[R-Play tester] Unpaid Playtester wanted for Harry Potter parody game

Deleted member 1684328

Game Developer
Oct 2, 2019
Defense Against the Dark Arts is a game where you play as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The player has the ability to interact with girls, Hermione, Ginny and Bella. Each girl has their own events. As of now, we are on version 0.3.1 and there are quite a few fun events already.

I am ThePornWriterDuck, and I am writing/programming the game. You can find me on Discord as "thepornwriterduck#0681".

Looking for:
- Ren'Py/Python coder? 2D Artist? Writer? Etc.

I am looking for playtesters.

Employment Type:

It is unpaid for now.

Work commitment:

You would have to sacrifice 20-30 minutes of your lives, which you won't get back. If you didn't enjoy it, hopefully I have provided you fapping material.

Preferred method of contact:

Either Discord (thepornwriterduck#0681) or here.

Job Description:

I am looking for people who are good at breaking games, and who like to fap. It is simple: you click on the screen until something happens, and if something breaks, it would be cool if you could tell what the actions prior to you breaking our game was.

Oh, and please, give as much feedback as possible. Even when it's brutal. Be honest. With feedback, we can improve our game, so more feedback = better game = more players will fap.

Additional comments:

If you have read this, and didn't respond, I still wish you a amazing weekend, my friend.


May 31, 2020
Consider me interested.
to myself:
- Long Time Player (mainly Strategy and RPG)
- Open for all kind of kinky Stuff even if it is not mine
- Played all Kind of (lewd) Games
- Firm in Fantasy and Magic Stuff like Harry P., Skulduggery P., LotR.
- Long timed Roleplayer both in LARP and Table
- more then willing to expand some more Time and try to break the Walls you build
- If you want honest Opinion, please don´t hate me if you get what you asked for.
- maybe a Translator for German if your Game hook me

If you have more Questions about myself, or my qualification. Feel free to ask, maybe via PM if it is Personal.

Good Look with your Game, sounds interesting


Jul 6, 2018
Hello, I'm a Beta tester and i would like to help you with your game.
Along with i'm also a skill full renpy coder to help you with, well to be honest it being unpaid it depends on if you need help of my skill set and if i like your game till now as well. So yep HMU ASAP


New Member
Mar 2, 2019
I´m a python developer and i would love to test the game, also I can help with translations.


Jun 19, 2020
I test AAA games for a living if you want me to take a look and give you some direction and feed back message me on discord Myth#2174


Mar 21, 2017
I would be available to help playtest. Have helped in a similar fashion with RenPy and RAGS games with a decent vocabulary and not afraid of being the grammar police!