Hi, I'm trying to make a 3d game on Ren'Py engine,
Renpy is not a 3D engine. so... not sure how you will hack that together

I ok i get that you want to do 3D renders. animations perhaps too.
The nice thing about the renpy is that you can use other "quality" games as a resource to see how its done.
You can decompress archives, "de-compile" the scripts if needed and look at how its done.
Is Daz3D studio enough?. i would say No for the long run!
But then again. no idea about your end goals other than make a 3d game.
If you dont want to buy every assets out there. you should get other tools aswell.
ofc you can pirate it but, that be stupid to do if you are planning on a public release.
* Get Blender. or some other professional 3D modelling software.
Blender has a lof of plugins that you want to look into.
Forexample to create trees, plants, vegetation, rocks, etc.
You can ofc also use other tools designed purely for this. example Treeit and such
Thats just for outdoors scenes.
You need assets for indoor scenes aswell, small tings like.
Inventary like Spoons, knifes, Glasses,Carpets, Sofas so on.
And Clothing/Garments for your characters is a thing too.
There are own tools designed to create this. but Blender should have some sort of plugin for it.
And lets not forget Gimp, Or PS to edit textures.
So unless you want to buy every asset you need, or pirate it.
I would say you def should get more tools than just Daz3D.