README Like Totals Recount

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The Angry Person
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
If we're all done acting like children. I'm closing this thread down, you're all welcome to talk among yourselves in PMs our outside of our services. If i see anyone engaging about this conversation in a public thread, you account will be forfeit. Then you can complain about losing all your "likes" and "replies" and "trophies" and whatever else comes.


Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
So likes don't mean anything, yet you were going out of your way to spam like each other. :FuckYea:

And I guess you're all right, you were just liking funny and helpful things. Funny how you found a group of people before they started to post those funny and helpful things and then by chance they all started to post funny and helpful things. Coincidences are funny.

The screenshots have been posted. It's more than clear what you were doing, if you are going to say you were just liking random and funny things, your words betray you. If you say that likes are useless and mean nothing, your actions betray you, if you have any other excuse, I think your actions or words will always betray you.

So are we done here, or should I go get some popcorn? :)
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