[R>Artist 2D] Unpaid Looking for Pixel Sprite Artist for story-focused RPG (RPG Maker MV)


Dec 5, 2017
(A more up to date recruitment & game overview can be found in the second post - this first post still remains accurate, though)

Name: Incandescent Shade (RPG maker MV)

Brief overview: You play as Ren, a young femboy/trap, who, in his attempt to save his sister from being consumed by a kind of plague in the form of magical corruption, is drawn into the political quagmire of Exalian politics, the shady plans of a secretive organization that seems intent to weaponize the plague, and an old conflict, predating the current civilization, where ancient beings move to avenge old grievances.

Gameplay: The game is a character-focused game, where you lead a small party of characters as they unravel plots and explore a world full of secrets and deceptions. It puts a heavy emphasis on challenging turn-based combat, but often provides multiple paths to resolve a conflict, giving you the ability to engage in diplomatic solutions, use stealth, emotionally manipulate or seduce people, and use your character's perception to reveal lies and unravel mysteries.

Sexual Content: The game is not a straightforward jerk-off game, but focuses on story and character development. Sexual content will nontheless play a major role as your character builds relationships with companions & allies & enemies, and explores his own sexuality while struggling with corruptive desires.
The game will primarily feature straight, futa and trap(gay) content, though the latter will always revolve around femboys or futas. Beyond that, there's a wide variety of sexual themes planned that, depending on the desire of the community, can branch out into many fetishes - though these will always be employed with respect to the story and the continuity of the world. (Incest, probably some bestiality, & multiple other fetishes are currently considered/planned, only guro is ruled out entirely)

Current Progress:
After months of setting up stuff, setting up the artstyle & creating the artwork for the main characters, programming plugins & systems, etc. etc. we're now entering the phase where the first part of the game is actually being made that will be fully playable. We're currently a team of two (me, writing&programming, slaynee doing the artwork) who divide the workload of all the different roles among ourselves. The game is nontheless in a very early stage, though late enough that we're finally getting to actually creating content.

Artwork examples:
art3.png art4.png art2.png art1.png Angel(Default_Outfit_03).png Faye(Default_Outfit_02).png Ren(Nude_01).png

Slaynee - original creator & artist (patreon: )
kuraiken - writing, programming & organizing

What we're looking for:
  • We're looking for a 2D artist who can help with asset creation for RPG Maker MV.
Your primary work would be creating character sprites, objects & small animations (such as a door opening, showers running) in pixel art, focusing on a variant of the Dark Fantasy style, the TAB style (Tall Adult Body: ). Check out the link to see examples of what the characters look like.

Job description:
Your job is primarily to help with 2D pixel sprite assets for characters & objects, as well as some basic environment animation (basically just 3-4 pictures that bring some life into the scene).
You should...
  • Have some experience with a drawing program like photoshop or gimp and be able to draw pixel characters in the Dark Fantasy style
  • Be interested in honing your techniques & learning new skill
To make asset creation easier we're using the TAB ressource (link above) that I designed with WaywardMartian for Schlangan's extended character generator which allows us to generate characters in a more mature but still pixely artstyle. Part of your job will be to create generator parts that can then be used to create the characters in their various states of undress.
It's advantageous if you have photoshop, since I can then supply you with specific action scripts & other utilities I designed to make certain tasks easier, but it's not a problem if you don't - then I'll just handle those tasks on my end.

Employment Type:

There is currently no patreon income worth mentioning, since no game exists. You should primarily be motivated by an interest in working at a game, being challenged & an enthusiams to create things and see them come to life.
You can also take it as an opportunity to get a look behind the scenes, pick up some knowledge from the more advanced game-design techniques that are being used in RPGMV. You get to see the builds as they develop, can study the architecture of how the game is designed and you can ask questions for how & why I handle some of the more complex stuff that's in the game. (e.g. variable dialogue pictures that work in conjunction with a clothing system that ensures character pictures match up with the main outfit they're wearing)

Work Commitment:
Since there is no payment, we don't have any commitment expectations. You can help out to the extent that you wish, what you don't do, slaynee or I will have to do. (Which will take time away from tasks only he and I can do)
The only thing of importance is good communication - if you can't or won't do something, that has to be communicated.

Preferred method of contact:
We're currently handling communication via f95 personal messages. When the first actual version is released (there's currently only an outdated alpha) we'll probably open a discord or - depending on the size of the team & the interest of the community - other avenues of communication.

Additional Comments:
As you can probably imagine, the major reason we're looking for help is to help with some of the tasks that are time-consuming and force us to constantly switch gears while we're trying to get other things done. (final weather system implementation, lightmaps, all the artwork we need for characters & lewd content, game mechanics for the combat system, & all the mapping & writing & sound asset searching etc.)

While the work itself is unpaid, (putting you right now in the same position we're in) you do get to have influence on the game itself. If you stay around, you're a member of the team and that means that some of the things you'd like to have in the game will naturally become part of the game. As a basic requirement, you also get to see behind the scenes and what we're working on (though you might want to miss out on a couple of spoilery things).

While the primary work is 2D pixel art, you can also help with other tasks you're adapt at, if you so choose.

Should the game receive decent patreon funding, it's only reasonable that you get paid, too, though that would heavily depend on the degree to which you're involved in the project, though it should be emphatically stated that you shouldn't be in this for the money (since there's probably not going to be a whole lot in it, for anyone).
Do not have unrealistic expectations in that regard.
If you don't have a creative nature that likes to see things come into being, you're probably going to be disappointed by how much work is involved in creating a game. (Speaking from close to 4 months of nearly full-time work entirely unpaid here)

If you're still interested despite my best attempts to keep your expectations tame - contact me per pm.
Feel free to ask questions, give me an idea of who you are & what you're interested in, and what you're comfortable doing.
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Dec 5, 2017

We're still looking for people interested to join the team, primarily pixel artists.

If you're interested in what recruitment entails, check out the "Recruitment post" pdf that's attached to this post.
If you want a concise overview of the game concept & the artstyle/artwork, check out the Game Concept.


New Member
Nov 10, 2017
I may be interested in getting involved.
Could you start a private conversation with me?
I can't do it myself.