hahah was going to reply just that.
Novel was released, as long as I remember, in 2020 April. We are almost in April, so let's round up to 5 years in production, 7 releases. While the plot is so complex that "MC exist -> any girl wants to - him" does increases the likelihood of something happening in pretty much any update as no story is needed for Alita to open her legs, just MC's showing her his magic -, there is always the likelihood that the novel will include another amazingly developed character to - instead.
Like instead of a virgin mother who was too busy to date but not too busy to have a kid, or the mother of the guy you killed who in a totally reasonable and credible way wants to - the killer of her son, I can think something like MC stealing a new girl's kidney by drugging her, kidnapping her, opening her up and leaving her almost dead in an abandoned building bathtub to die, but she survives so she promises revenge but and she falls in love with MC the moment she lays her eyes on him. She even offers him her other kidney... And a lung to get his attention.
Yes... that makes sense in this novel. I should be a writer!