[R>Programmer] [R>Writer] Unpaid RPG maker vx ace script writer mind control hentai game


May 7, 2017
- Robo's life a +18 game where the MC finds a robot in his own home and gains the ability to control his entire family for his pleasure.

- heartless1206
TMC gaming

Looking for:
- script writer/ programer using RPG maker vx ace

Employment Type:
- script writer, programer/ Unpaid

Work commitment:

Preferred method of contact:
- email [email protected]
- discord heartless1206#3109
Job Description:
- I am looking for a script writer to help me create animated scenes for this game I have try every thing I can find and I cannot figure out.

Additional comments:
- my financial situation is very bad I cannot promise payments.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Have you considered speaking to any other “established” (read: published/ uploader) programmer about this? Or, invariably, looking on the RMXVA forums for ideas?

Alternatively, you could just put the creator’s name in a credits page and / or text file, and then “borrow” (steal) an existing framework for what you need.

But your best bet, if you’re not looking to get sued / blacklisted is to get permission before you just go ahead and use a framework.