RPG Maker games

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
so iv tried to find some on my own with no real luck as all the ones i could find where just rape fest.
but dose anyone know of good RPG maker games that dont revolve around you just getting rapped by everything you run into?
maybe a nice lesbian rpgm...or hetero..hell anything that isnt just non stop rape or "corruption" or as i like to call it rape with extra steps
i know you guys must be fed up with me..but i really just want to play an adult game that isnt a slide show or low quality 3d assets. or something thats nothing more then a a movie(looking at you dumb koala, love some of your games...but they are not really games)
is it really so much to ask for a nice RPG that dosent evolve so much rape? or a rpg thats idk a fun rpg? but still has porn in it?
T-T where is my lesbian hero quest?

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Not much into lesbian, but this is focused on that (though it's also pretty rapey, it's mostly the MC doing it). Some other good RPGM games (although they're all corruption-focused, I'm not including anything with a focus on rape)

https://f95zone.to/threads/star-knightess-aura-v0-18-3-aura-dev.76764/ (no rape whatsoever, but some drunk / optional drugged sex)
https://f95zone.to/threads/alansya-chronicles-fleeting-iris-v1-13f-heaven-studios.86/ (unfortunately starts with blackmail, but most of the routes are cheating-focused)
https://f95zone.to/threads/succum-brewery-v0-20a-limejuicegames.134566/ (no rape, it's all about free-use and prostitution)

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Renryuu: Ascension . And if you want " RPG maker games that dont revolve around you just getting rapped by everything you run into" look at male protagonist tag.
honestly the problem with male protagonist games is it usually very boring, you just run around and every female just falls in love with you, no real romance just male power fantasy....


Jun 26, 2020
honestly the problem with male protagonist games is it usually very boring, you just run around and every female just falls in love with you, no real romance just male power fantasy....
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But generaly, in RPGM games, Female MC has corruption, rape and humiliation themes. And only Male MC has romance and weddings.

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Not much into lesbian, but this is focused on that (though it's also pretty rapey, it's mostly the MC doing it). Some other good RPGM games (although they're all corruption-focused, I'm not including anything with a focus on rape)

https://f95zone.to/threads/star-knightess-aura-v0-18-3-aura-dev.76764/ (no rape whatsoever, but some drunk / optional drugged sex)
https://f95zone.to/threads/alansya-chronicles-fleeting-iris-v1-13f-heaven-studios.86/ (unfortunately starts with blackmail, but most of the routes are cheating-focused)
https://f95zone.to/threads/succum-brewery-v0-20a-limejuicegames.134566/ (no rape, it's all about free-use and prostitution)
to your fists link..yeah it is REALLY rapey as one of the preview pictures is of the orc girl(at least it looks like an orc) locked in a pillory getting raped, and another of the MC bounded and presented(for anyone to rape)
as to the second link, you say there is no rape...but the games description read as " The game features themes of corruption, brainwashing, mental changes, possession, mind control, and NTR. " that just sounds like soft rape to me.....mind control is 100% rape, possession is rape, brainwashing is rape....so unless the description is wrong that sounds like a lot of rape...hell one of the tags is rape...and from what i can see you start out with a boyfriend and like you said its just you cheating on your boyfriend...unless you posted the link because the RPG mechanics are good?
as to the 3rd link..wow thats not even remotely what i was looking for..but i guess that is my own fault for not being clear on what ti was looking for, first off blackmail is rape, while i dont care about cheating i dont like it either so games where you start with a boyfriend are kinda not my thing (good girl gone bad being one exception as you can refuse all sex with him and dump him later)
as to your last link...again " corruption, hypnosis, submission, " seems like a lot of rape to me..

i thank you for your time and suggestions but theses are not what i was looking for i might try the first one to see if you can be a nice mistress? but the others..thank you bu no thank you

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But generaly, in RPGM games, Female MC has corruption, rape and humiliation themes. And only Male MC has romance and weddings.
so you understand my pain in trying to find female MC with romance and weddings....also the game you posted also has rape in it, even if you are the male doing it...im trying to avoid ALL rape, but thanks for at least trying

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
ok so clearly i was not...clear enough in what i was looking for, so let me clarify.
i am looking for female protagonist, LESBIAN (hetero as an option is fine as long as I the player gets to pick whom she make love to), i would like there to be 0 rape of any kind, so no mind control, no drugged no blackmail. i can handle the threat of rape/ sexual harassment as long as long as its not something like in Konoha (you can technically avoid rape...if you save scum non stop make perfect choices and have amazing RNG to avoid the enemies "rape attack" witch can have you get raped mid combat at 100%hp with no means to stop or defend from it, hell you can even kill the person raping you and he will just remain alive till he cums then just vanish) so as long its fairly clear on what could happen if you pick option B "go into the alley with the 3 thugs", or "suddenly you feel a hand run up your dress and turn to see a man leering at you" do you A let it happen, B grab his dick C remove his hand or D cry for help
im looking for something more romance and story focused, but still being an adult game. the amount of porn in the game is not the issue its the kind of porn..like in konoha..again..you walk into the under city and you are just surrounded buy women(and girls) getting raped, having dubious consent and some having the time of their lives, but it was so out of place, as if it was just put there to be edgy...
also please let choices matter, again good girl gone bad was an amazing game where your choices had a huge impact on the story and it wasn't just a "pick A to be a whore, pick B to get raped" im so tired of a games that say "choices matter" when the only effect the "choices" have is witch dick to suck and NONE is not an option
i did orginolay say RPG maker games, but honestly anything that fits what im looking for is fine, but if it IS an rpg maker game please dont let it be something like...again...konoha where the battle system is mostly automatied and goes by so fast you cant tell what is happaning most of the time. i do not recall the name of the game, but you play as a deamon princess(and friends) and if you LOSE the fight you get raped but only IF you lose, and as hard as the combat was it was fair and well done, you could easily go the whole game without loseing once as long as you are somewhat good at rpgs(unlike other games where the combat is so hard its almost impossible to win...looking at you trials in corrupted space!)
it dosent have to be the next final fantasy but as long as its fun and fair im down to try it
my main issue with "corruption" is mostly that its done poorly GGGB is a great example of how small choices over time slowly change who you are, and konoha is a example of corruption done wrong, where you just get raped a bunch till you like it, no internal conflict no change of heart, just "well i was raped 10 times so now im a whore who loves sex more then oxygen"
and if it wasnt clear enough i wish to avoid rape as much as possible, a setting where rape happens(like backstories) is endurable. but things like blackmail, drugs, mind control, prostitution(9 times out of 10) i would like to avoid is possible
even with this big wall of text witch im sure most of you wont read I still feel as if i wasn't clear enough, but to those who have and might still try to help me, i thank you for your time and help

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
to your fists link..yeah it is REALLY rapey as one of the preview pictures is of the orc girl(at least it looks like an orc) locked in a pillory getting raped, and another of the MC bounded and presented(for anyone to rape)
as to the second link, you say there is no rape...but the games description read as " The game features themes of corruption, brainwashing, mental changes, possession, mind control, and NTR. " that just sounds like soft rape to me.....mind control is 100% rape, possession is rape, brainwashing is rape....so unless the description is wrong that sounds like a lot of rape...hell one of the tags is rape...and from what i can see you start out with a boyfriend and like you said its just you cheating on your boyfriend...unless you posted the link because the RPG mechanics are good?
as to the 3rd link..wow thats not even remotely what i was looking for..but i guess that is my own fault for not being clear on what ti was looking for, first off blackmail is rape, while i dont care about cheating i dont like it either so games where you start with a boyfriend are kinda not my thing (good girl gone bad being one exception as you can refuse all sex with him and dump him later)
as to your last link...again " corruption, hypnosis, submission, " seems like a lot of rape to me..

i thank you for your time and suggestions but theses are not what i was looking for i might try the first one to see if you can be a nice mistress? but the others..thank you bu no thank you
to your fists link..yeah it is REALLY rapey as one of the preview pictures is of the orc girl(at least it looks like an orc) locked in a pillory getting raped, and another of the MC bounded and presented(for anyone to rape)
The orc chapter is a separate route and I think both images you mention are from that, afaik the other routes have MC as a bisexual dom with an elf slave. In one of them she gets married to a prince, in another she doesn't.

as to the second link, you say there is no rape...but the games description read as " The game features themes of corruption, brainwashing, mental changes, possession, mind control, and NTR. " that just sounds like soft rape to me.....mind control is 100% rape, possession is rape, brainwashing is rape....so unless the description is wrong that sounds like a lot of rape...hell one of the tags is rape...and from what i can see you start out with a boyfriend and like you said its just you cheating on your boyfriend...unless you posted the link because the RPG mechanics are good?
Yeah, if that stuff is still rape to you, there aren't going to be many options for female-MC RPGs. SKA is at least one where there are no "held down and raped" scenes, it's mostly dubcon (mind-control, reluctant prostitution) and some consensual. But it's also one of the very few such games I've seen that hold up on their own as a JPRG. Then again, if you don't want cheating, you might want to stay away because this game takes pleasure in destroying MC's relationships and personality.

as to the 3rd link..wow thats not even remotely what i was looking for..
It's actually the softest one of the 3 and one of the most sex-positive games I've played of this kind.

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
and one last point, i also dislike when a "corruption" system dose not take orientation into account, like you have the OPTION to have lesbian sex, but doing so raises your corruption witch will force you into hetero sex later. like you will meet a girl you like and have the safest most vanilla lesbian sex possible...and then your character will say some shit like "well that was fun now i want to try a 4 way with 3 guys".
or the other way around your totally straight female MC will get a boyfriend but because shes got "level 3 corruption" she says yes to the lady next door and is now doing lesbian stuff
or the worst is when your level of corruption removes your choices, like in another game i played(sorry i forget the names so easily) there are parts in the game where the outcome is determined by your corruption and no other factors. so when you need to get past the fortress, low corruption: you help the other woman escape unharmed and not raped medium corruption: you have dubious consent sex with a guard to get free leaving the other woman behind high corruption: the game just ends with you being a sex slave.
and on the matter of this game here is another example of choices being meaningless. if you pick not to get past the fortress by whatever means you then have to find passage by sea, you can ether pay for passage by your fathers old friend or agree to be smuggled BOTH have terrible outcomes with the "old friend" selling you to a sex salve den and the smugglers taking you prisoner, and during your imprisonment on the ship one of the men tells you to suck his dick, if you refuse to do as he says you are beat raped and tossed overboard(where you wake up in the above rape den). turns out the game wanted you to say yes(even if you have 0 corruption) cuz if you say yes the girl in the other cell offers herself to save you
so when a game gives you 6 choices but 2 of them are locked out cuz you kissed a girl once, 2 of them are "get raped" and only one avoids sex all together...is there really any choice at all?

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
The orc chapter is a separate route and I think both images you mention are from that, afaik the other routes have MC as a bisexual dom with an elf slave. In one of them she gets married to a prince, in another she doesn't.

Yeah, if that stuff is still rape to you, there aren't going to be many options for female-MC RPGs. SKA is at least one where there are no "held down and raped" scenes, it's mostly dubcon (mind-control, reluctant prostitution) and some consensual. But it's also one of the very few such games I've seen that hold up on their own as a JPRG. Then again, if you don't want cheating, you might want to stay away because this game takes pleasure in destroying MC's relationships and personality.

It's actually the softest one of the 3 and one of the most sex-positive games I've played of this kind.
its not a matter of "is it rape to you" it IS rape as it is unwanted sexual acts or non consensual sex acts. you could argue that mind control is not rape as the mind controller can make you want it, or make you say yes...but no thats still 100% rape dubious consent is 9 times out of 10 just rape where shes not fighting back. hell even reluctant prostitution can be considered rape depending on how it is done. is she reluctant and dose not want to have sex? but willingly dose it anyway? then its a soft rape is she forced into it by outside forces and she has no choice? then its a non violent hard rape. no all rape is like again konoha, where your beat up and violently penetrated rape comes in many forms and degrees

and sadly for me at least, even if SKA is a great rpg the rape, or rape like content is enough to spoil it for me
and im all for sex positivity dont get me wrong, but the preview make it pretty clear that the AI brainwashes you into being a whore for your male only "chuds" hell he even reprograms your body. so it might not be rape but its pretty damn close, and is an example of another thing i dont like about some games the "every woman is a whore" trope the bar management seems like a great idea but coupled with the ai brainwashing you(or your character just being a whore on her own) and the male only content...again that ruins it for me

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Since you want specific things, maybe try searching with these filters, there are more games than I thought but I'm not familiar with them since I don't do wholesome and lesbian.
yeah thats what iv been trying to do on my own but its just not working, even with the filters you picked i still see a buncha rape like , mostly hetero content
but again thank you for at least trying to help


Jun 26, 2020
ahh so its a CHOICE to be the bad guy or a good guy
There is a big difference between be good cause you can`t do anything else and to be good cause you want go that way. Games that allow avoid bad things warms my heart far more than games that simple don`t has anyting bad.
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Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
There is a big difference between be good cause you can`t do anything else and to be good cause you want go that way. Games that allow avoid bad things warms my heart far more than games that simple don`t has anyting bad.
i feel the same, have the choice to do evil and choosing to do good is great, i love redemption arcs

Azi VonVeil

Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
The orc chapter is a separate route and I think both images you mention are from that, afaik the other routes have MC as a bisexual dom with an elf slave. In one of them she gets married to a prince, in another she doesn't.

due to my limited time, what is the scene with the MC bound like that? is it a rape scene? is it bdsm play?

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
The orc chapter is a separate route and I think both images you mention are from that, afaik the other routes have MC as a bisexual dom with an elf slave. In one of them she gets married to a prince, in another she doesn't.

due to my limited time, what is the scene with the MC bound like that? is it a rape scene? is it bdsm play?
iirc she's being displayed as a war prize. That orc route is dubious consent / non-consent for MC.