[R>Artist 2D] Paid Looking for a 2d artist (or a few of them)


New Member
Aug 7, 2018
Hey, guys! I'm currently working on a new game and I'm pretty good at programming and writing, but really bad at drawing, so I'm looking for someone (or more than one person) who can help me improve the game.

The style I'm seeking is a 2d type of characters, but NO anime. I mean... something more realistic. I'm open to see all the proposals. The game is based on the medieval period, so the characters will be dressed like that. Also, it'll be an erotic game, so if you don't feel confortable with drawing that (i mean, what are you doing here then mate) then I'm afraid we can't help each other.

I'm looking forward to find someone who can do backgrounds, design characters and illustrations. Or a few people who can do one of those things. It's a paid job, btw. If you tell me directly what you charge for a job, I'll be really grateful.

If you are interested in working with me, please send me an email to [email protected] and I'll answer as short as possible. You can leave a comment here if you prefer it, but I really rather an email.

I'll tell you more info in private.

Btw, I'm opened to a long term partnership if we come to that point.

Thx for reading me :D