[R> Other] [R>Artist 3D] Share Looking for 3D Artist (Daz or other) and 3D Animators for 3D open world RPG game


Mar 31, 2018
Hey everyone,

- I recently started working on a 3D open world RPG game in Unity with a detailed character creation.
The game is planned to have detailed characters with many sex animations (inspired by Wild Life).
The character creation will have customization to most/all body parts, plus gender choice (futa as well), and possibly different non-human races in the future.

I attached some screenshots of the character creation menu and open world system (both still in-progress). The screenshots use placeholder assets (from my old game).

The plan is to start with a demo showcasing the character creation and a good amount of sex animations/scenes.

For the main idea of the game, the sex scenes could be rewarded by any or combination of the following: performing quests, interactions, during combat, or any other ideas.
Open to ideas about this and other aspects of the game.

- I previously developed solo (not a sex game). I also developed many other smaller games and apps (from multiplayer games to kink-based dating app).

I currently work as a Game Senior developer and have over 6 years experience with programming and Unity development.

Looking for:
- Daz (or other) Artist
- 3D animator(s).

Employment Type:
- Revenue Share. The Revenue Share will be calculated by the amount of work done by each person.

Work commitment:
- Long term, possibly other projects in the future as well.

Preferred method of contact:
- Post here or Discord itsnottme#0607

Job Description:
- Looking for Daz Artist (or another system) that can set up the characters, clothing, and other aspects to import to Unity for the character creation system.
- Looking for 3D animator(s) that can create animations (especially sex animations).
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