Meaning behind Aesthetics - discussion


Mar 11, 2024
The brain is attracted to recognizable appealing shapes just like most objects like cars, but they're even more attracted to what those shapes mean; "ok what am I looking at? is it good?" oh that's a butt? is a man's butt? oh wait it's a woman she must be hot, oh wait those are her boobs! and then the neurons start firing and giving the okay to release the chemicals in your brain "it's cool guys, it's not a diaper, it's her boobs" of course if your brain recognized the boobs as a diaper it would immediately yell "Stop stop stop stop". That's how you can jack it off and be happy about everything(and how people have diaper & feet fetishes), the problem is purposefully tricking or just convincing the brain into letting out those chemicals to make you feel good or bad.

It's the same deal as gambling in terms of emotional meaning. If you're gambling a tiny sum like 5$ your brain gives no shits, especially if it's 0$, if your brain is gambling 50k and the potential to win 500k then suddenly you get a weird mixture of both anxious and hyped because you can both lose and win.
Your body starts sweating over numbers because the brain understands the implications, the meaning of said numbers, just like with porn, shapes, the meaning behind it. It's not just your imagination, you can 50% make your body feel like it's having sex if you trick it that hard, just like in a dream. The problem sex wise is the actual lack of unknown tactile feels and auditory sensory, you can hum in your head a song but it will never compare to the real thing, you can touch yourself but it will never compare to an external force touching you.

There's quite a bunch of meaningful visual effects you can add to trick your brain into thinking it's hot; steam, sweat, gloss, wetness, blush. For some reason exaggerating on the heavy breathing by outright making steam come out of the girl's mouth gets the monkey brain going despite being so unrealistic. The weird 3D-effect by Sakimi-chan also comes off as appealing to most people. Then come specific expressions, specific eyestyles. Specific fetishes like tentacles. Rape, horror, other stuff. Specific meanings behind what you want to see. Like in a DnD game where it's just text and you're more focused on the meaning rather than the visuals, just like a dream. That's why external factors are the other 50%, especially because they give you new sensations/new ideas in real time.

You can cheat on a less than stellar body & skin texture by adding suits to it, that way it makes the body more intricate and more appealing by adding fake shapes. I remember somebody praising a black & gold suit, but the moment he realized that was the character's skin and not the suit he instantly got disgusted. That's how the monkey brain works; meanings. Trick your brain with enough meaning and you can orgasm without touching yourself, you can even give yourself a heart attack from thinking you lost the house or your family died.

Just like clothes on a human body. I personally always prefer swimsuits & certain bikinis and find nudity boring. Nudity is only interesting if you haven't seen so much of it from such a diverse amount of bodies. Nudity would only be interesting if the artist draws some really interesting features and an interesting style. Nudity has a practical usecase that you can feel the soft clean skin instead of the crappy clothes texture, but you can't feel through an image.

"Am I staring at something meant to be appealing or disgusting?" if you breach that barrier you can suddenly understand diaperfags, but just like imaginary friend fags, it is considered a deficient mental condition because you broke your brain, your brain is responding to the "wrong" stimulants and despite you thinking you're in control, you're not, you're absolutely no longer in control of what you find appealing and disgusting. That's why it's considered a handicap.

A brain always waits for the okay before releasing the chemicals; "Are those boobs sagging or are they fit? is that ass sagging or is it fit?" does that ass have an appealing shape or it's a blob mess? is that her cloth or her skin? if the cloth is pushed up that far then imagine the size of those puppies"
"Is her face cute, young, tight, charming/inviting/friendly? or is her face cold, plain, dull, manly looking? is her face a goblina?" I sometimes wondered to myself "why don't I find this face attractive, she looks handsome, she looks professional." and sadly my brain reacts better to an inviting young charming face than an elongated indifferent face. It needs to be a specific kind of mature and young elements to make it look appealing and it needs to have a certain expression. A dull predatory face is creepy, a smiling yet specific predatory face is intimidating yet sexy. Just like some bodies can look too muscular, too wrinkly, too big, too stick, etc.

Most immature minds who enjoy clean skin, simple shapes, etc. will latch onto 2D anime. I personally cannot stand the eyes cause the pupils aren't animated, most of the face isn't animated. A non expressive face defeats the purpose of a face and it just shows that it's animated by asians/robots/your Second Life avatar that can't emote.

Sadly most rednecks go as far as rejecting certain clean faces because they got too used to ugly faces and samefaces. Try putting someone who lives in Japan, China & India to appreciate features other than their own. Most rednecks & gypsies want one of their own; they enjoy such things such as brown aerola, pudgy faces, small squinted eyes, sagging boobs or lack of booba, overly feminine men, unshaven pubes, all the things a normal educated person would find disgusting and sadly normal educated people are in the minority on this planet.
Only the artistic type who have been exposed to a lot of faces will learn to appreciate it, those who have never been exposed to people outside their community become fearful and disgusted of new things. Or rather they are capable of realizing it, but they cannot react accordingly to it, they'll treat you worse if you're not one of them, you need to readily be friendly while demanding respect in a non cold way.

Down below you will find 2 fictional images;
Here we have an example of 2 extremes; a face that's too cute and looks like a boy and then a face that's too handsome and predatory(and looks like a man) to the point it looks like she has no friendly positive thoughts in mind for you. The facial features themselves are an expression, not just the expressions themselves. And that's without mentioning the crappy optimized art style, lighting, shadows meant for animation. And without taking into account that in reality you'd be picking apart her complexion, luckily cartoons always have clean complexions.
And here we have an example of the 2 facial features balanced correctly(for the most part). The western anime girl one in the white bikini has an approachable friendly face while not looking like a young boy of sorts neither a creepy manfaced bitch.
We also have an example of a great body pose; the pose is very smooth, very consistent, it's not twisted and all over the place like a zombie. It's 1 whole shape.
Even if you remove all the details from it and just retain the shape, your monkey brain will still find the pose appealing as hell just like a swimsuit or a car. The lighting/shadows/shading(skin texture) is also decent just like a gem/a jewel with vibrant colors. I enjoy the shine on the hair and the overall visual texture of it more than the skin.

People also in theory & fiction find abstract hearts appealing with their meaning, not the literal heart organ. However in real life it would look creepy and even more-so if I told you heart pupils represent a condition/a sickness that's infectious, you'd immediately not find it so appealing if I added that meaning to it.
People find appeal in trophies, cars, gems/jewels, bright colors, shiny things, cute cats, they just don't want to fuck their car, trophy, gems, etc. but they'd enjoy to have it visually on those thighs, flat stomach,torpedo/lemon or coconut shaped breasts, straight legs not crooked, decently proportioned body that's neither too slim nearing anorexic neither fat/blob like and having a tiny half upper body with a giant bottom body section, that lacks balance and the brain hates that. The brain loves symetry, it loves pleasing geometric shapes. Women enjoy edges, men enjoy curves. Artists who are egotists often draw what they see(themselves; a woman will draw curves, a man will draw edges if they're narcissists) and enjoy what they see in their delusion as opposed to truly drawing what they like. Women should draw edges and men curves, sadly women artists aren't visual, usually only men are visual. Fat people often lack a sense of aesthetics.
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  • Thinking Face
Reactions: DuniX


Mar 11, 2024
I almost forgot about this thread before I checked that I have a nice list showing all my threads, thank you forums.
The thing I like about forums is that I don't have to search endlessly through the archives to repost them. I can just bump them and ask for more discussion. I enjoy recycling.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
I almost forgot about this thread before I checked that I have a nice list showing all my threads, thank you forums.
The thing I like about forums is that I don't have to search endlessly through the archives to repost them. I can just bump them and ask for more discussion. I enjoy recycling.
You have Signatures where you can place all your collection of threads so that they are advertised wherever you post.

More Autism is always welcomed.


Mar 11, 2024
"Shine, sir? Shine?"
Hell yeah little vietnamese boy, shine those boots, I love them shiny just like I love my women's skin. Luscious, clean, shiny, I want to reflect my face in her skin or bikini. Realism be damned.


Mar 11, 2024
Women who read erotica should know all about meaning over visuals far more than men do. Men are visual creatures, women have other kinds of kinks in a different direction.


Mar 11, 2024
We should make a list of easy to-do porn art.
For example impressionism does not belong in porn.