[R-Play tester] Unpaid Looking for feed back on my game 3YoV, a light hearted sci-fi/fantasy adult interactive visual novel.

Black Star Games

Game Developer
Mar 19, 2022
- 3YoV. (fixed versions uploaded)

Is a light hearted sci-fi/fantasy adult interactive visual novel. The game begins on our main protagonist's 30th birthday, where in this universe if you are a virgin by then you will find your self greeted by your new companion/mentor familiar as they will guide you through the process of learning your new found magical powers. The game will follow our main character as he uses his new found powers for the greater good lewd shenanigans and his apprehension as he is chosen to train and help fight against mystical and other worldly threats.

As for content you can expect in game so far, it is right now limited. The majority of the systems I want implemented are in place. A day/night and week day time cycle and an open world element (If that is the right term for it is, similar to what you see in Big Brother or Milfy City). The majority of coding, assets and story framework are done, all that is left is just making content (which is to say all the hard parts are done). Future plans are to include more stealth and scrying scenes, alchemy (love, strength, sleep and dissolving potions) and summoning magic to have casus belli to bring almost any character naturally in to the story. More locations and more girls and of course more sexy scenes.

- [Me] Black Star Games

Looking for:
- Feed back. Play the game and let me know what you think. What did you not like about something, things you would like to see changed ect..

Employment Type:
- Unpaid, Im not making money from it either : /

Work commitment:
- Game is still a work in progress, with the content right now it shouldnt take more than 30 minutes to go through it all.

Preferred method of contact:
- You can DM/Friend me on Discord Kon#4389 which would be the most direct and fastest way to communicate with me.
You can also send me your thoughts on this forum here or dm this f95 account. I am still getting things set up so I dont always check this account as often but I will make sure to check it and give replies to all feedback given to me.

Job Description:
- Have fun and enjoy. Let me know about the things you didnt like or would change.

Additional comments:
- I'm always happy to talk. Even if it is not feedback related send me a message. Whether if you want to chat, or ask questions or whatever it could be. Feel free to shoot them to me.
Don't be afraid to send me negative feedback, it wont hurt my feelings.

I'll posted some pics to give an idea of what the game looks like (these are all screenshots from in game).
rapunzeal.png Intro.png in Factory.png Fairy.png fe.png Ash Backyard.png
Last edited:

Black Star Games

Game Developer
Mar 19, 2022
Oops, I made a bit of a dumbass not posting the link to dl the game. Added them now. I cant test if the Mac or Android versions work (but I can hope to trust that Renpy builds them the exact same way)


Mar 23, 2022
Well....your game crash like right after I clicked start, I'm on MacOS is you're wondering. However from a brief experience, it ain't so bad

Black Star Games

Game Developer
Mar 19, 2022
It crashes after I press start, I can stare at the intro image for a solid 3 seconds then it crashes
Oh wow, that sounds soo weird. I wonder if all Mac users will have that issue. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll have to look into why something like that would happen.


Nov 5, 2017
Crashes on start as well on pc (although its not OS related). See below.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 101, in script
    nar "And so it begins."
  File "game/script.rpy", line 101, in script
    nar "And so it begins."
  File "renpy/common/000window.rpy", line 114, in _window_auto_callback
  File "renpy/common/000window.rpy", line 69, in _window_show
Exception: Could not find font u'D:/3YoV/game/fonts/3YoVFont.ttf'.


Mar 23, 2022
Crashes on start as well on pc (although its not OS related). See below.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 101, in script
    nar "And so it begins."
  File "game/script.rpy", line 101, in script
    nar "And so it begins."
  File "renpy/common/000window.rpy", line 114, in _window_auto_callback
  File "renpy/common/000window.rpy", line 69, in _window_show
Exception: Could not find font u'D:/3YoV/game/fonts/3YoVFont.ttf'.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 101, in script
nar "And so it begins."
File "game/script.rpy", line 101, in script
nar "And so it begins."
File "renpy/common/000window.rpy", line 114, in _window_auto_callback
File "renpy/common/000window.rpy", line 69, in _window_show
Exception: Could not find font u'D:/3YoV/game/fonts/3YoVFont.ttf'.
This is mine as well, I'll DM ya the others on discord (the OP)

Black Star Games

Game Developer
Mar 19, 2022
Fixed versions are uploaded. I tested it on a shitty laptop I have that doesnt have any of my games assets on it and it worked there, so im hopeful there shouldnt be any other issues.

Thanks you two for pointing it out. Coding the game to path to a font on my ssd was a silly mistake on my part.


Mar 23, 2022
Alrighty, I can play the game and will type out a review as I keep playing

-Renders are alright (for me at least)
-There is a fair amount of potential but its pretty samey story wise ( family member (male most of the time) dies then the MC has to fight the evil powers that the male figure fought while being surrounded with hot women family members)
-I ain't trying to complain too much since I'll slurp that content up and plus since its in the pros section
-I like the lil easter eggs to other games in the form of posters

-The comedy aspect is alright, sometimes feels a lil iffy
-Posing is sometimes strange (ex: Ash bends her hands at an unnatural degree cause I tried it myself)

Things that can be changed:
-The room of the MC, I feel like I live in a rusted metal box basically and my eyes are assaulted
-The first letters are in fancy fantasy letter font while the rest of the text will be in arial
-Mc's face, idk why but a younger looking man makes me feel more immersed

Things to perhaps add:
-Instead of having "dialogue" or "event", make it specific and if you dont have content for that route just put up the classic 'Under Construction'
-no NTR :) (maybe besides netori, could fit considering what the MC is)
-custom outfits, the wardrobe is looking lacking and so is the MC

As a game: 4.5/10
As a game thats beginning: 6/10

I hope you luck and yea I wish I could type more but I'm too lazy. Anyway see ya around


Black Star Games

Game Developer
Mar 19, 2022
Hey thanks for the feedback

The first letters are in fancy fantasy letter font while the rest of the text will be in arial
As for the font, this was something I was iffy about. I tried using different fonts but in the end I really really liked the default dejavu font that renpy uses, but i dunno, i feel it seems kinda lazy staying with the default, you know? So i mashed in another to spice it up. Seems ill have to relook in to that.

The comedy aspect is alright, sometimes feels a lil iffy
Oh I know my writing can be a little cringy at times. Definitely could use a writer but ill try to tighten it up as I dont think anyone would want to work free.

Mc's face, idk why but a younger looking man makes me feel more immersed
We'll, the plot of the game is that he is suppose to be 30 years old.

custom outfits, the wardrobe is looking lacking and so is the MC
That whole little thing is suppose to be a joke, the mc will never have wardrobe options. : D

Always good to hear other peoples perspectives on things, the rest you brought up I will keep in mind and try to fix/adjust as I can.

Game wise I still have a list of things I want to complete before putting this game out as an official initial release. Just looking to get peoples feels for the art, interface and systems (as I dont have anyone else to bounce thoughts and ideas off of).

Minor thing, the story part you mentioned isnt how its going to go but understandable as I havnt filled it out yet but is something I am working on atm.

Really do appreciate the feedback and hope this doesnt come off sounding like I am making excuses, I just like to add discourse. Anywho, thanks for your thoughts on it and maybe one day I can put out a product that you and others can enjoy and look forward to. :)

Black Star Games

Game Developer
Mar 19, 2022
Somethings that I saw. It seems fine.
1. What are you playing on/or what settings where it is cutting off most the words?

6. I do plan on doing a non-patreon along with a patreon release that will have that plus more (since some things are against patreon rules).

7. I do actually have something along those lines planed :D

11. Fayes transformation is just a one and done but I do have plans to continue that same story line with Ash and MC (albeit with different outcomes).

13. I think you might be referring to one of the wizard hat encounters (I need to come up with a better name for it), I'll see if I can reproduce that error and fix it


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022
Black Star Games

1. I'm playing it on PC. Not sure what settings your talking about all I ever have to do is start a renpy game and play. Windowed mode and full screen mode both have the words going off of screen.

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11. As long as nothing it permanent. Let me guess the MC's outcome will be him getting the generically generic horse cock.

13. It's the first witch hat event where the roider appeared at the end of the scene where it transitions back to the MC's room is where you'll notice the grey scene with the words room_dick_desk at the top and then it disappears and the room picture appears.


New Member
Jul 4, 2020
Alright so I played a bit, not everything it had to offer, but most of it I believe. Let's start with this, it's not bad, has some real potential. There's just a few things I personally would change.

1. The font and colors for your font are distracting. They kind of just scream 4th grade powerpoint presentation. My recommendation on this part is to keep speaking text white, whereas you can pick colors for specific characters names. You also can use a creative font for the names, but those swirls are just ugly. Use a nice readable font for the text portion like a sans serif in white and it's already on its way to improvement.

2. The UI and navigation of room-space and dialogue seems janky. First example, the text color that we covered in the previous point. Keep it white with an opaque grey backdrop and have the hover color be something else, that is still not hard to look at. As for navigation of space and UI, I think it could be simplified, the room nav panel in the bottom left doesn't need the color backdrop, it's distracting. I would also use a different icon for the map. The gallery, stats and hints could be simplified together to clean up the screen. For example, put the time of day in the top left with the map, and in a simplified tab put the gallery, hints and such in the top right.

3. I know it's in fairly early development, and if you don't want to that's cool too, but animations at some point will definitely elevate the overall experience.

4. You've already got your baseline story out, but if I may, I would say you don't have to introduce every character right out the gate. It's like an exposition dump, and those get overwhelming and ultimately forgotten. -biggest tip I can give you, is write good characters and a solid story, with sex as a byproduct of that good story. That is what people will come back for.

5. Framing. The game as it stands is basically a slideshow, so making sure the camera is framing the scene well goes a long way. A simple youtube video on the rule of thirds goes a long way.

That's all the feedback I've got as of right now. I wish you luck in this endeavour and am excited to see where it goes. Cheers.

Black Star Games

Game Developer
Mar 19, 2022
Alright so I played a bit, not everything it had to offer, but most of it I believe. Let's start with this, it's not bad, has some real potential. There's just a few things I personally would change.
Hey thanks for the feedback~!

1. The fonts have certainly been an issue for some, I'll bring it back to the defaults and shelve it for later for when I can find something that I think will work.

3. Animations I definitely want to do but right now not really practical with the hardware I currently have, but animations will certainly be an inclusion once after I have all the baseline things finished.

4. The intro I have do have planned to re-write for that exact reason 'It feels like an exposition dump'. At the time it was something I threw in there to have a base line to work with while learning renpy. Right now its on the back burner until I can think of something more suitable.

5. Good call. This is something I can certainly implement more and/or be more conscience of when im doing my renders.

2. I saved 2 for last as it is something im not quite sure i follow. The green fog behind the room icons i can dilute a little as a compromise, which is fine and understandable. When you say the icons can be simplified, what exactly do you mean? Like the icons themselves are too busy, or are they taking up too much screen space, or do you want the icons inside a singular icon that opens up to show the hud icons?


New Member
Jul 4, 2020
Hey thanks for the feedback~!

1. The fonts have certainly been an issue for some, I'll bring it back to the defaults and shelve it for later for when I can find something that I think will work.

3. Animations I definitely want to do but right now not really practical with the hardware I currently have, but animations will certainly be an inclusion once after I have all the baseline things finished.

4. The intro I have do have planned to re-write for that exact reason 'It feels like an exposition dump'. At the time it was something I threw in there to have a base line to work with while learning renpy. Right now its on the back burner until I can think of something more suitable.

5. Good call. This is something I can certainly implement more and/or be more conscience of when im doing my renders.

2. I saved 2 for last as it is something im not quite sure i follow. The green fog behind the room icons i can dilute a little as a compromise, which is fine and understandable. When you say the icons can be simplified, what exactly do you mean? Like the icons themselves are too busy, or are they taking up too much screen space, or do you want the icons inside a singular icon that opens up to show the hud icons?
In regards to 2, the screenspace just seems busy with different buttons, making a 'mini menu' would be an idea to say, clean it up a bit. But I'm sure gots lots of content and improvements to come. Best of luck