Tool RPA Extractor for Mac 2.4

Sep 30, 2020
I've created a tool using Shizmob's rpatool and Applescript.

This extractor will work with those who get "ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 5".

Updated to version 2.4
- Finally fixed all syntax errors. Script can now handle any special character in folder and file name.
- Terminal will only display extracting and done messages.
- Terminal will automatically close after extraction is done.

Updated to version 2.3
-Further attempt to fix syntax errors.

Updated to version 2.2
- Fixed syntax error.

Updated to version 2.1
- Fix script is not found error

Updated to Version 2.0!
- Automatically Selects (must be in same folder as the Extractor)
- Automatically Selects game folder with RPA files. Just select the game!

Last edited:


Sep 12, 2020
Holy shit. Thank you! I've been banging my head against this off and on for months now and could not figure it out or find a fix.

I'm sure it's obvious to some programmers, but I more or less can use unRen and edit some scripts, so this is great. It finally allowed me to look at some games' scripts that have been essentially hidden from me. THANK YOU!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2023
I'm going mad. Earlier I found the video file folder full of clips used in the game.
Now I am clueless where to find them.
Do I right click on the game icon and click on show package contents? I could sworn they were all in the game folder before.
I struggle around MACs I am strictly old school Config.sys and Autoexe.bat from the 90's :LOL: I just about got SimCity 2000 to run back then.
Sep 30, 2020
I'm going mad. Earlier I found the video file folder full of clips used in the game.
Now I am clueless where to find them.
Do I right click on the game icon and click on show package contents? I could sworn they were all in the game folder before.
I struggle around MACs I am strictly old school Config.sys and Autoexe.bat from the 90's :LOL: I just about got SimCity 2000 to run back then.
yes, on mac, right click the game icon and select show package contents. then go to resources --> autoplay --> game. look in that folder.


Mar 5, 2018
Screen Shot 2024-11-01 at 02.37.22.png

It's like looking for your glasses when they're already on your face.

I tried it in three different spots (my usual game tools folder, Applications, Desktop) and got the same error all three times.
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