch a Movie on the weekend an can fuck her the next day (Friday, an Saturday Night triggers)
    • She occasional get horny an you get a blowjob, where you can choose to leave the cum on or off her face
  • This Is For The Game !

Edited an updated by @Quacker. Quack... Enjoy the game all
Credit to @deadmetal, for helping me make the guide​


May 19, 2017
If you can never get past "conduct" does that mean at some point you failed to kiss her? Figured it out, I had to pat head first, not sure if there is a time or day associated with that trigger.
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The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
If you can never get past "conduct" does that mean at some point you failed to kiss her? Figured it out, I had to pat head first, not sure if there is a time or day associated with that trigger.
No just means you need to keep trying. It takes a while on the usual qsps


New Member
May 5, 2017
I have done the offer to conduct>burn movie>pat her head over 20 times now. But i do not get a kiss option. Am I missing something or do I just need to keep going? (her attitude is ready for anything. But her behaviour and depravity are stuck at normal)


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
I have done the offer to conduct>burn movie>pat her head over 20 times now. But i do not get a kiss option. Am I missing something or do I just need to keep going? (her attitude is ready for anything. But her behaviour and depravity are stuck at normal)
Those to have to be raised for you to achieve antthing in this game. How are you stats?
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May 19, 2017
No just means you need to keep trying. It takes a while on the usual qsps
Took a long time for me to get it, I had posted same question then I got it. Might try patting head earlier? Not sure if it is a random trigger or what. I stopped dropping tons of alcohol on her and tried patting, got it almost immediately. No idea if the amont of times you give her alcohol in a session impacts it. The walkthrough says at least 2 times that you give her a drink, perhaps a key is there?


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
Took a long time for me to get it, I had posted same question then I got it. Might try patting head earlier? Not sure if it is a random trigger or what. I stopped dropping tons of alcohol on her and tried patting, got it almost immediately. No idea if the amont of times you give her alcohol in a session impacts it. The walkthrough says at least 2 times that you give her a drink, perhaps a key is there?
Honestly i am sorry since i use a modded qsp her stats are usually maxed so stuff is easier but great to see you got past that point.


New Member
May 5, 2017
Those to have to be raised for you to achieve antthing in this game. How are you stats?
Yea I'm using a moded qsp which allows me to modify the stats of most girls but not baena unfortunately. I have tried talking to her, taking her on lunch and dinner dates, and burning the movie but nothing seems to be increasing her behaviour and depravity stats. Could this be a glitch? any way I can change the stats manually?

Also since im on the modded qsp my stats are maxed.


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
Yea I'm using a moded qsp which allows me to modify the stats of most girls but not baena unfortunately. I have tried talking to her, taking her on lunch and dinner dates, and burning the movie but nothing seems to be increasing her behaviour and depravity stats. Could this be a glitch? any way I can change the stats manually?

Also since im on the modded qsp my stats are maxed.
download the save editor from tools and tutorial section. An just mod her stats that way. I know thr feeling you also cant mod Lizaveta stats via cheat mod qsp
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New Member
May 5, 2017
download the save editor from tools and tutorial section. An just mod her stats that way. I know thr feeling you also cant mod Lizaveta stats via cheat mod qsp
Yea...I just realised I was using an outdated qsp. I think i managed to get the new qsp working with my old save file. And so far it's allowing me to edit their stats now. Hopefully this works. Thanks! :)

EDIT: Got it working!
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May 2, 2017
how randomly is randomly to put in context? as its almost year end and bitch didnt turn up while chatting with Shurik.


Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
I think I screwed up this part while playing around with the other characters.

  • Than go to your laptop "Watch/Read Vampire Diaries"
  • Than During the week while she is working around midday invite her "to the park"
  • Wait a week after that event
  • Go to her house she will be in tears
  • She had invited you to the night club, go to her house @21pm an "Take to Club"
  • Take her home and FUCK HER

I did the Vampire Diaries, and maybe did not wait a week, so have not progressed.
Whenever I go to her apartment to see her she just sits there, but there are no conversation options. Any other invites, like restaurant, park, bring her home, are just sort of placeholders that go nowhere.

Any way to correct this with the mods so I can get to her house and see her in tears?


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
I think I screwed up this part while playing around with the other characters.

  • Than go to your laptop "Watch/Read Vampire Diaries"
  • Than During the week while she is working around midday invite her "to the park"
  • Wait a week after that event
  • Go to her house she will be in tears
  • She had invited you to the night club, go to her house @21pm an "Take to Club"
  • Take her home and FUCK HER

I did the Vampire Diaries, and maybe did not wait a week, so have not progressed.
Whenever I go to her apartment to see her she just sits there, but there are no conversation options. Any other invites, like restaurant, park, bring her home, are just sort of placeholders that go nowhere.

Any way to correct this with the mods so I can get to her house and see her in tears?
You may have a boner.....


Jul 5, 2017
Are you sure its wine?

I got invited to her flat and didnt have wine, so reloaded a save for earlier that day and bought the wine. Scene played out the same.

Then after several conducts and no movie option while carrying the wine, I decided to buy every item in the mall. Now the option appears.

Turns out the item you need is Martini, not wine.