No translation works (RPG Maker MV)


Mar 5, 2017
Please, is there some CURRENT (no shit like Atlas V14 which does not work anymore), COMPLETE (with all needed programs and sources on where to get stuff) and EASY tutorial to setup real time translation (I don't even care if it's shitty google engrish) for RPG Maker MV games?

I am messing around with my old Win7 setup from waaay back, but AGTH does not find anything or writes "Can't connect to server". tested new stuff like Translator++ which does nothing, or writes 404 connection error, chiitrans, which also gives me some connection error or do a mix of MV patcher with Cliploger, but it does not copy or translate anything in any combination with all those other programs.
ITHVN does not find hooks or translates everything to ". . ."
Basically as the title says: nothing works and the errors are too numerous to list all of them, which is why I am looking for said full tutorial.


Mar 5, 2017
Edit: Solved this with a shitton of regex values

Aside from a general guide, there is one specific issue I always had and still have:

If the game displays a clock that always moves forward, somewhere on the screen, it usually flushes the whole copied text, cause it always copies the time into the log.
Like if a game has a real time mechanic.

Example for a game where I actually was able to get a translated text with Textractor and Cliploger:


(and so on)
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