Ratings should be for quality, not for effort. A one-star rating is supposed to mean "terrible" here. If you don't think games with that quality exist, I invite you to try more Japanese shovelware and HTML real porn horror. I remember a bugged sandbox where the navigation and the menu were mixed up for some reason, and clicking twice on the same location or inventory button in some cases would close the game. That was a good candidate for a one-star review if there ever was one.
Now I agree it's a
lot more likely that a one-star review or a five-star review is crap. But I think review length is a better guide to a review's quality, to a point, than the rating. If someone puts in enough effort to go well over the character minimum and formulate their views, it's more likely they have something reasonable to say.
A 1* review is overwhelmingly two things.
- NTR haters bombing a game that isn't actually NTR but might not adhere to their standards of "only MC can have sex."
- MC power fantasy self-inserters getting mad that the MC isn't immediately a gigachad that does things exactly as they want.
That's basically it. There are occasionally truly garbage games that deserve 1*, but those are the exceptions.
Is it? Probably the biggest motivation for one-star reviews is that the reviewer thinks a game's overrated. Here are recent reviews for BaDIK with one star:
So firstly, this is my first time making a review so just read on what you get. So i charged in this game blindly Knowing absolutely nothing and giving me absolutely everything to the characters with good humor and the story so far as to being comedic. I invested hours upon hours to this game just to have my balls hit with a hammer. First off there are minor issues here and i just ignored it cause they were you know "minor" and those were the characters, you know majority of them are either hookers or cheaters. But you can easily ignore them yeah cause i mean they're not important at all. Now moving on to the major issue... The Throuple thing you know with you and maya and josy " a thing " this turns me off so much and it turned me off more when I invested hours upon hours on maya just to see the outcome of her rejecting me . And i mean yeah that sucks but what can i do when the devs are the ones who pull the strings. Eventually started to forget them with all the shit happening on this game. (spoiler alert = I didn't forget them) Why oh nothing the devs just really want the Mc and those two cheaters engaging like some hamster on a wheel running and running just to see no end whatsoever. The story is just ok for me I've seen better just like eternum's story and i kid you not 1st on my personal favorites. Point is this is just too overrated on my taste and i mean overrated as in the story just get overshadowed for all the hype this is getting.
- Wandering Reviewer
P.s didn't get to finish this so I'll leave it to 2 stars... Nah everybody saying it gets worse every year so I'll be leaving as i recently put it. Bad mouth me all you want im just stating my experience.
I mean we do have different opinions and shite I can't believe I'm one of those poeple who didn't follow through this game since this has been one of the best AVN out there... i just cant contain my dissapointment when it started off as a rollercoaster going up and up again and again just to see the most dissapointing drop.
I fail to see how I could possibly give this more than one star. This has been the most disappointing experience since I started playing AVNs, and it probably has to do with its high reputation
Everything just seems so uninspired. Story, generic college slice of life with no creativity, characters just have their default model appearances, music feels like anything you'll find on Youtube by searching for royalty free music. Might as well put some Kevin MacLeod in there while we're at it
The worst part is that the developer adds drama just to have drama, not as a result of good writing or it needing to be there. It's blatantly obvious and very distracting
Most overrated VN I've ever come across, I don't see how this gets any higher praise than any of the other generic college VNs
- Story 2/10
- Animations 4/10 (not the worst I've seen, but pretty average in the end)
- Characters 3/10 (most of them I find annoying and inconsistent)
- Renders 6/10
- Music 5/10
- Enjoyability 3/10
A uninspired story dragged down even more by its unlikable cast. Everything else is too mediocre to carry it
Overrated much? The story's okay, but everything else is meh. Whether it's the sex scenes or the Li's, who seem like a bunch of whores...
The top-notch animations feel wasted here. Too much unnecessary filler content just kills the fun. Not worth investing many hours, especially considering the MC's personality is like a doormat – letting everyone walk over him. I gave it a shot until Episode 8, but that's as far as I could go.
P.S.: Jill is overrated.
Maybe some break review rules. 2 hit on themes you mentioned, but the most common line is they think it's overrated. Not a good day for my review length rule either, the writer of the longest review was Captain Padding.
Anyway my experience is that for this kind of game that attracts self-inserters but isn't fully gigachad or up to anti-NTR haters' standards, "overratedness" is often the most common argument. I find that anti-NTR review bombing is about as common as pro-NTR review bombing in those. But I don't spend much time reading reviews.