Sirbajo's Hello


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2016
Oi Oi

Seems that i've been here for something more then a year :eek: Damn time flies when you are having fun!!!

I've found this site thx 2 kickass :D and since then i've been here and found some cool new games.

Also started to plegde to some of those creators, some of them i've stopped plegding because I didn't like what i got or the amount needed to be payed for it ( Inceton)

I'm a critic fan meaning that i will give critic to a game or even a band or show that i love if i find that something isn't good or right :p

Also i'm from Belgium :D

THE land of beer :D

If you have question always happy to answer :D

Kind Regards & happy fapping :D

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2016
For real? Germany? nah we got like 7 of the best trappist in the world :D you only got 1 :p

Also i wanted to add one thing on my introduction I Love anime & manga's :D