[R> Other] Looking for UI Artist/Designer

Cskin Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 24, 2021
My current game has a... let's call it less than stellar UI, and I'm looking for help re-designing most of it. (Or more likely someone else to design it for me).

This would be paid - rate negotiable. You'll have to play through the game at least a bit to see what the current UI is like, and get a sense of how it needs to be designed to not change any functionality. Being familiar with Renpy is a massive plus. (Only the first few minutes of play would really be necessary - until the first free roam which happens about 5-10 minutes in, at which point you'll have come across about 90% or so of the UI. Alternatively screenshots can be provided at a later time if you really don't want to download it).

Note: I am mostly ok with the current main menu and choice menu design- it's all of the in-game stuff that really needs to be redone. (entire phone system, and freeroam UI in particular - as well as many of the minor menus, and some of the sub-menus from the main menu). Ultimately you'd be responsible for coming up with a new design for most of those things, as well as likely creating the images needed for them. Bonus points if you can explain the elements you design any why you did so - so I can try and understand why they're better than the existing ones.

Truth be told I was planning on looking off f95 for this role - but I figured I'd check here first.

Current location of most recent update is here: https://f95zone.to/threads/no-such-luck-v0-2-cskin-games.172607/

Contact via DM on this site first, can move to discord or something at a later time.
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2018
I have ideas to improve your UI but, I Can't send you a DM.

"This member limits who may view their full profile"


New Member
Feb 12, 2022
Yeah, we can't DM you, I'm afraid. I'd like to also contact you and discuss your needs and ways to improve the UI.

Discord, in case needed: oobica_zhenshy

Cskin Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 24, 2021
Still looking. If you have trouble DMing me, just leave a msg and I'll respond.

Cskin Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 24, 2021
Still looking for a UI artist - am open to a full UI redesign as well.

Cskin Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 24, 2021
One last bump - still trying to get this done, preferably within the next 1-2 weeks.


New Member
Nov 23, 2023
Hello, we could definitely help you with this. Feel free to message me so I can send over our portfolio and we can introduce ourselves. Thank you!