[R> Other] Looking for beta testers for my Unity Asset - EZ Visual Novel


Jul 24, 2020
EZ Visual Novel
EZ Visual Novel is an asset for the Unity game engine. It allows users to create Visual Novels in Unity without the need to code. Users set their game data in the Database, then direct their scenes using the custom visual scripting system.

Although currently incomplete, I'm aiming to get the beta completed by the end of the year and move to an Alpha build. The Alpha build will include additional features such as:
  • A UI for the saving and loading system
  • Unlockables and a gallery UI
  • An Inventory System - With options to affect choices based on inventory.
  • And option to display just text or text with a portrait picture for the character talking.
  • Plus other planned features for post alpha
All of these features will be added as updates over the next few months.


Looking for:
Beta Testers

Employment Type:
Unpaid / Free access to the EZVN Asset

Work commitment:

Preferred method of contact:
DM me here

Job Description:
I'm looking for about 5-10 beta testers to help with development of the tool. Users will get a free download of the current build and access to the Discord. I'm looking for people to try out the asset, play around with it and give feedback on the current build. Maybe help set up the Discord too. Participation is going to pretty casual, I don't expect people to give serious time to the project, but I am looking for people that are genuinely interested in the project, will test it and that will communicate and participate.

Beta testers must have both Unity and Discord.

If you're interested, please reply to here or DM me and I'll send you a link to the Discord.

Saint Blackmoor

Saint and Sinner
Oct 26, 2017
Hey, this sounds pretty cool. I'm not a big Unity player, but I want to help.
My discord is saintblackmoor.


Feb 7, 2019
I joined your Patron channel(?) and Discord to help support your efforts. I've no real experience with Unity, but I'm very interested in your menu/visual-based VN building system and would love to try it out.


Jul 24, 2020
HUGE thanks to Grap for signing up to the Patreon!

Still need 3-6 more Beta Testers however, so if interested just reply here or DM me.

To add a bit more detail.

You'll get access to this months build for free. No need to sign up the Patreon. Also, I'm looking mainly for people who would like to make a Visual Novel but don't know how to code as that's the target audience. However, I'm also accepting people that can code and willing to offer feedback on the C# scripts from the toolkit.

Mainly however, I'm just asking people to play around with the toolkit and report back any bugs they find so I can fix them for Septembers update.



New Member
Jul 4, 2021
HUGE thanks to Grap for signing up to the Patreon!

Still need 3-6 more Beta Testers however, so if interested just reply here or DM me.

To add a bit more detail.

You'll get access to this months build for free. No need to sign up the Patreon. Also, I'm looking mainly for people who would like to make a Visual Novel but don't know how to code as that's the target audience. However, I'm also accepting people that can code and willing to offer feedback on the C# scripts from the toolkit.

Mainly however, I'm just asking people to play around with the toolkit and report back any bugs they find so I can fix them for Septembers update.

Hey, I'd be interested to participate in beta test. I have some experience working with unity and C#.