Question for pc


Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
No, you'd need a power meter plugged into the wall to get an accurate reading.

There are online calculators which will estimate, for example:

Why do you want to know?


Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
Win 10 2.8g dual core 4 gig ram 80g harddrive
Do you know what PSU it currently has? There should be a sticker on it somewhere.

Probably not worth putting anything better than a 750Ti in it, which would only need 300W.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
In transit waiting for delivery
Dam fed ex takes for ever lol
Open the access panel. For that machine, it should be in the upper corner. There should be a sticker that tells you the info and wattage. Usually they come stock with 200-300 watt psu. You could add a low power graphics card (does not have plugins or needs power off the PSU since it draws from the motherboard) and that's about it. However, if you do that I would suggest adding another fan to either push air around the card or to pull air out of the case. And that's the most with a stock power supply. I tell people with stock power supplies - Pick one only. Second hard drive, dvd drive, OR low power graphics.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
Guys.. jason95821 just bought a PC from EBay and wants to find out what his Power Supply is rated at. That way he can find out which video card he can get since they have varying power demands. Whey you buy a video card, it will tell you "XXX watt power supply required" and he doesn't want to get a card that is not compatible with his new computer.
That's why I suggested he open the case by removing the access panel and looking at the power supply to find its rated wattage. And that's why I also suggested he get a low power graphics card and if he's lucky, the computer comes with a 300 watt power supply and he could get something like this -
My suggestion is get the best card you can and set aside some funds to get a better power supply like a 650 watt.
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